The Duke and the Holy See acquiesced that Roman had the qualifications and ability to demand ransom.

But the asking price is too harsh.

The Black Iron Royal Family's annual financial income is only about 200,000 gold coins.

Asking prices all over the sky and paying back the money on the ground.

Roman didn't expect to win the battle, so he asked Gale to sell his underwear.

Then use other resources to replace it.

As for the specific replacement, it will be negotiated.

Gale sent Robert, the chief knight of Dragon Castle, and the Holy See sent a bishop named Abella.

Next to Roman was Seth, followed by a group of fighting forces.

"Lord Roman, your greed surprises me. This is not the price a noble should ask for. If you are captured..."

He waved his hand to interrupt the bishop: "Then I will commit suicide!"

"You are a bit extreme..." the bishop said slowly. The doctrine prohibits believers from committing suicide.

"Lord Roman Split Armor, you have lived up to your name." Robert said.

"Call me the King of the River Valley! Lord Robert, you know that my surname was given to me by Ulster, not Gale!" His eyes were as menacing as a lion's, "You are responsible for these ransoms! It cost me a lot and I should have given Kate's head to Gail - better not doubt that or I swear you'll be in for a shock!"

"I think you are crazy!" Robert said angrily. He is the coach of Dragon Castle. All the young people in Dragon Castle have received his guidance. He looked at the two knights behind Roman, "You are also going crazy like him?"

"Sir, you taught us loyalty when you were at Dragon Castle, and I think I did it." Green said calmly.

Aaron secretly kicked him and told him to shut up. Is this an occasion where you can speak?

"I think you don't know how to live or die!" Robert's dark eyes were full of disgust, "Maybe I should teach you to distinguish right from wrong!"

"I know right from wrong better than you!" Green responded.

"Pull out your weapons!" the instructor stood up and shouted.

He is nearly seventy years old, but his body is very strong, lean and strong.

Roman kicked the negotiating table over, and the scene fell into silence. Everyone heard his cold voice: "If you don't want to talk, get out!"

"Sir Robert, Lord Roman, let's sit down and have something to say..." The bishop was busy trying to smooth things over.

Archduke Gale could no longer suppress the roar of the King of the River Valley. Although their current power was still very different, the King of the River Valley was not afraid of Archduke Gale.

It's no wonder that even if there are 100,000 external troops, they may not be able to attack this valley.

Robert sat down with a livid face.

The main force in the negotiation is not the instructor. He is a qualified and powerful warrior, but not good at negotiating.

It was a financial officer from Longburg who held this position.

On Roman's side, Seth came forward.

The three parties discussed the details one after another.

It was not until the third day that the specific compensation list was finally determined.

The ransom for cracking armor is five thousand gold coins, one hundred and fifty thousand silver coins, three hundred kilograms of magic stones, five hundred blue gems, five hundred red gems, three hundred green gems, one hundred rare gems, etc.

The Holy See's ransom was two hundred kilograms of magic stone, three million kilograms of saltpeter, two million kilograms of sulfur, one hundred blood corals, etc.

In addition, the Holy See tried to redeem all the nuns and priests, but Roman refused to agree.

He was satisfied with the price for the time being.

So I signed it happily.

Li Jia and the Holy See signed their names sweating profusely.

The most valuable thing is actually the magic stone.

Gold coins and gems are secondary.

Dragon Castle is as rich as any country, and there is no shortage of all kinds of gems in the treasure house of Archduke Splitting Armor.

Gemstones are not expensive. One gemstone only costs five or six gold coins on average, and its quality is basically not as good as the one Ulster gave to Roman.

So let alone three to five hundred, thousands of gems of the same color can be obtained, but this is family wealth, so Longbao is determined not to exchange all the gems.

And saltpeter and sulfur are even cheaper.

It is said to be a unit of one million kilograms, but the total value is only a few thousand gold coins.

Although there is Glauber's salt mine here in Roman, it is not easy to mine, so it is better to replace it with ready-made ones.

Humans in this era have been mining saltpeter, mainly for making glass, and the output is not large.

Those magic stones are the most important. Even though they only weigh a few hundred kilograms, they are priced the same as gold and are not sold to the public at all.

Now that the noble contracts were signed, Roman directly released the prisoners.

Breaking the contract is tantamount to declaring war on the Black Iron King.

But when both sides saw the miserable state of the prisoners, their expressions turned bad.

The only good thing is that Roman only sent people to break their limbs instead of cutting them off, otherwise they would really be useless.

"Lord Roman, where is the armor of the Judgment Knight?" the bishop forced a smile.

"Do you think I will return it to them?" Roman said coldly.

The bishop's smile became even more bitter.

Origin City probably doesn’t have the technology to forge orichalcum, so why are you hacking this thing?

What's more, that stuff is really expensive.

More than one hundred kilograms of orichalcum was forged into a set of plate armor, and the cost alone was three-digit gold coins. Moreover, the plate armor was all custom-made, so manpower and material resources were difficult to calculate.

100 copper coins are exchanged for 1 gold coin, which may be due to the high value of gold coins.

But if 100 pounds of orichalcum is exchanged for 1 pound of fine gold, then the price of orichalcum will definitely not be lower than that of fine gold.

Now the direct compensation of thirty sets is basically equivalent to tens of thousands of gold coins thrown into the water. Even the Holy See is very painful.

As for the Broken Armor side, seeing this situation, they also knew that the Broken Longbow would not come back.

Robert could only carry the remnants of the defeated army back.

Equipment can be rebuilt if lost, as long as the people are still alive.

The result of the negotiation was within Roman's expectations, which made him finally relax.

War can bring huge dividends.

But Roman is unlikely to start a war again in the short term, and now it's time to lick his wounds.

With this batch of supplies, Origin City will usher in a period of rapid development, not the smooth linear improvement as before, but an explosive improvement.

As the saying goes, every failure makes you wiser.

The tragedy of the Spring Rain War cannot be repeated a second time.

For the whole year to come, Roman will consolidate the foundation and continue to improve military strength.

This is also the reason why he is unwilling to hand over the mountain copper plate armor.

In the five-dimensional attributes, mountain copper corresponds to physique. The thirty sets of mountain copper plate armor can allow Roman to improve the physique attributes of more than 500 apostles.

The improvement of physique means having a stronger load-bearing capacity.

At that time, everyone will be armored!

Roman was preparing to manufacture armor on a large scale. He initially chose the style of lamellar armor, but in the end he chose to standardize the armor as plate armor.

It is not a full-body style, but a half-body style, focusing on protecting the torso. The integrated structure can effectively disperse the impact force.

Therefore, plate armor is the ceiling of defense for all armor.

The disadvantage is that it is very difficult to manufacture.

Due to the production technology, it is impossible to mass-produce plate armor.

Even if Roman invented a hydraulic forging hammer, the working hours and manpower required for plate armor are still exaggerated.

So until now, Roman's army is generally equipped with simple plate chain armor-large iron sheets installed on chain mail, which has extremely poor resistance to impact force.

If you want to mass-produce plate armor on a large scale, you can only light up more cutting-edge technology points.

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