The war in the North Sea is intense.

The pirates and the cracked armor have fought three large-scale wars so far, and there are countless small-scale wars.

Both sides suffered injuries to each other, and the number of casualties alone was close to five figures.

But there is no way.

Just very anxious!

You can't do anything to me, and I can't do anything to you.

After fighting back and forth, it was a draw.

The Archduke of Armor Split couldn't hold on any longer, and the battle against the pirates was going smoothly for the time being - if he didn't lose, he would win, so he was able to defend himself.

But things didn't go well on the eastern battlefield.

The Black Iron Nobles and the Plateau Kingdom joined forces and faced the barbarian retreat. The Broken Archers suffered heavy casualties and needed military support.

And the pirates couldn't hold on any longer.

After fighting for a whole year, the battle line is still stagnant in the north. So many people have died, but they have not rushed to the south.

Pirate King Alex's status is somewhat shaken.

Do you have the ability to lead us to enjoy the hot and spicy food?

The Pirate King learned from the experience and discovered that in terms of army morale, organization, and elite strength, we pirates are no worse than our opponents in every aspect.

Why can't we win?

Equipment problem!

A full-scale invasion and large-scale battle.

There are tens of thousands of pirates alone, not to mention handymen and slaves. These troops bring their own equipment.

Although some pirate groups have grabbed money in the Black Iron Land, they can buy sophisticated equipment.

But that doesn't mean that all pirates are like this.

The uneven quality of weapons is the norm.

And weapons... are subject to wear and tear.

Friends who often chop people know that even with a bone chopping knife, if you chop a dozen people, you still have to have a gap.

And the iron-making technology of this era was not that developed.

The quality varies, some are high carbon, some are low carbon, they are not even steel, they are simply made of wrought iron, and some are even made of inferior materials like phosphorus iron.

So Alex said that whoever can solve the equipment problem will be of great benefit.

"The Pirate King hopes to establish a cooperative relationship with you and exchange slaves for weapons and armor."

This is what Scar Tou came for.

The weapons of the Crack Armor are excellent, and the weapons of the King of the River Valley must also be excellent.

There is no way to beat high-quality products with inferior products.

What can beat high-quality products must be better quality.

If this order is made.

From now on, his status and power will be greatly improved, and the profits he can make will be even more lucrative.

Roman frowned slightly.

He didn't like Gale, and he didn't like the pirates even more.

But the deal couldn't have come at a better time.

He is still very short of population.

But after becoming a Lord, he can no longer rob for no reason, at least not in the Black Iron Land.

The main problem is that the penalty fee is a bit high.

The defenders of order take the lead in destroying order, and it is difficult for the Black Iron King to deal with it.

Roman had reason to believe that this was one of the purposes of the Dark Iron King in granting him the title of Lord.

In the past, you were just barbarians when you said they were barbarians. Now I will give you a high hat and raise your status to a noble of this level. Stop doing such shameless things.

I have to admit, this trick is quite effective.

It won't do any more to commit an aboveboard robbery.

The only way to replenish the population is to purchase slaves.

The King of the River Valley showed no objection or support for the time being. He just said lightly: "Let me hear your price."

“One slave has an axe, or two one-handed swords, four spears, and forty arrows;

“Two slaves, a longbow, or a helmet;

"Ten slaves and one chain mail."

The King of the River Valley frowned slightly and tapped the armrest with his fingers.

"Your slaves are not worth the price," he said.

"Your Highness, we have slaves of higher value, dyehouse workers, tailors, masons, lawyers, scholars..." Scar Tou has many family treasures,

"You also know that ordinary people cannot afford this price, and only a wealthy king like you can buy them all.

"In addition, we have noble ladies and noble women here. We won't touch some of them. After all, they have to be exchanged for ransom - but we can give you a list. Whichever one you want, we will send over. ”

"Double the price!" The King of the River Valley decided, "The price of my weapons will double."

Scarhead looked embarrassed. He estimated that the price would increase by half.

The result was doubled.

Ten thousand ordinary slaves can only be exchanged for five thousand axes, or ten thousand one-handed swords, or two hundred thousand arrows.

I know that population is quite worthless, but shipping costs are.

Scarhead was a little confused.

Pirates invade land in an all-round way. Specifically, they are not just for grabbing money, but also for grabbing land.

The rich and fertile land is much better than the bitter cold land of Yigo.

The land used to belong to the nobles, but now the nobles have been hacked to death by pirates.

But there are still farmers living in that land for generations.

The land carrying capacity of the Black Iron Land was almost reaching its limit. The reason why it has not been reached is because before the pirates came, there were various low-intensity, small-scale wars that continued to consume the population.

But the number of people alive is not a small number.

We can't just cut them all off.

That was a massacre.

The idea of ​​​​pirates is very simple, leaving some farmers to cultivate the land, and there is no need to keep other farmers. Otherwise, the population pressure will be too great and it will be inconvenient to rule.

It would be great if it can be exchanged for benefits, but it is a business without capital.

"I have no right to make the decision on this. I have to ask the Pirate King." Scarhead finally said.

He came here just to test the King of the Valley. No matter what the price is, he has to go back to consult the Pirate King. He can't do it without his approval.

Now that the pirates have established a foothold in the north, Scarhead returned with several weapon samples.

With the help of the river, it is very convenient to go back and forth, and it only takes a few days.

After all, the North Ice warships are famous for being fast.

Ten days later.

Scarhead rowed dozens of North Ice warships upstream, carrying more than 3,000 slaves, and arrived at the dock of Origin City.

This is a group of carefully selected and high-quality slaves.

Most of them have their own crafts. Even if they don't have crafts, they are young people with good physiques.

The value of one person is equivalent to two or three ordinary slaves.

Seth and Jimmy received the slaves at the dock and confirmed their value.

Because such things happen every once in a while, this process is very mature.

Roman didn't waste any words. He directly selected a batch of discarded and unused weapons from the abandoned warehouse, but they looked good and sent them to the pirates.

The pirates, who were licking blood on the blade, could tell at a glance that it was a used weapon.

But the fine steel material was much better than most weapons of the current era.

It was just a little rusty, just polish it a few more times, and it would immediately shine with cold light.

The pirates waved their weapons on the spot, tried the feel, and felt very satisfied when they heard the sound of the tigers and the wind.

It was very handy!

Scarhead came to see the King of the Valley again. He knelt on one knee and said, "Your Highness, the Pirate King is very satisfied with the quality of your weapons. He asked me to ask if you can customize plate armor here? He is willing to pay the price of 500 slaves."

Roman told him to get out.

You want to rebel!

Do you know that hiding armor is a capital crime!

As for the weapons he traded with the pirates...

Roman didn't take them seriously.

Even if I give you a million pieces, what's the matter?

Whether it's a cracked armor or a pirate, I will fight both equally!



PS: Book friends group 975842136, ignored the platform difference, sorry, the group number is provided to the brothers on Qyue

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