Shasta meets Roman at the manor.

The latter has been waiting for her for a long time.

"Greetings to you, King of the Vale."

Shasta was well versed in court etiquette and his bowing movements were impeccable.

"Night Witch, we meet again." Roman smiled.

"You are very different now than you were two years ago." The witch said with mixed emotions.

"But my promise is still valid." Roman was in a good mood.

"At that time, I just thought you were talking in your sleep. Later, I was so exhausted that I forgot your proposal. Now it seems that I underestimated your ability. You surprised me." She admitted this point simply.

The remote little aristocrat back then has grown into a veritable king.

"Humanity will progress, Shasta. Humanity is born to progress," Roman repeated this, gesturing and saying,

"Those who stagnate or even regress will only be swept into the garbage heap. They are destined to be abandoned by the advancing era. And I am already standing at the forefront and top of the wave of the times."

"Ulster said the same thing."

There was more gloom on his face: "He brought it upon himself, but he is not guilty of this. I have many things to ask you.

"Someone assassinated the Archduke of Armor Splitter, and there are widespread rumors that it was a witch. Shasta, please convince me with the truth."

"You are very wise and sensible. The Holy See put the blame on us and consumed the witch's power." Seeing Roman's calm face, Shasta couldn't help but said, "It seems that you have already guessed."

"What is the relationship between Witchwood and Ulster?"

Shasta pondered for a moment, "He once cooperated with Witch Lin. This relationship originally originated from the Conqueror period. The witch promised to help him. However, due to various reasons, Ulster and the witch gradually lost contact."

This secretive relationship predates Roman's birth.

One generation is enough time for the two forces to develop from a close relationship to one that will never interact with each other until death.

This is not surprising. It can only be regarded as normal social development, especially for those in power in the old era. Personal likes and dislikes will trump territorial interests most of the time.

"What are you going to do to help him?"

"Help him become the second conqueror."

"Why didn't you do it?"

"...the time has not come."

Roman frowned, "What time?"

"...We are not sure of victory. If you are not sure of victory, will you send troops to fight against the rebels? No, you will only huddle in this valley and wait for the opportunity - the witch has not yet saved up. Although the human race is not ready for a real decisive battle, it will fall into a long and difficult civil war. Our strength will be exhausted internally, but what we gain will not be as much as what we lose. The prophet said that there will be great things in the future. In that catastrophe, Witch Forest was either reborn from the ashes or destroyed."

"Who is the prophet?"

"A witch who can foresee the future can see key nodes in the development of history. Unfortunately, Witch Forest has ushered in its second ending - we failed to rise from the ashes."

"Do you really believe in prophecies?"

"Oh, it seems that you don't believe in illusory things. Let me advise you not to listen, but you have to be in awe of it. The prophet's spell is very special. She can see everyone's destiny."

"Then where is she?"

Shasta remained silent.

She doesn't talk about everything, talking about some basic things is a sign of sincerity. As a leader in cracked armor, the other party is qualified to know those things.

Roman had no choice but to change the topic: "Why not protect Ulster, but wait until Ulster dies before you attack the Holy City?"

"The prophet can see the future development trend, but she cannot really see the future, and she does not know that Ulster will be murdered." Shasta said, "The second question is that the situation is forcing us to have no choice. ”

"Why don't you have a choice?"

"Because Witch Lin is too strong now, so strong that it makes some people uneasy... Don't look at me like this, what do you think we are? We have survived the long night, and have been influenced by the world. In its heyday, Witch Lin can kill dragons with blood Fort, I have no intention of targeting the Crack Armor Family, but the fact is that Witch Lin can take away any Black Iron Duke and his power, even the Raging Tide Family."

Roman crossed his fingers and placed them on his abdomen, "Then I don't think Gale can pose a threat to you."

"Because he is not the only one. They are forcing us to die. Are we going to turn around and deal with them? That is meaningless. The human race cannot have civil strife. It is self-destruction. On the contrary, if we win, those who are watching will not If you continue to look on coldly, you will be able to believe us..."

Shasta stared at Roman with his bright eyes, which silently exuded sadness.

As a result, they failed.

Witch Forest dispatched all its combat units to win a glimmer of hope.

Roman sighed: "Then what can you bring me now?"

Shasta pursed her lips.

The original living space has all collapsed, and the witch is looking for a new resting place.

"Whatever you want," she said.

Roman shook his head, "Shasta, this negotiation is not about what I want, but about what you have. Just say what you have."

He still knows nothing about the organizational system of Witch Forest.

And he only likes people who know everything.

To put it simply, expose your underwear and let him take a closer look at the witch's true identity.

Roman likes to have everything in his hands.

"During the Conqueror period, there were twelve seats for court witches. The prophet was at the bottom, so there was no expedition. Later, she and other witches founded the Witch Forest. She can see the future and stimulate the hidden potential of witches. The potential of most members of the Witch Forest has been activated. It's just that we are scattered now, and we have nothing. Only the prophet can pay you."

"Why did she go to Cang Yue?"

Shasta pursed her lips and said, "Because the land of Cang Yue can interfere with the deduction of the fortune teller - the prophet can predict the future, but Sinnoh and the Church also have fortune tellers who are proficient in astrology. Their mysterious power is not much weaker than the prophet. We can successfully raid the Holy City, all thanks to the cover of the magic mirror..."

"The magic mirror is the artifact that the prophet brought out from the Conqueror's treasury. It is said that it can reflect the entire land. I don't know the rest."

She said enough, staring at Roman and waiting for him to express his opinion.

Roman thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "If I send a little witch to the prophet, will she help me stimulate the child's potential?"

Shasta nodded: "Yes, I promise - as long as she has potential."

"And the witch's inherited knowledge, I also want to take a look."

"That's fine!" She answered very straightforwardly, not caring about the secret leak at all.

This made Roman very satisfied, "Then what do you want me to do for you?"

"We have wounded, but there is no place to put them."

Roman frowned: "That's all?"


"What about you?"

"We have to continue wandering."

Because of the fortune teller, witches cannot gather together in large numbers and stay in one place for a long time.

Especially for seat witches like Margaret, the probability of being exposed is very high.

Now the magic mirror can no longer provide them with shelter.

The Cangyue Land certainly interfered with the fortune teller, but it also interfered with the power of the magic mirror.

Except Cangyue, all the strongholds in the witch forest have been destroyed.

This is the only safe and reliable stronghold.

They also need to go out to attract the attention of the Church to prevent this place from being seen as a gathering place for witches.

As long as they are still active, the Church will know that they have three burrows and do not put all their eggs in one basket, so they will continue to chase the cunning rabbits outside.

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