The standard of the knights cannot measure witches, it can only be used as a reference.

Witches basically have innate spells.

Some innate spells are strong, some are weak.

Innate spells are not equal to all witches, because there are basic general spells.

Even if there is no innate spell, general spells can be used well to become strong.

Gweil and Sana are both learning general spells.

This group of witches is different, they have grown up a long time ago.

So Roman has to examine a problem.

There are 18 witches in total.

Margaret is a high-level witch, and the other 17 are mid-level witches.

Let’s not talk about the former for now. According to Witch Lin, the lowest level of a mid-level witch is equivalent to a third-level knight.

Roman still attaches more importance to this group of witches.

When the five seriously injured people get better, it means that he has directly obtained 18 extraordinary people above the third level.

So, what can the witches do?

First of all, we must admit that they are spellcasters, people who need to rest, not tireless and overworked monsters.

Among this group of people, there is a fire witch named Mabel, whose innate spell is fire spell.

According to Roman's speculation, the flames she releases are probably between more than 1,000 and more than 2,000 degrees.

Anyway, it is definitely higher than the temperature of the blast furnace in the blacksmith shed.

But what can Roman let Mabel do?

Burn lime cement? Smelt iron in a blast furnace? Process iron ingots? Or do the business of smelting alloys?

Or more sophisticated metal processing, such as producing seamless steel pipes and cannon barrels?

The answer is none of them!

At least not now.

It takes about three to five minutes for Mabel to quickly heat a 20-pound iron ingot to the point where it can be forged.

However, time is not the point.

The point is that heating steel is a process that requires constant heat output.

Roman knew the limitations of the expedition knight long before he designed the hydraulic forging hammer.

A fifth-level knight can definitely swing a 200-jin hammer for forging.

But he has a very strong physique and endurance, and he can hit once every three seconds on average.

But after half a day, the knight's arms must be extremely sore.

Roman dares to swear that if he hits again, the fifth-level knight's arms will be crippled.

And the hydraulic forging hammer can run for half a month, not to mention half a day. If a part is damaged, just replace it.

But Roman dares to treat Mabel as a flame perpetual motion machine, then this perpetual motion machine can only be used intermittently for half an hour, and then it will be scrapped!

Because witches are also human beings, they need to eat when they are hungry and rest when they are tired.

There is no energy pipeline of the perpetual motion machine behind them.

Roman would like to ask.

What kind of witch can release a temperature of more than a thousand degrees for the whole morning, not feel tired after finishing, and can also drink afternoon tea leisurely? Discuss with other witches what to eat for dinner?

If Mabel has this kind of invincible strength...

Then she is not in the category of mid-level witches, even high-level witches cannot describe her.

Unless the gods worshipped by the church come forward, the witches are invincible land immortals and cannot be persecuted at all!

What conqueror order?

Witch order!!

Teach you to taste the iron fist of witches!

Roman's correct approach is not to let Mabel work in industry.

Instead, at all costs, build her a set of platinum, fine gold, or mithril armor.

In short, concentrate all resources on Mabel and arm her to the teeth.

Then throw her to the battlefield!

Humanoid flamethrower!

The flame temperature of the flamethrower carrying fuel is only about 1,000 degrees at most.

Mabel's flame temperature is higher than that of the flamethrower.

She is invincible on the battlefield.

When a high-level knight faces Mabel, he must evacuate the battlefield after resisting for two minutes, otherwise he will be burned to death.

With Mabel in his hands, he could crush the Church in five years at most.

In an extreme case, he could carry her directly into the Holy City and burn the Holy See.


The truth is that Mabel could only last ten minutes at most if she cast a spell of that intensity at full power before she fainted from exhaustion.

Roman pinched her philtrum to make it bleed, puffed up his cheeks and blew air into her like an inflatable doll, tried his best to wake her up, and then let her cast spells...

Then he successfully got a body that was squeezed to death.


So that scene was just a daydream.

Of course, Roman didn't think they were completely useless.

In fact, they just couldn't play a decisive role, but their supporting role was still great.

How to use them specifically depends on the person.

In the morning of the next day, Roman took the 12 witches to the military camp.

The most intuitive way to understand is to fight.

Roman's order was issued yesterday.

When they arrived at the military camp, a total of 500 warriors wearing plate armor gathered.

These members of the temporary army were either close to the first-level knights or first-level knights.

Dick, Aaron, Green, Nathan and other captains, squadron leaders, and captains were also in the army.

A square formation with strict formations and all elite soldiers stood in front of the witch.

"Are you asking us to deal with them?" Gwen shouted, "We can't win, no matter how we think about it."

She could see at a glance that the army in front of her could easily drown them.

Compared to them, those conscripts were nothing but pigs.

Roman said, "This is a trial!"

Shasta also said, "Then we can't exert our full strength."

This tepid exercise greatly weakened them. It would be good if they could exert 30% of their strength.

These witches are all people who have survived life-and-death battles. They are deadly killers when they attack. Now they are afraid of killing their opponents in the play, which will make it impossible for everyone to end the game.

Roman thought for a moment.

I have to admit that he didn't think it through.

If the war exercise doesn't work, then they can only rely on on-site deduction - everyone fights in slow motion.

The reason why Roman prepared for this trial is not only to test the power of witches.

More importantly, it is to let his army be mentally prepared and know that in addition to the knights, there is another kind of extraordinary unit in this world.

To the greatest extent possible, they will avoid being completely blind when encountering such situations in the future.

Everything is prepared, and if not prepared, it will be abandoned.

Dick, Green and others are also eager to try this simulated battle.

Probably because of the order of the conquerors, the witch forest never hostile to the nobles. Unless a certain noble hunted witches in a big way, there would be no chance for the two sides to fight.

Like a director, Roman explained the specific ideas of this war scene to the witches and the knights.

The concept of this slow-motion exercise is easy to understand.

Shasta suddenly said: "In this case, don't count Margaret, just let her watch from the side."

Roman glanced at Margaret, whose hair was combed, and the hair color seemed to be dyed red with blood, naturally scattered, covering most of her extremely charming face.

She spoke very little, and Roman had never seen Margaret speak on her own initiative.

She was like a vampire in an ancient castle, cold, silent, and silent, lying in a tomb would not make people feel out of place.

Hearing Shasta's words, she did not show any emotion.

"Okay." Roman agreed to Shasta's statement.

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