Roman is going to recruit 500 apostles this time.

He asked Gweil to help him add a blessing.

He tried it last time, but it didn't work.

It's probably because Gweil's practice is too shallow. She is a fox who wants to repay a favor before she transforms and doesn't even know illusion. She can be seen at a glance that she is not a human.

Witches rely on spells.

Spells happen to be Roman's weakness.

He lacks spell knowledge and can't cast spells, so he can't teach Gweil.

Garin is not proficient in spells either, and can only teach some basic things.

Those senior witches make up for this.

The steps to learn general spells are not difficult. You have to master the flow of spiritual energy and the coordination of hand gestures.

Innate spells are different.

Some witches' innate spells are too special, and some people have to spend their whole lives to study them.

But it's hard to say it's hard, and it's not hard to say it's not hard either.

Gweiler didn't need to study it thoroughly, as long as it could be used.

Although each witch's innate spells were different, they were all people who had walked this path. Just telling their personal experiences was of great reference value.

A witch might be a natural talent, but the spell system was collectively established by many natural talents.

Gweiler had long proved that she could interfere with Roman's probability of drawing cards.

When she didn't want to show up, Roman couldn't fish her out even if he drained the river.

But when she was useful, she was also a good helper for Roman to catch fish.

After digesting the potion, Gweiler's Taoism was also increased. Finally, she had the foundation for transformation, and it didn't matter if there was a tail hanging behind her.


Roman called her into the room to talk in private.

"Can I make my wish come true?" he asked.

"Yes! I can!" Gweiler nodded vigorously.

She is no longer the same as before.

Her sisters had long shown her the path that a witch should take.

Those spells inspired her deeply.

Especially Margaret's blood spell, the essence of that spell is not as simple as blood.

Just like her spell, it is not as simple as bad luck.

"My Roman, fate will favor you!" said the witch of fate.

The language sounded childish, but the tone was particularly long.

Her lips were lingering with hidden power, and the ripples caused echoed in the invisible dimension.

No one knows what fate can do, and to what extent.

No one knows what fate can change, whether it can change the rise and fall of a life or a group of lives.

But it has undoubtedly undergone some secret and profound changes quietly.

The special thing about fate is that Gweil can cast spells and leave the rest to fate.

What can't be done is not done.

But what can be done, there is a certain probability that it can be done.

Roman is also willing to believe her words.

He directly immersed his consciousness into the recruitment pool.

The chaotic recruitment pool, the starlight is getting denser.

It really was like the stars in the night sky, floating in the darkness and nothingness.

Roman's will stirred the pool, and in an instant the starlight began to shake and ripple like reflections in the water.

Roman didn't know the original appearance of those stars, but he knew that those stars contained what he needed.

Come on!



Ten rays of starlight went upstream, rushed out of the recruitment pool, and burst into dazzling golden light!


Thump thump thump thump!

[Five-star Margaret (can be given an Apostle code)

Attack: D+, Defense: D-, Speed: D+, Constitution: C, Energy: B+

Talent: Blood Control - Mind Control of Blood

First Skill: Born from Blood - Draw Strength from Blood

Second Skill: Blood Stance - Fully Release Physical Restrictions, All Attributes Are Significantly Improved]


Thump thump thump!

[Four-star Lusa (can be given an Apostle code)

Attack: E+, Defense: E, Speed: E+, Constitution: D+, Energy: D+

Talent: Life Sharing - Transferring Life Energy

Skill 1: Self-Healing Spell - Greatly Improves Self-Healing Power

Skill 2: Shelter Spell - Slightly Immune to Damage]

Ding ding ding ding ding!

[Five-star Shasta (can be given an Apostle code)

Attack: C-, Defense: D-, Speed: C-, Constitution: D, Energy: C-

Talent: Smoke - The smoke released has multiple effects

Skill 1: Night Assassination - Light and Agile Movements

Skill 2: Execution Piercing - A blow that ignores defense to a certain extent and exceeds the limit]

Ding ding ding ding!

[Three-star Ex (can be given the code name of Apostle)

Attack: D-, Defense: E+, Speed: D-, Constitution: E+, Energy: D

Talent: Escape from death - good at surviving

Skill 1: Mercenary skills - improve survivability

Skill 2: Lurk - strong endurance]

Ding ding ding!

[Three-star Andy (can be given the code name of Apostle)

Attack: E, Defense: E-, Speed: E-, Constitution: E, Energy: E

Talent: Digital thinking - very sensitive to numbers

Skill 1: Financial management - proficient in bookkeeping

Skill 2: Money-making - likes to plunder wealth, loves money]

Ding ding ding!

[Three-star Buni (can be given the code name of Apostle)

Attack: E+, Defense: E, Speed: E, Constitution: E+, Energy: E+

Talent: Follow the rules - calm personality, down-to-earth

Skill 1: Program Management - Complete tasks in a planned manner]

Roman's heart stopped beating for a moment.

When he saw the blue, purple, and gold apostle cards standing in the void with dazzling brilliance, he felt like he was dreaming.

The worst ones are all two-star apostles.

The European Emperor’s attributes exploded!

——Roman would definitely think so if it weren’t for Gweil.

This cannot be said to be the European Emperor!

It’s just a doggy!

Planned to secretly change the explosion rate! (ecstasy)

The quality of the card draws this round is really high!

Three witches were drawn out directly!

However, there were actually four stars among the witches, which surprised Roman.

After all, Gweil, Sanna, Shasta and others are all five stars.

Lusha's purple card was mixed in among the gold cards, so it naturally looked more eye-catching.

But when you think about it, it’s not that surprising.

Roman observed that four-star apostles should be the limit that ordinary people can touch.

There are one-star apostles and there are four-star apostles.

The gap between humans is greater than that between humans and dogs.

There are also differences among witches.

Garin once said that any woman has the same chance of becoming a witch, just as any man can become a wizard.

Those who can independently awaken to become witches are generally those with excellent qualifications.

It is normal for women with good talents and four stars to awaken and become witches due to various circumstances.

If it's the kind of person who drinks magic potion and becomes a witch, then the star rating may be even lower, probably at the level of third level.

Based on this calculation, it is estimated that more than half of the dozen or so mid-level witches are at the four-star level.

After all, Gweil, Shasta, and Margaret are either high-level or have high-level potential.

Shasta originally came to Sig Town because of Gweir.

In comparison, Sanna's was an unexpected surprise.

"Okay, okay!!"

Roman paced back and forth in surprise.

Although the witch is good, she is just meat that rots in the pot.

What can really solve his urgent needs are administrative and military talents.

Five hundred draws!

It's just the beginning!

Taking advantage of the opportunity to plan a secret change in the explosion rate, fish them all out!

Catch them all! !

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