It's called a department store, but Roman can only collect those few kinds of goods.

This will take time to prepare.

Roman is confident about this.

In the final analysis, humans are not rational beings.

They are stupid, greedy, and have insatiable desires.

Once they have tasted something good, they want to keep tasting it.

When there is no salt, they crave salt the most.

After eating salt becomes a common thing, they begin to crave sugar.

But those things can only be tasted during festivals.

And there are only two festivals a year.

One is in midsummer and the other is in late autumn.

They have to endure half a year each time to taste the delicacies they have been thinking about day and night.

Now it is in front of them, I am afraid that few people can resist.


The department store is just a way for Roman to recover money.

With sufficient financial reserves, he can train a strong enough army.

It was at this time when the flood was about to recede that the Warcraft Witch brought him two good news and one bad news.

The good news is that the prophet agreed to let the auxiliary witch go to the Origin City. That witch can enhance Gweil's magic ability.

In addition, the prophet suggested that if Gweil's magic ability is to be enhanced, it is best to send her to Cang Yue, so that she can stimulate Gweil's hidden potential.

But the wolf-headed witch was rejected by Roman as soon as she finished speaking.

If Gweil gets into trouble, it will be an irreparable loss.

"What about the bad news?" Roman asked.

"Oh, it's not a big deal. It's just that Cang Yue and Sinnoh are at war." The Warcraft Witch shrugged.

This war should have been fought a long time ago.

The two countries have been feuding for hundreds of years, and wars have been frequent.

The Church is the state religion of Sinnoh, and both have a very important position in the civilized world.

One is the oldest kingdom. The other is a religion with believers all over the earth.

Hundreds of years ago, the King of Sinnoh felt that the ancient land was favored by demons, and the residents of Cang Yue were all non-human creatures and should be cleared out.

The Pope thought the King of Sinnoh was right. Cang Yue harbored filth and wizards formed secret societies and played witchcraft in dark corners, which was a thorn in the eyes and flesh of the world of gods.

Therefore, the two supreme leaders of the royal domain and the divine domain hit it off and decided to cleanse the mountains and demons.

Their army pressed on the border, and dozens of wars broke out in that foreign land.

In the end, the war that lasted for a hundred years was stopped by the conqueror.

At that time, the conqueror established a powerful force by fighting north and south, attacking barbarians and pirates.

He took the lead in inviting the King of Sinnoh, the King of Cang Yue, and the Pope's envoy to sign a truce agreement on the banks of the Mar River. The birth and establishment of the Conqueror Order later became the biggest backstop of the truce agreement.

The Hundred Years War ended completely.

Although people in later generations believed that the conqueror stopped the war between Sinnoh and Cang Yue with a tough hand, he did not solve the most essential contradictions of faith and race between the two sides.

Even if the Hundred Years War ended, another war would begin in the future.

But in fact, the armistice agreement and the Conqueror's Order still bought the two countries a long period of peace.

Even in the hundred years after the Conqueror left, Sinnoh never tore up the agreement.

The Emerald War was the most brutal battle between the two sides since then, but it was only a local battle.

When the eldest son of the Duke of the Wrath arrived at the Red Tree Castle of Cang Yue, the Sinnoh army hastily retreated, not daring to face the Wrath.

Until now, the order has been completely broken.

The Queen of Cang Yue wrote four letters in her own handwriting and sent them to the Black Iron Royal Family, the Reef Castle of the Duke of the Wrath, the Pale Tower of the Duke of Oak, and the Red Dragon Castle of the Duke of the Split Armor.

She hoped that the King of Black Iron and the Dukes of Black Iron would come forward to mediate the war.

But she was shocked and angry after receiving the reply.

The Black Iron Royal Family asked Cang Yue to hand over several secret societies in order to calm the situation.

The letter from the Stone Castle fell into the sea, and the meaning was self-evident.

The Duke of Oak in the White Tower watched coldly.

Finally, the words of the Grand Duke of Split Armor were the most intense. He said that he didn't care about other secret societies, but all the witches' heads must be handed over.

The Queen of Cang Yue was furious and tore up the replies with her own hands. She would rather fight to the death than betray her people.

Today, the Conqueror Order has become a joke on paper.

"Why fight now?" Roman asked.

Ulster was a staunch supporter of the Conquerors. Even if there was no fury, Split Armor would have raised troops to relieve the siege of Cang Yue.

But he had already passed away, killed by the "witches".

So, theoretically, Sinnoh could have gone to war with Cang Yue as early as last year.

"Then I have to ask you what you did this year." The wolf-headed witch shrugged again.

At this time last year, the witch Lin had not made a decision.

It was normal that the King of Sinnoh and the Pope were afraid of the witches and did not dare to act rashly.

Don't look at them escaping from the Holy City, they were extremely embarrassed and suffered heavy casualties.

But in fact, they are a group of Zhao Zilong who has been in and out seven times.

More than half of the Knights Templar, one of the three major knight orders, were killed or injured, and more than a thousand guards of the Holy City were almost wiped out. The secret protection forces of the Church were bleeding, and the paladins were also injured.

When the witch fled, she blew the gate of the Holy City away.

Although Sinnoh and the Church quelled the witch rebellion, they were not sure about the details of the witches and were somewhat hesitant.

Because the two artifacts have not appeared so far, nor has the young frost giant, the Vatican and Sinnoh were worried that the witch still had some strength left, so they wasted a lot of time.

I have been putting it off until this year.

At the beginning of the year, the Holy See formed an army of five thousand believers in preparation for its debut.

So, in the Battle of Spring Rain, they were defeated in one battle.

When the results of the victory came, everyone was confused, including the Pope and the King of Sinnoh.

No, man...

The quality of Army of Believers is a bit poor.

It directly makes them feel a little less confident.

I got punched this spring and couldn't recover for a long time.

It's not that our army is weak, but the enemy is too strong.

Judging from the situation at the time, let alone investing 5,000 believer troops, even if 10,000 troops were invested, there would not be much chance of victory.

High organization is better than low organization. The more people there are, the easier it is to fight. It is easier to fight than 50,000 pigs.

The King of the River Valley is a new star, and the Holy See has not yet figured out where he came from.

In comparison, they were relatively familiar with Cang Yue, their old neighbor in Sinnoh. After all, their friendship had been established over hundreds of years.

At the end of May.

The Sinnoh army attacked cities and plundered lands along the way, and the swords of the Judgment Knights were pointed directly at Moonset City, the capital of Cang Yue - the Sinnoh people called it the City Abandoned by the Gods.

The City of Moonset is an immortal city built by the ancestors of Cang Yue. It is towering and steep, and it is difficult for the Sinnoh army to break through. It is currently in a stalemate.

"This war won't end for a while," said the wolf-headed witch.

As early as when the Sinnoh army was dispatched, Queen Cang Yue learned the news and made preparations in advance.

Sinnoh can be said to be overwhelming and has not encountered any decent resistance.

But Cang Yue can also be said to be preserving her vitality for the future.

And those secret societies, wizards who study spells, potions, monsters and alchemy, will not stand idly by.

Cang Yue is the base camp of the wizards, and Sinnoh is here for them, and they can't escape the relationship.

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