The population of Origin City suddenly increased by more than 19,000 people, of which 4,000 were patients.

Roman suspected that Alex had thrown all the plague patients to him.

But there was no way, the price of 20% was too low, which meant that each patient was only worth four arrows, and free shipping, which was very tempting to Roman.

He had to plan the original site of Sger Town as an isolation area for the patients to stay there temporarily.

Either they died and were buried, or they recovered and came out.

These epidemics caused by floods were all external bacterial infections, not real plagues, and the bacteria of this era were relatively primitive, and had not yet developed high-intensity, high-mortality plague and cholera-at least not now.

Allicin has a strong antibacterial ability and can reduce the mortality caused by those mild diseases.

But treating the disease is just the beginning.

Origin City, which had originally taken a breath, began to be busy again.

Really became a big fat man.

Correspondingly, the rapid consumption of food.

Roman had to start the rationing system.

The original system of Origin City was a canteen model with loose management. After some people finished their own portions, if there were leftover ingredients, they could eat some leftovers per person.

Because Roman believed that the value of their production was far greater than their consumption.

He still believed so now - but they had not started production yet, and they were just consuming. No one could handle it.

There were too many people, and if they continued to follow the old methods, there would definitely be a food crisis.

It was time to control the rations.

The rations for each person were accurately distributed, and there was no such thing as continuing to eat when they were not full.

Adult laborers were given seven slices of bread (seven taels), tofu (two catties), vegetables (two catties), broth (20 grams of meat), and boiled water in unlimited quantities every day.

The rest of the women, teenagers, and the elderly were treated 80% of this. Children were counted separately, and the army remained the same.

The new slaves were treated 70% of this.

In other words, others had three meals a day, new slaves had two meals a day, and their work efficiency could not be lower than others.

Origin City was originally well-fed, but now that this group of people has arrived, Roman has implemented a rationing system.

If everyone is still treated the same, it is not acceptable anyway.

The only advantage of the new slaves is probably the great abundance of manpower.

Seth took a group of students who had just graduated from school and completed the identity registration in five days, and then quickly allocated them.

Moving bricks and tiles, carrying stones to pave the road, and transporting various building materials back and forth all require a large amount of basic labor.

Without any worries, the construction team can focus on building the ranch.

It is completely based on the layout of the residential area in Origin City.

It’s just that the high temperature in summer affects the work.

They have to get up early and stay up late to avoid the hottest noon.

This year, the pressure is too great, and all kinds of construction tasks must be rushed to avoid delaying next year’s output.

They used to start work at six o’clock in previous years, but Roman now has to raise the start time to five o’clock.

In other words, they have to wake up at four o’clock to eat and go to work.

The same is true at night, extending from seven o’clock in the past to eight o’clock, and going back under the starlight.

Two more hours of work time barely made up for the losses caused by the summer.

It was not until late June that the meadow pasture was half built.

As a result, Origin City was hit by another rainstorm.

Roman's heart stopped beating for a moment on the spot.

But fortunately, this rainstorm only lasted for two days intermittently before it ended.


At this time, news came from the rice field - the first batch of rice planted by Roman in early March was ripe!

He attached great importance to this crop because the per-acre yield of rice was much higher than that of wheat.

For a piece of arable land, wheat can only be harvested once a year at most, either spring wheat is planted in early spring or winter wheat is planted in autumn.

Rice is different. It can be harvested twice a year. If the climate is very good, it can even be harvested three times a year - equivalent to planting three rounds of wheat a year.

Roman can only harvest twice.

Early rice is planted in March, and late rice is planted in June and July.

In other words, if the action is fast enough, the land that has just been harvested can be planted with another round of rice.

Although the planting area of ​​the first batch of rice is only one hundred acres.

But it still attracted Roman's great attention.

He braved the scorching sun and came to inspect in person. Even Gweil stopped blessing and followed him to the paddy field.

The Ministry of Agriculture selected hundreds of capable old farmers, who sweated profusely while harvesting rice in the paddy field.

The next day, the results of the 100-acre paddy field were laid out in front of Roman.

The first batch of rice yielded about 100 kilograms per mu, a total of more than 10,000 kilograms of rice. After shelling, there were only 6,000 kilograms of rice, which can only be said to be far inferior to wheat.

Moreover, the maintenance and management costs of rice fields are high, and more effort is required.

Roman was delighted.

This is a good sign!

To celebrate, Roman steamed a large pot of rice in the manor and sent it to cadres from all important departments of Origin City for tasting.

He himself tasted the first bite, and could only say that the taste was a little bad, a little loose and a little raw.

But this is food, yield comes first, and taste comes second!

If there is a choice, Roman will choose to feed the slaves shit-flavored chocolate without hesitation.

It tasted bad, but it was really filling.

After the rice fields were harvested, the order to urgently plant a second round of rice had been passed on.

"Roman," Gweil called him, "the rice is really delicious."

She held the bowl and ate with relish. Roman felt that the taste was not good, but she could taste some fragrance from it.

"It will taste better in the future." Roman said. He always felt that Gweiler was not picky about meat or vegetables, and could eat anything deliciously. It was also a kind of talent.

"Well, I will definitely make it more delicious!" Gweiler nodded vigorously.

Roman was silent for a moment and said, "Then there is no need. Your current task is to increase production."

There are only a limited number of things that can be changed. You can't give up production for the sake of taste.

"Puff!" She laughed suddenly, and Roman realized that she was joking.

This little witch is not stupid, how could she make a stubborn decision?

She came to Roman, stretched out her little hand, picked up the millet grains left at the corner of Roman's mouth, and then put it in her mouth again, chewing gently, her eyes curved like crescents, and she whispered: "Such a good thing, I want my mother to taste it too, Roman, is it okay?"

Her family benefited from her status, but the mortal world is not her world after all, this manor is her future home, but she still has this idea.

"My princess, you are wrong. Not only your mother, but also everyone in the city of origin will have more choices. They can have a bowl of soft and delicious rice for every meal. The rice is hot and covered with a piece of fat pork. We will pour a spoonful of rich and salty gravy on it. The smell of meat and rice is a delicious delicacy in the world. I will reward it to everyone. Those who are loyal to me can get my grace. They will never go hungry again. However, such a world requires us to open up and create it with our own hands. We are just on the road now, but sooner or later, we will see such scenery at the end of the road, and see that everyone on this land will no longer be hungry and cold. "

His voice echoed in her ears.

Gweil couldn't help but follow his words to imagine such a world, a beautiful future like heaven.

She had no ambitions, and everything she did was just to please him. Now her heart is pounding, and she thinks such a world is really good.

A bowl of steaming rice, a piece of fat and lean pork, a spoonful of flavorful must be much more delicious than the cold and hard peas in the mountains.

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