With a loud bang, the entire army stopped all training.

The King of the Dark Iron and Daemon hoped that the King of the Valley could send troops before autumn and defeat the Crusade Army.

But Roman didn't want to wait that long.

Take over Kant County before the spring plowing this year!

All the soldiers took out swords, spears, plate armor, helmets, longbows, shields, etc. for maintenance and cleaning, and various military supplies were shipped out in boxes.

This was a large-scale military operation, and all the labor force began to prepare for this war.

As usual, Roman convened a military meeting of the top leaders of Origin City.

The head of the corps, Jet, was the first to say, "How do we fight this battle?"

Dick said, "We don't know the exact number of the Crusades. There are too many people. Even if we send out scouts, we can't count them."

Nathan said, "There are at least 30,000 people who can fight."

Kao said, "They have trial knights, demon hunter knights, battle knights, swordsmen, spear throwers, archers, priests and nuns who are proficient in divine arts, and a group of fanatical believers."

Aaron said, "That's right."

"Roman, say something."

Green looked at Roman, who had been silent from the beginning, with dissatisfaction.

Roman's posture was a little lazy, holding his cheek and staring into the void in a daze, without any sense of crisis or tension at all.

Roman glanced at Green, "What do you want me to say? Didn't I call you all here?"

"Ah? So you're leaving it all to us?" Green pointed at himself in disbelief.

Roman asked, "What else?"

Green said, "They have 30,000 troops, and we only have 7,000!"

Jet added, "And they have elite forces. A crusade army of this size has at least 2,000 experts who can use holy swordsmanship."

"Are they really elite?"

Jet said solemnly, "Very elite!"

He was once a swordsman in Sinnoh, and he knew how terrible the swordsman's fighting power was.

Sinnoh people practice swordsmanship. Swordsmen have been holding swords since childhood. Once they have learned something, they can enjoy certain privileges, such as tax reduction and special subsidies. The lighter burden of life allows them to concentrate on improving their swordsmanship.

This is the first expeditionary force of the Holy See. Jet has reason to believe that the members of this army are specially selected, and their fighting power must be strong.

They came prepared, and even if you look at the countries on earth, there are few who can match them.

"Then how do you think we should deal with it?"

"Take out the explosive thing..." Jet said, "I mean take out the thing you use to blow up the mine."

Roman knew their concerns. War is something that all battlefield commanders are afraid of.

The war with the noble coalition, nearly half of them were killed or injured.

The war with the anti-rebel army, more than half of them were killed or injured.

Now we have to fight the more difficult holy war army, no one is happy

Jet is not necessarily afraid of death, he is afraid of too many people dying, meaningless deaths and injuries, Origin City will have to rest for a long time, and in the end it will still not be able to fight out.

"I will prepare a batch of black gunpowder, if the situation is unfavorable, I will take action." Roman said.

Without Jet's reminder, he will also be fully prepared.

Although he doesn't think his army will be forced to this point, they don't look confident.

Roman looked around.

He stood up, his movements were calm, and he gestured, saying, "I understand your concerns, but you also have to understand that there are no enemies in front of you. You think the Crusades are strong, but I never take them seriously. The number of troops is not important. 30,000, 50,000, 100,000... is it very strong? Alas, the more powerful something looks, the more fragile it is!"

The largest war in Origin City so far was only a large-scale battle of 10,000 people.

Now, the number of enemies has suddenly tripled, and everyone will be confused.

This is not a simple tripling.

When there are more than 10,000 people, there is no limit. Roman used a little trick last time and defeated the opponent before the real war.

So in the final battle, the number of both sides was almost the same, and the total number did not exceed 10,000. If you stand at a higher place, you can barely overlook the overall situation, but it is different for more people.

Whether it is Jet or Dick, their perception of larger-scale wars is somewhat distorted.

After all, they can only control a few thousand people, and they can't imagine what it would be like to go to war with 30,000 people. They are used to thinking about problems with the old-fashioned war thinking.

The army of Origin City is indeed full of elites.

But the Crusade Army is not a pushover.

Jet alone can calculate that there are 2,000 swordsmen - not all swordsmen are at his level, but after sword training, the swordsmen who can be sent to the battlefield have physical fitness that is basically at the level of quasi-first-class knights, but they are definitely better than civilians.

And they are proficient in close combat, especially for unarmored units, that is simply the god of death, the killing efficiency is too high!

Not to mention, there must be other arms in the Crusade Army.

Spear throwers and archers are all regular armed forces of Sinnoh, and they must have mixed into the Crusade Army.

The former's performance in the Spring Rain War is still vivid, and now they are here again.

Who wouldn't tremble among the soldiers who participated in the Spring Rain War?

However, Roman didn't tremble at all, and he wanted to punch them twice.

War is never won by numerical superiority.

What does the enemy have?

A bunch of rotten fish and shrimp raised in a mud pit!

What do we have?

Military literacy from high-intensity training, sophisticated weapons made by advanced productivity, plate armor defense with extremely high material strength, long-range firepower output of standard military bows, and extremely high obedience and organization.

With such a comprehensive quality army in hand.

What if there are 30,000 holy war troops? What if there are 50,000? Is there any difference? It's not worth caring about at all!

Roman is good at analysis and has long known the reasons for the failure of the first two wars.

In the Battle of the Valley, nearly a thousand people were killed and wounded, of which 500 were directly or indirectly caused by the knights of the expedition, and half of the recruits were only trained for two or three months.

In the Battle of Spring Rain, more than 2,400 people were killed and wounded. Due to the lack of protective gear, 1,700 casualties were caused by the knights of the expedition - this can only be regarded as a low-probability event.

Among these casualties, the loss rate of heavy troops is extremely low. Even the knights of the expedition can hardly kill a heavy soldier carrying a large shield.

Now that the Origin City has been developing for more than half a year, the fire in the iron shed is not extinguished day and night, and seven thousand plate armors have been knocked out.

The latest recruits have been trained for four months, the rest have been trained for half a year, and the latest batch of veterans have two or three years of military career - almost all the squad leaders are selected from the veterans, and with them leading, there will be no problems.

Lose? Tell me how to lose?

"I think you don't know how strong you are!" Roman said angrily.

Roman's words still have weight in everyone's heart. Seeing that he is so sure, they all dispelled their doubts and brought these words and this confident attitude to the squadron leaders and squad leaders, and the squad leaders passed it on to the grassroots soldiers.

Five days later, the whole army was ready, with a total of 7,000 troops and 5,000 military servants.

Roman sent the Warcraft Witch's bird to communicate with the 700 veterans who returned.

Two days later, the veterans who returned from the sea fort finally approached this land.

At the same time, Roman began to transport troops downstream on a large scale.

The blockade of the Crusade was very thorough, and even the downstream was heavily guarded and food and grass were transported regularly.

Once they see foreign ships, they start shooting arrows crazily, making it extremely difficult to get ashore.

Roman's war plan is simple.

First, unite with the veterans of the sea fortress, attack from both sides, take out the sentry points downstream, land all the troops, fight in the wilderness, and then...

Crush them head-on!

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