If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 295: Firepower Coverage (Additional chapter for the leader, Mr. Little Eagle)

Roman has been in this land for the fourth year.

This winter passed a little late.

A large army, and another larger army, moved towards each other at the same time.

Field battle!

In the absence of key terrain and defensive buildings for both sides to rely on.

No matter what kind of war the two sides are fighting - mobile warfare, guerrilla warfare, surprise warfare, ambush warfare, although these are different tactics, they can all be classified as field battles.

There are only two goals of tactics.

One is to preserve oneself, and the other is to destroy the enemy.

When fighting the noble coalition, Roman also hoped to use some tactics.

However, the quality of the soldiers at that time was not up to standard.

If you let him pretend to lose, he will lose for real. He can't even shout to him. Even if he shouts to him, he will have to spend half a day to reorganize the formation. What do you expect from such an army?

You find a place to ambush and wait for the enemy to enter the ambush circle. As a result, before they come in, some recruits shoot directly with one arrow. What is the benefit of such quality?

They can't even form a more complicated military formation.

Roman doesn't like uncontrollable factors.

Now, the army has reached the standard, the armaments have been upgraded, and the foundation for completing the tactics has been laid.


What other tactics are needed?


After a day of marching, it was getting dark in the afternoon.

The winter night came quickly.

The two sides were more than ten miles apart, which was a safe distance, and they set up camps.

"Do you want to attack the camp tonight?" Jet said.

He asked back: "I will give you 3,000 people, how many people can you bring back for me?"

Jet estimated silently for a moment and said: "No less than 2,000!"

The ordinary believers will definitely panic, but the swordsmen and other arms will definitely be prepared.

But the effect is that he can defeat most of the holy war army in one battle.

Roman waved his hand: "Forget it, let them have a good rest, and arrange for open and secret guards to keep watch."

He didn't go, but it didn't mean that the enemy wouldn't come.

There is no harm in being nervous during special times.

He spent the night safely.

The servants prepared a big meal.

Today's breakfast is steamed bread, bacon, salty broth, and a small bowl of maltose for each person.

It's a very simple breakfast, but it can effectively replenish energy.

After serving the soldiers, the servants did not have time to eat, and began to help all the soldiers put on armor. And those soldiers who put on armor also helped the soldiers who did not put on armor. There were cotton clothes and padding inside, and the plate armor could fit tightly on the body.

Each set of plate armor weighs an average of thirty pounds, because it is not a full-body type, which is too complicated.

The specific parts are breastplate, helmet, neck guard, shoulder armor, arm guard, and leg guard, which are connected by drilling and slotting.

Those parts have been heat-treated by quenching and tempering, and have been polished, oiled and waxed to prevent rust.

Only the joints such as hands, feet, elbows, and knees are not protected by armor.

When they were training, they would wear plate armor every day and gradually adapted to the weight of the plate armor.

Every day, they had to carry 60 kilograms of weight and cross-country for 5 kilometers within half an hour.

After eating and drinking, they put on their plate armor.

The situation of the Crusades on the other side was similar, and the logistics were more difficult than those of the Valley Army.

It was impossible to fight on an empty stomach.

In the morning, both sides began to march towards each other.

Along the secondary road of the Black Iron Avenue.

The north wind was howling, and the hazy sun in the sky seemed a little warm.

Then, the Crusades saw thousands of glittering figures on the horizon of the Black Iron Avenue.

They stood in neat rows in squares, and many squares formed an arc line.

Looking down, the land had a silver "C" shape.

"My gods!" Matthew groaned, his breathing was about to stop.

He was shocked to find that since the Spring Rain War, when more than half of the casualties were killed and wounded, when everyone thought that the King of the Valley was licking his wounds, a new, stronger and better-equipped army had come out of the basin.

Standing right in front of him. Standing in neat rows, just like what those defeated trial knights said.

Their phalanx condensed a special momentum.

Cold and solemn, high-spirited and noble, invincible, and invincible.

Any knight who charged into the battle formation would eventually go without return.

"They are coming towards us..." Bishop Elva said in surprise.

He has lived for quite a long time and has seen the shield guards of Sinnoh, but he has never seen such an army.

They may not be strong individually, but when they come over, you will feel the amazing sense of oppression.

Marshal Archie said nothing, he stared at the plate armor legion walking in front of him.

"Master Matthew! Let's attack!" Angus said loudly.

"Are you crazy!" Matthew looked at him in shock.

"We have no way to retreat!" Sir Angus said in a sonorous voice, "There are believers behind us. If we don't go up, what will they do?"

Yes! They have no way to retreat.

Where to retreat? Exit this wilderness?

The blasphemer was right behind him, following him slowly.

Retreat to Kant Territory? The blasphemer chased him to Kant Territory.

There was still no steep terrain over there, so it was impossible to defend, and a battle was inevitable in the end.

Continue to avoid the battle? Withdraw from Kant Territory?

Wouldn't that mean handing over the base to someone else?

They can go back to Sinnoh and go back in despair, but what about the farmers and the remaining residents of the Kant Territory who defected to the Jihad Army? Are they allowed to be killed by blasphemers?

"Your Majesty Bishop!" Matthew looked at the Vatican Bishop.

Elva wanted to say withdraw, but loyalty to the Holy See and faith in the gods prevailed.

After all, they are here to fight against blasphemers!

"Let's attack!" Aqil also said.

This battle... From a superficial point of view, they may not have no chance of winning...

Even if the results will be tragic.

They also have three thousand soldiers, although most of them are mail armor, leather armor, cloth armor, etc., and the rest are unarmored units.

An army of 30,000 people is too huge. All the way here, the sky behind is filled with smoke and dust. It really fills the mountains and plains.

Judgment Knights and Demon Hunter Knights watched and prowled on the flanks.

They are very well-educated and never charge without thinking. They first check whether there are any blocked horses or traps. If they are not sure of the situation, some knights will not take risks even if the war is over.

Of course, once the war starts, everything will be exposed.

"They sent people to attack," Jeter said. "It's the Archers."

Hundreds of horse archers rushed over, targeting the flanks of the valley army, trying to harass and disrupt their formation.

"Sniper!" Dick shouted.

As soon as the archers approached a hundred meters, dozens of arrows suddenly rushed out of the river valley phalanx, piercing the void and killing more than thirty light cavalry on the spot.

When the bow riders rushed to fifty or sixty meters, they fired arrows and were greeted by a wave of arrows. Dozens more bow riders fell to the ground. The river valley phalanx did not move at all, and the other bow riders had to be embarrassed. retreat.

There are forty snipers in the phalanx, all of whom have the physical fitness of first-order knights. After switching jobs to become snipers, their talents have been enhanced, and their shooting accuracy is much higher than that of ordinary people. They are the team leaders among the archers.

The other soldiers were fully armored, while the archers were partially armored, and all members of the sniper team were unarmored.

Ordinary soldiers use single longbows, while the sniper team uses recurve bows, and some are equipped with broken longbows captured in the Battle of Spring Rain.

The test of the archers did not stop the advance of the river valley phalanx.

They were still approaching on foot.

near! near! Keep close!

Walking through the wilderness is like a silver torrent overflowing.

In front of the silver torrent of steel was a large group of jihadist troops as colorful as a ball of wool.

"Soldiers, prepare! Swordsmen, prepare!"

Seeing that the light cavalry had no effect, the Jihadi Army responded again.

33 hymn nuns and 666 choir nuns from the Holy City began to sing collectively.

More than 30,000 fanatics, believers, and shallow believers, inspired by hymns and beliefs, can explode with amazing morale.

Although Matthew felt that this battle was extremely difficult, he still felt that even if the enemy had thousands of soldiers, it would be impossible to defeat them directly.

After all, there are so many people, theoretically, they can surround the enemy.

Once in close combat, the jihadist army can also consume the blasphemer's army, but the cost is higher.

"Everyone! Stop advancing! Prepare for the first shot!"

One to ten, ten to one hundred, all the squad leaders were shouting.

Thousands of plate-armored soldiers stopped advancing and took off their longbows from their backs and quivers from their waists.

While the Jihadi Army was stunned for a few seconds, a total of 6,000 plate-armored soldiers took a step forward and raised their longbows and arrows in unison.


Thirty thousand people simultaneously noticed that the light in the sky dimmed for a moment, as if it was blocked by something.

Then the brightness returned again.

Immediately afterwards there was a miserable scream!

The positions of the Jihadi Army were not too dense, but they were not too sparse. The front row of the Jihadi Army was directly covered by the rain of arrows.

Although they have shields, not all of them have shields, and not all shields can just protect against the rain of arrows.

Now I was shocked to realize that the enemy was not only wearing armor, but was also equipped with bows and arrows.

They have basic shooting skills and can form powerful fire coverage.

"Everyone is here! Prepare for the second shooting!"


The sky darkened again.

More screams rang out within the Holy War Army. This time, even some nuns were affected, and the entire army was shaken.

"Conquest Knight! Lead men to attack the enemy's flank!" The Judgment Knight and the Demon Hunter Knight had to start charging with a group of cavalry. The Conquest Knight unit had about three hundred people, and the rest were ordinary cavalry.

"Swordsman! Attack!" The swordsman's marshal was also shouting.

"Spear thrower! Spear thrower!"

"Ready for the third round of shooting!"


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