If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 300: Blow up the earth with one punch! (Additional update by the leader)

Roman felt wonderful.

The palms of his hands stroked Shasta's black hair, which was soft and smooth.

She hasn't done much maintenance, but it feels amazingly good, almost the same as Neli'er.

This can only be attributed to the special constitution of some people.

He put his hands in Shasta's hair, trying to use force with his fingers, but he was afraid of hurting her.

But even so, Shasta also felt very uncomfortable.

She couldn't breathe.

Compared with the previous days of living in the open air, living precariously, and living on the run.

Life is great now.

It's almost unreal.

The person in front of me has never discriminated against them. He treats them as human beings and the same kind. He is neither close nor distant. His attitude towards them is the same as his attitude towards others.

Sometimes she also thinks about whether this is an illusion. Although she always has a cold attitude when her unreliable sisters say this, she is also thinking in her heart whether she should do more to appease her. Her mood of worrying about gain and loss.

She didn't know the answer, and being loyal to him was all she could do.

But things will always change, some relationships will get better and some relationships will get worse.

Margaret lost control and said things she shouldn't have said, and she was super worried that things would get worse.

But there was no conflict, and he would have some leeway when he was strong.

Shasta thought so.

In fact, as long as he said it, she wouldn't dare not agree. At first, she would use Margaret as an excuse, but later she stopped pretending.

Alas, the little man's little thoughts.

She had her eyes closed, feeling some physical discomfort. But she came to the conclusion that she wasn't disgusted, she wasn't disgusted at all, it was totally tolerable.

Just, suddenly.

Her eyes shot open.


Roman was relieved. He stroked Shasta's head repeatedly and did not hesitate to praise him: "Shasta! Beautiful Shasta! My dear Shasta! You are so good! I will punch you to pieces for you." Earth!!"

The experienced sisters all said that what the man said afterwards was untrustworthy. Only witches who had never heard sweet words would believe it. Shasta didn't know what the earth was, so she only felt that he was talking nonsense, but she moistened it with water. Her bright eyes stared at him, inexplicably wanting to believe him for once.

"Your Highness, as long as you are happy," she said.

"Then I won't bother you anymore." Roman said.

The witch hummed slightly.

She was about to leave and put on linen clothes on her upper body, but she was caught again.

The skin on her body was a little red and numb.

She endured the strange feeling and helped him solve it twice more.

Shasta knew that he was only twenty years old and it was normal for him to be energetic, but she was already twenty-nine or almost thirty years old, almost ten years older than him.

But he said that he tolerated them and did not dislike them at all.

"If you have any questions, just ask me."

Shasta tried hard to keep a cool look, but his face was flushed and his eyes were unconsciously full of amorous feelings.

She straightened her dress and left the room in a hurry.

"The taste of a witch is really good..."

Roman was lying on the bed, feeling a little desireless for a moment.

"Something's wrong! Alas! Alas! Roman, Roman! How could you be so depraved! Have you forgotten the development plan of Fenghuo City! You can't go on like this! Please revise it!"

Roman couldn't wait for Bang Bang to punch him twice!

He rode out that same day.

It’s time to illuminate the map and find land suitable for farming.

There are approximately more than 300,000 acres of cultivated land in Fengshuo City - only counting cultivated land. According to Roman's eyes, most of the fields are wasteland, with poor soil and difficult to cultivate.

Again, selective cultivation.

As long as the grain production is increased, reducing the cultivated area is very cost-effective.

He planned a piece of land with broad terrain, fertile soil, and suitable for large-scale farming.

Not much, just 100,000 acres.

Three days later.

The heavy plows and agricultural guidance finally arrived.

Roman immediately started arranging an in-depth cultivation plan.

Changing agricultural production is very difficult for other feudal lords.

But it was more convenient for Roman.

Who gave him a bad reputation?

The bad reputation comes second.

Mainly 5,000 troops assisted in farming.

The army in Origin City doesn’t know how to farm!

Education must be severely strengthened!

Everyone must master the techniques of intensive farming and learn the relationship between fertilizer and soil. There is no need to learn more advanced knowledge for the time being.

Roman had always attached great importance to the spiritual construction of the army. Study classes must be held every night in the military camp, and each soldier had a literacy book. Although not all soldiers could read and write, it was normal to know a few numbers and words, and they had some cultural foundation.

Five thousand soldiers with extremely high obedience disarmed and returned to the fields. Needless to say, the efficiency of their work.

When Roman also came to the field in person to inspect the spring plowing movement, the soldiers were more active than the other, and they were just short of kicking the cows and horses away and pulling the plow himself.

It’s not impossible.

The cows and horses outside were all so skinny that Roman was worried that they would die suddenly if he took more than two steps.

What a sin! If we don't give good food to the cattle and horses, what efficiency can we achieve?

Of course, Roman also understood the objective factors of just passing the winter, but this was not a reason to use them to death.

Roman also dispatched a thousand cattle and two thousand draft horses from the Origin City to assist in plowing the fields.

Origin City does not need so many cattle and horses for the time being, and there are basically only two ways to do so.

One is land reclamation and the other is transportation.

While it can almost meet the daily needs of Origin City, this is also the largest number of livestock that Roman can dispatch.

Not only livestock, but also hundreds of thousands of kilograms of feed such as soybean meal and silage.

Otherwise, I really can’t afford it.

At this point, Roman's mission to bring a little shock to the Origin City to this land has finally been completed!

When the idiots in Fengrao City saw those cows and horses, their eyes widened.

Damn it!

This cow!

This horse!

This fat and strong body is huge!

Those well-developed muscle lines of the limbs!

In medieval times, this was even more exaggerated than taking hormones!

The Sinnoh prisoners of war were clamoring that this was not the Holy See at all, and they dared to change what the gods had given them!

For such prisoners of war, Roman ordered them to be paraded on the spot, and then hanged them.

Either work or die.

Most of the farmers are casual believers in life. The reason why they are here is that the Jihad Army can provide them with a better life.

It's tragic now that the Vatican masters have been defeated, and they are now in a... well, slightly better situation than before.

After all, three meals a day taste so delicious!

Just dawdle as long as you can, just question the authority of the blasphemer. At best, you can work while you complain.

Roman didn't care if they were dawdling around, as long as they could work.

As long as the planned targets can be achieved, everyone will be fine.

If it is not completed, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Over time, the dividends brought by changing production models will silence those who complain.

What's wrong with the Holy See?

If you have the ability, come to Fengrao City and fight the King of the River Valley with real swords and guns!

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