Thousands of trackers must be in good physical condition.

The river water is cold in early spring. If you don't exert your strength, it will be in vain.

Roman has labor subsidies for these trackers.

No money was given, but briquettes and other supplies were given.

As long as the task is completed, each tracker can get a white note afterwards, which can be exchanged for 100 briquettes, or the equivalent value of salt, meat, soybean oil, furniture and other daily necessities.

During this period, the quality of food was accordingly improved, the rationing system was abolished, and three meals a day were provided.

This is really frustrating.

As long as the mountain is not cut open, Roman will have an indispensable need for trackers in the future. If the salary is not improved, no one will be willing to do this.

Now everything starts with spring plowing and sowing.

He himself is not idle either. He goes out every day to measure the area of ​​cultivated land.

The land of Fengrao City is broken into pieces, scattered here and there, dozens of pieces scattered here and there, and the corners are even more incalculable.

Roman rode around every day, planting a flag every few hundred meters.

Those flags are connected by lines, and their shapes are square, diamond, and triangular cultivated fields.

Although this shape abandons a lot of land that can be cultivated, the standardized land can improve the efficiency of heavy plowing, and it can go straight for thousands of meters without turning around.

What is abandoned is also abandoned.

I couldn’t have planted so many in the first place.

This is an important thing, and only Roman can do it.

All I can say is that we have to run everywhere and plant flags everywhere.

He also had to warn those idiots not to pull down the flags - Roman planted the flags on the ground one day, and found that they had all been pulled out by the unruly people the next day. How could he bear this?

Immediately execute him, the slogan he gave was 'The flag you pull out is your own head'.

One day in mid-February.

Roman returned to the Castle of Plenty, feeling sore all over and in a bad mood.

He had been riding for a whole day, and all the bones in his body were about to fall apart.

There was another spring rain at noon, and the heavy rain poured on his head, turning him into a drowned rat.

Marguerite and Shasta were not feeling well either, but they were used to running around, so the storm was nothing.

"Your Highness, His Majesty's ministers will arrive tomorrow." Roman reported to Roman, who was originally a valet at Origin Manor and is now the temporary manager of Plenty Castle.

"I know..." Roman looked gloomy and handed the soaked fine wool black cloak to the maid.

He doesn't want to see anyone now, he just wants to grow up.

Fengrao City's production tasks are already full, and any accident will interrupt the established development plan.

But it won't do to offend the Black Iron Minister. When someone comes to visit you, it's a bit rude to tell them to go away and hide behind closed doors.

Roman took a hot bath, ate dinner, and immediately fell asleep.

The next day, Roman did not go to measure the cultivated land. He waited in the castle for a long time.

By noon.

Ten royal knights wearing pitch-black armor opened the way ahead, with fluttering flags embroidered with the pattern of the Black Iron Throne.

The entire convoy came from the fields in a mighty manner, attracting the searching eyes of a group of lower-level farmers, but they quickly went back to their own business.

The new boss is a pushover. If he doesn't work enough, he won't give him anything to eat. If he dares to be lazy, he'll be beaten to death. After a few painful lessons, no one dares to work without being distracted - even though they don't. Know what they are doing.

Carrying the Black Iron Minister was a luxurious carriage with a mixed structure of oak and metal. The curtains were silver-white, the frame was inlaid with gold, and it was pulled by more than ten horses.

This was also the first time Roman saw the Black Iron Minister’s outfit.

Missions used to go to Sige Town by boat, and carriages couldn't get through, but now they were being shown off.

"Lord Roman, we meet again." Damon entered the castle.

"You've kept me waiting for too long." Roman said coldly.

"We are traveling on behalf of His Majesty the King. Only grand battles can demonstrate the king's majesty. You also know that the more grand things are, the easier it is to be delayed."

Even so, the Lord in front of him did not go out to greet him, showing no respect for his identity.

Forget it, who made him a lord?

Roman scoffed.

"Yeah, it seems that Lord Roman is not in a good mood."

"Just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Okay. Lord Roman, His Majesty the King sent me to propose a marriage to you, or rather His Majesty the King himself wants to propose a marriage to you."

Roman frowned, "Is this why you came here?"

"Just? Your Lordship, this is a major event in your life."

"Do I agree?"

Damon was stunned, "This is the person assigned to you by our Majesty."

Roman crossed his fingers and placed them on his abdomen, leaning his back on the back of the chair, his facial muscles not moving at all. Now that you've seen it, let's listen to what this minister is going to fart.

"As far as I know, you have already established such a great achievement with your bare hands before you married a wife. There must be no one in this land who is better than you. There are countless beautiful girls in our royal capital who admire you, but those and the two The most outstanding ladies are all vulgar in comparison.

"You also know that our King is in the prime of life. He is a charming man. When he was young, he was only slightly worse than you. But when he was your age, he had already married our Queen. The Queen gave birth to six children to His Majesty - - It’s a pity that our eldest prince died young, the second prince looked for flowers, the third prince is disabled, and the little prince is still drinking milk from the queen’s arms. There are a few illegitimate children, but they can hardly enter the hall. They have neither merits nor achievements. Without honor, Your Majesty doesn't even know who to appoint as Crown Prince.

"However, our eldest and second princesses are very outstanding, so you understand, whose lady can compare with the two most dazzling pearls in the palm of the Black Iron King? Our king wants to marry you."

The minister in front of him used excellent eloquence to vividly describe to Roman the heroic spirit of the eldest princess Tashina and the exquisite beauty of the youngest princess Sofia, but Roman was not interested in this.

He finally said, "Our king respects your opinion very much. Which one do you choose?"

Roman said calmly, "I don't choose any of them."

Damon's round face collapsed immediately: "Lord Roman, this is not a time for jokes. Our eldest princess is good at fighting and the little princess is smart. When they were born, His Majesty said: Only those who stand under his sword alive are qualified to marry these two princesses - that is just the qualification. Whether our princess is willing or not is another matter. Now His Majesty is at your disposal."

He was forced to do nothing. The situation is turbulent now. The King of Black Iron needs strong support. The King of the Valley is outstanding in all aspects.

For now, they are in the same camp, but the relationship between the monarch and the minister is not stable.

The King of the Valley is a new force. He just rebelled against the Split Armor two years ago. No one dares to guarantee his loyalty.

Marriage is the most reliable and intimate relationship recognized by this land. It is also a de facto alliance of interests.

"I don't want to say it a second time." Roman said coldly.

Marry? Marry a fart! How could those scumbags be worthy of him? Those stupid women would only make him feel ridiculous!

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