If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 305 I hope there will be a good harvest this year

Trade privileges are special rights granted by the Dark Iron King to certain business groups and caravans.

But very few people can get this royal license.

Roman now has a lot of manpower and can develop in many aspects.

He has to grow crops and develop other things.

He plans to form a caravan to fully harvest the resources of the earth.

At this time, trade privileges are crucial.

As long as he can get trade privileges from the Dark Iron King.

Then, he can basically be exempted from the commercial taxes, tariffs, tolls, etc. caused by trade activities in the entire Dark Iron Land.

Not only that, with his own special status as the Conqueror Lord, he can spread his business to the countries of the earth.

For example, Wandong, Plateau, Cangyue, and even the free trade cities and the Rexia Islands west of Sinnoh and Dust Python.

But Damon didn't dare to agree to this matter. He had to discuss this matter with the Dark Iron King.

There are not many groups with trade privileges in this land, but there are also many.

But Roman is particularly special.

A lord who maintains the order of the conquerors, an ambitious river valley king, an emerging force in a period of rapid expansion, you give him trade privileges... what else can others do?

Because of his clear understanding of development and productivity, Roman saw the third level.

But Damon could still think of the first level.

This influence is too great and needs to be carefully considered.

Damon left the City of Plenty with the envoys, and said that he would give Roman a reply as soon as possible.

Roman was not in a hurry, he knew that this matter would go through political wrangling within the Black Iron Court.

He just had to do business, but the King of Black Iron had a lot to consider.


Without the interference of external factors, Roman began to farm day after day.

Roman's planting pattern in Origin City is wheat in the first half of the year and beans in the second half of the year, with two crops per year.

The spring wheat in the City of Plenty was planted a month late, and it had to wait until late summer to be harvested. There was no time to plant beans, so it could only be harvested once a year.

But the poor thing is not one crop per year.

What is really pitiful is that the land has to be left fallow after one harvest every year.

Only fertilizer can ensure the fertility of the land and enable continuous cultivation.

This is why Roman was determined to pull out 10,000 tons of peat from Origin City at all costs.

The land in Origin City is fertilized with 2,000 kilograms of fertilizer per mu, and this amount is reduced by nearly 80% in Fengrao City.

After all, there is no time left.

Roman can only farm the land by ditching to maximize the effectiveness of peat.

Heavy plowing and deep plowing can also release the fertility of deep soil.

Therefore, after the spring wheat is harvested, Roman can plant another round of vegetables with a short growth cycle.

When the wheat seeds and fertilizers of the last piece of arable land were buried together, it was already March.

Roman was responsible for overall planning and coordinated management during this period.

Seeing that the spring plowing was over, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the land quietly.

I hope that Fengrao City will have a good harvest this year.

Roman's army also breathed a sigh of relief with him.

After working like a slave for a month, no one could bear it. All the soldiers were thinner.

Roman waved his hand and gave everyone five days off, asking Jet to arrange for them to rest in turn.

Then, the 1,000 soldiers who were arranged to rest followed Roman back to Origin City.

They came to see their families.

Roman was a little worried, so he had to come and see the current situation of Origin City in person to avoid any mistakes.

Seth came to greet him, and Roman said to him: "I will stay in Plenty City most of the time this year, you will take charge of the overall situation."

"Yes, sir." Seth answered meticulously.

Roman saw the serious wrinkles on the old deacon's face and his tired eyes, and took out a blood gem from his arms, "This is what I captured on the battlefield. Wear it and take care of yourself."

The blood gem is a top-grade ruby ​​with properties such as energetic. It is icing on the cake for a bloody warrior, but for an elderly person whose body is beginning to decline, it is like a timely help, which can greatly extend the working time and prevent him from being exhausted.

Roman gave it to him personally, and Seth showed a little warmth on his face, "Your safety is the most important. When we left Dragon Castle, the Grand Duke asked me to assist you well and let me make decisions for you. But you have been able to take charge of your own affairs very early, and I dare not say much. I can only remind you to be more careful. It is difficult to guard against the open and hidden arrows outside."

Roman was slightly stunned. When he heard him mention Ulster, he suddenly felt a little disappointed.

Seth straightened his collar and cuffs, tidying him up. "Master, you should show up and stabilize the people's hearts. Some people are forgetful."

Roman nodded, and then he toured the entire Origin City.

After a trip, he found that everything was within the development plan.

Implement the plan step by step, communicate immediately when problems arise, and everyone has something to do, so there will be no big chaos.

Origin City is also very busy this year.

Roman transported a large amount of manpower and material resources to Fengrao City, but it does not mean that their production efficiency will be reduced.

For example, 10,000 people can only do so much work within the specified time. Roman transferred 2,000 people to be trackers and porters, and the other 8,000 people can still do the same work in the same time.

It can only be said that if there are too many people, there is no way to squeeze them to the limit.

Origin City's population was originally overflowing.

The spring is getting warmer, and the laborers who used to hide in the brick house to warm the stove can come out to bask in the sun.

Water conservancy needs to be repaired, water storage ponds need to be dug, drainage vehicles need to be built, and river weirs need to be constructed.

Roman put most of his labor in this area.

From last summer to this year, tens of thousands of people came again and again and reclaimed 7,000 acres of paddy fields.

But the more time passes, the more difficult it is to reclaim paddy fields.

Now that all the swamps that can be used have been sorted out, it is impossible to reclaim more, unless the dry fields are converted into paddy fields, but this is the case for the time being.

The rice seeds they mainly sow come from the Geweier No. 1 rice seeds.

Last year, about 14,000 kilograms of rice seeds were harvested from the 50-acre experimental field, which could only meet the seed needs of more than half of the rice fields. The rest of the rice fields with poor soil or bad environment were planted with ordinary rice seeds.

Roman used the method of wet seedling cultivation. The Geweier No. 1 rice seeds first grew on the seedbed, and then the well-developed seedlings were transplanted to the field, commonly known as transplanting rice.

This method is very labor-intensive.

However, Origin City has no shortage of manpower. As long as it can increase food production, Roman will send people to do it even if it is several times more complicated.

Many people are planting rice for the first time and are not very skilled, but they are very careful about the seedlings in their hands. Sometimes they will subconsciously save the seedlings after falling down. It doesn’t matter if they get hurt, but the seedlings must not be hurt.

They all saw the scene of rice harvesting last year and ate rice a few times. As long as they are farmers, they will take good care of the seedlings.

Two or three thousand farmers with flexible hands and feet carefully planted rice in the fields, their movements were very slow and their attitudes were very cautious.

The healthy seedlings were neatly arranged in the rice fields, which was pleasing to the eye.

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