Mona's spell can control the flow of time within a certain range.

Roman has an inappropriate metaphor.

If time is regarded as a kind of particle, the time particles are evenly distributed everywhere, and Mona can gather or disperse them to achieve the purpose of slowing down or speeding up.

As for the effect of the spell, it is up to Mona herself to weigh it.

Anyway, it is impossible to go back in time.

It is also impossible to stop time.

The limit of Mona's spell can only be infinitely close to the effect of stopping time.

Of course, such a spell is also very powerful.

As long as there is no external interference, she can stop an ordinary person's time for a whole day, and the latter will only feel that it is the next day in the blink of an eye.

The premise is that there are not so many powerful lives in the world that can compete with her.

Those high-level knights, legendary creatures, demons and gods, and seat witches can all interfere with the real universe through spirit, will and energy.

Of course, a high-level knight seems weak and powerless when facing such a powerful time spell.

Because when a large number of time particles are drawn away from him or gathered around him, if his senses are sharp enough, he can perceive that everything in the world is accelerating, but his own reaction is more than one step slower.

But a high-level knight has more than his own power.

Just like when Mona casts a spell, she will also use auxiliary resources such as sapphires, ambers, crystals, etc. to release more powerful spells.

The equipment of any high-level knight is also inseparable from mithril and fine gold.

Those special equipment will greatly enhance the weight of the high-level knight and interfere with the effect of the spell.

Faced with this kind of thing, it is not only Mona who feels tricky, Margaret also feels that she has no idea where to start.

When facing a paladin in full fine gold armor, how much mana is needed to shake his body?

Even if Mabel of Fire burns him with the maximum firepower, the paladin can stand in the raging flames and remain motionless for two minutes.

You can burn as much as you want, but if you can make me sweat in two minutes, you are capable.

But at this time, even if Mabel has a 50-meter range of fire, it is enough for a paladin to rush up and kill Mabel a hundred times.

Wearing a super armor weighing hundreds of kilograms, he can still walk briskly. If this is not a supernatural person, what is a supernatural person?

This is also the biggest dilemma faced by many spellcasters.

Because only when facing ordinary things, those supernatural spells have the greatest effect.

Ordinary things have too low weight and can be easily interfered with.

Mona's shortcomings are obvious.

First, it can only interfere with the flow of time in a certain range. Once the coverage range changes, the effect will disappear.

She cast a spell on a carriage to speed up the flow of time in the carriage. When the carriage leaves the range of her spell, the acceleration effect will slowly disappear, and finally disappear completely after leaving the range.

If Mona follows the carriage throughout the whole process and keeps accelerating its movements, the consumption will be extremely large, because she herself is also in motion.

In other words, her spellcasting effect is best in a sufficiently stable and controllable environment.

Second, it cannot be used on large objects. It is best to be an independent individual, the more independent the better, and she is afraid of interference from external factors.

If Mona casts a spell on a gear in the clock.

Because the clock is a structure of many gears interlocking with each other, they will eventually experience this acceleration effect. The faster the second hand rotates, the faster the hour hand will also rotate.

And if the clock is large enough, she will be quickly drained.

It is also simple to be afraid of external interference.

Mona paused the time of an ordinary person.

But during this period, what if someone exerts influence on that person?

For example, if you throw a flying knife or hit a steamroller at him, what will the effect be?

The answer is that no matter whether it is a flying knife or a steamroller, it can't hit him, or in other words, before hitting him, the closer you are, the slower the time flow rate, and finally you will keep the same time flow rate as the time pauser, but the kinetic energy will not disappear.

The second external factors are rain, sunlight, and air flow-of course, as long as you don't encounter earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, avalanches and other disasters, the influence of other weak natural factors is far less than that of flying knives and steamrollers.

Whether the latter can be avoided is his problem.

Roman’s first thought was to let Mona go with Gweil to breed.

The land is a fixed scene, and the growth of plants has little interaction with the outside world. They only absorb nutrients from a few centimeters of soil, and the weight of seeds is extremely low.

Mona is an excellent breeder.

The area she covers is not particularly large, and she can only cast spells on about ten acres of land with full strength, which cannot be maintained for a long time.

But the difficulty of casting spells on one acre of land is very low, and the consumption is also low, which can maintain the spell effect for a long time.

Considering daily life, Mona cannot work 24 hours a day, but she can also shorten the growth cycle of rice from April to two months. If Mona is allowed to work to the limit, harvesting within fifty days is not a dream.

Two harvests a year?

Nine harvests in two years!

Although Roman has made repeated efforts to retain Mona-this is very rare for him.

But it still did not change Mona’s idea of ​​leaving.

The Cangyue battlefield cannot do without the guardian power. Mona is only escorting the auxiliary witch this time and has no intention of staying here.

"The queen has done us a great favor." The time witch said.

The Witch Forest is not a vassal of Cang Yue, but the two do have some kind of secret and obscure connection.

When Origin City was still undeveloped, many strongholds of the Witch Forest were removed one by one by Gale. He swept through the fields and forced the witches into a desperate situation, so they could only launch a suicidal attack on the Holy City. After the witches failed, the Prophet Witch had to take a group of non-combat witches to Cang Yue.

But when the Church and Sinnoh put pressure on Cang Yue to hand over all the spellcasters, the Blood Queen and the King of the Valley did the same thing and fought to the end with the whole country.

The situation in Cang Yue is more dangerous than that in Origin City.

Roman was blocked by the Black Iron King in front of him, and the Black Iron Order still played a role, preventing him from facing the war directly, giving him enough living space.

And Cang Yue is a real army pressing on.

Up to now, the two sides have been fighting for a whole year, and it has developed to a white-hot stage.

"You are the Lord Conqueror, Your Highness, you are also qualified to mediate the war, just like the Conqueror back then." The Time Witch said. "The Queen also hopes that you can send troops to relieve Cang Yue. If so, Cang Yue will never forget the kindness of the Valley King!"

Roman only said: "It's not the right time now."

The Time-Lost Witch's face was bitter.

This is such a familiar and ironic sentence.

"Come and help me," Roman said again.

It is the end of midsummer, a good time for farming, especially for rice that has reached the flowering and fruiting period, which is growing rapidly every day.

As long as the Time-Lost Witch helps him, the growth will be even more fierce.

Although this approach cannot directly change the overall situation.

But the so-called advantage is accumulated little by little like this.

When the advantage accumulates large enough, nothing can stop it.

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