If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 313 Because He is Kind (Alliance Leader Adds More and Asks for Votes)

After the celebration, Roman also calculated the total amount of grain harvested in Fengrao City this round.

It can only be said that it is better than expected.

One hundred thousand mu of land, nearly 20 million kilograms of wheat.

He plans to increase the population of Fengrao City to 100,000 this year. Two hundred kilograms of wheat per capita can only be said to be barely enough.

But the more food, the better.

At this time, the soul of the entire Fengrao City was also awakened from the harvest celebration.

In the past, no one told them what to do, and no one told them what the use of doing so was, anyway, they just kept working.

Roman was able to force them to work, purely because they had three meals a day and would not go hungry.

But enthusiasm is impossible. If there are three meals, there are three meals. Who knows if the master will cancel it one day if he is unhappy.

It's not that they haven't experienced such things.

Most of these people have tragic experiences such as broken families, leaving their homes, selling themselves into slavery, and being captured in battle.

If you ask them why they are still alive, they can't give a reason.

Living instinctively, living numbly, like a walking corpse.

There is no direction, no goal.

This is how life is.

The soldiers often told them that we are the same, following the master, we can eat good food and live a good life.

Those soldiers came from the former Kant Territory, and they sincerely hoped that this land would be better, and they worked the hardest.

But no one believed this, it was too mysterious.

You are a soldier, I am a slave, if you don’t hit me when I walk on the road, I have to kowtow to you.

It’s as if slaves can live a good life as long as they work hard, hahahaha.


It’s bad, this may be true!

Their souls are like suddenly awakened from a deep sleep.

When they re-examined this land, they were surprised to find that it really became better.

The originally bumpy loess road became muddy every time it rained.

After the road was built, the lower layer was crushed stone, the middle layer was gravel, and the top layer was chiseled flat stone slabs, which were bonded together with lime.

The stone slab road was flat and neat, full of beauty, and stretched straight into the distance.

The efficiency of transportation was more than doubled. Now it is more convenient for them.

Because it is not only the speed that has been improved, but also the strength used in transportation.

Gods, this is the road they built with their own hands.

This is really a beautiful thing.

A few months ago, it was a wasteland with weeds and it was very difficult to reclaim.

Now, strange brick houses are rising from the ground.

The construction team is digging foundations and building brick kilns on a large scale, and coal is transported from the origin city as if it is free.

The raging fire released by the coal burns all the stinky mud into hard bricks.

Through the hands of the construction team, hundreds of numb farmers moved bricks and built walls, thinking that they were going to build a bigger castle for the master.

Now, with a vague look, I found that it was not tall or majestic, but sharp-edged, with a sense of regularity that did not belong to the current chaotic and bad times, and it was approachable. It was not a house for noble masters, nor a house for lowly slaves.

Low buildings were connected in pieces, and solid tiles were connected into mountains.

Now they were standing in front of these houses.

Master, this is a house they built with their own hands.

Is there anything better than this?

"White No. 3!" A tender voice shouted.

"Little master, I'm here." A person squeezed out of the crowd. His face was deeply wrinkled, his skin was cracked, and his behavior was humble and flattering.

"Are you White No. 3?"

"Little master, it's me, they say I'm number 3..." White explained stutteringly, and his family behind him stared at him nervously.

"Did you come here from Baron Leicester last year?"

"The priest said that you don't have to live a hard life here. Oh, gods, I was obsessed for a while..."

"There is only the King of the Valley here! Don't talk about gods! How many people are there in your family?"

"Gracie, Ivan, Arthur..." He counted on his fingers, turned to look at his family behind him, and finally confirmed, "Three! Young master, there are three people in your family!"

"What about you?" The little boy couldn't believe it.

"Four people! It's four people!" He corrected hurriedly.

The little boy looked at another boy, who flipped out a stack of papers and nodded.

"Yes, No. 3 White is the head of the family, his wife is Gracie, his son is Ivan, and his daughter is Arthur."

The little boy said to White: "Okay, our master has given you this house because you are kind. Just the first room I pointed to, don't go wrong, you and your family must move in, but you are not allowed to move to another place, do you understand?"

"Thank you, master, thank you, little master."

This is the residence of No. 5. The temperature in June has risen significantly, but it is much cooler than the Origin City.

The summer breeze blew slowly, the wild grass was green, and everyone lined up under the shade of the trees to share the house.

"That...that...the master will not take the house back, will he?" White asked after a long time.

"As long as you work hard, he will not take it back, and there will be rewards. As long as all of you plow that piece of land, yes, the one next to it...4,000 acres of land, and sow it within this month, the master will reward you with a bed, a table, and three benches next month..."

The little boy read the words on the paper with difficulty.

But this job was a bit difficult for him, and he read it out stumblingly.

Finally, the boy said loudly: "Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand!" White nodded like pounding garlic. Isn't it just farming? Let alone 4,000 acres, he wouldn't blink even if it doubled.

Another boy wrote down the general information of No. 3 White on the paper household registration certificate.

No. 5 residence, house number is 05001.

Hand the certificate to the farmer.

"Keep it well, and rely on it to get welfare in the future."

White didn't understand what welfare was. It was very unfamiliar and a newly created word, but he understood the meaning. The things that the master gave him specifically must be very important.

He can also get a batch of furniture next month...

Is he worthy? White thought, flattered.

But there is no way, who made this matter decided by the master himself.

"Gracie, Gracie, look, we have a house."

The wife said, "It's such a solid and spacious house. Look how solid the materials are. Is this really given to us by the master?"

"Of course it is!"

The master said so.

Because he is kind.

So he was given the house.

At this time, White felt deeply guilty and repentant for his crime of being lazy in the field last month.

Gods above, I confess my sins to you. I will definitely redeem my sins to the master in the future. Whatever the master says is what it is. I will do whatever the master tells me to do.

After the farmer finished his confession in his heart, he looked at the brick house in front of him and felt a deep joy again.

And behind White, one brick house after another had residents.

Some were slaves from the north, some were converted jihadists, some were fleeing prisoners of war, but more were the remnants of Kant's territory.

Having a house means taking root.

There is nothing better than this.

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