If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 322 The falling snowflakes are as cold as her heart

"Miss Sanna from the spellcasting team is here to see Captain Kao again!"

After the news spread, a group of soldiers, squad leaders, squadron leaders, and battalion leaders who were on leave came to hear the news. They would not miss the wonderful show once a month.

All soldiers have one day off every month.

Every day, one-thirtieth of the people can rest.

You can rotate and coordinate, but every day, 29% of the troops must be in hard training, regardless of wind or rain, and even if a blizzard comes, they must do physical training.

The rest is to rest in squads.

After discussion, the squad leaders and soldiers can choose a day of rest each month through coordination.

As long as they do not violate the monthly rest rules, they will generally get what they want. If there is a conflict in rest time, the superiors will arrange the rest.

Kao is the captain of the Guards Battalion, so he naturally chose to rest on the same day as Sanna.

However, the relationship between the two is far from being as harmonious as that of ordinary brothers and sisters.

After learning that the brother and sister had an appointment in the grove, all the soldiers and non-commissioned officers who were on leave went to watch the fun.

Kao stood in the field, his face somewhat dark.

He didn't mind fighting with Sana, but how did the news leak out?

He looked around coldly, and wherever he looked, everyone lowered their heads and turned their heads, refusing to let the rumored narrow-minded captain see his face, especially those who belonged to the Guards Battalion, who must not be held accountable.

Kao had no expression on his face. It's okay to lower your head? I'll know everything when I check today's off-duty schedule at the military headquarters.

"Hurry up!" He urged with a cold face, striving for a quick victory.

"Why are you in a hurry?" Sana cracked her knuckles and jumped lightly twice on the spot, doing warm-up exercises.

The cold wind passed through the woods, and the branches were hung with scattered leaves.

The atmosphere was silent.

"Sanna! You must win this time!" Gweiler clasped her hands together into a trumpet shape and shouted to Sana.

"You will win!" The girl punched Gweiler fiercely, her face full of confidence.

Gweil was a little worried. She always said this, but the result was always bad.

"What do you think?" Zelda said to Brenna, one of the two witches watching the battle.

"I'm not very optimistic..." said Brenna, who was very fast. "Yes, little Sana can now arm wrestle with Kao after using magic, but to be honest, if he and I have the same power, I may not be able to kill him. There is a chance that I will be killed in return."

"It's strange. He is only a few years old and has only been on the battlefield a few times. He should not have much experience in fighting." Zelda said while fighting.

"Our little Sanna is the same. I don't know why, but her combat experience has improved by leaps and bounds during this period. Right under our noses, she was so fast, fierce and accurate during training, and her eyes changed when she took action. I wonder how many people she has killed."

"You have to ask what our powerful prince did," said the swift Brenna with a sneer. "Such a young third-level knight, I bet that as long as the prince lets him go to the tournament, he will definitely get the Star of Valor awarded by the Black Iron King himself."

"But the title of Medal Knight is probably not as good as his performance on the battlefield. He has all the guards at his disposal."

"Do you think little Sanna can win?"

"The competition is 30-70. If it's a life-and-death battle, ah..."

"Hey, it's snowing."


As soon as the voice fell, the brother and sister on the field started a hand-to-hand fight.

Both of them were lightly dressed in cloth, and their fists and feet were wrapped in bandages to facilitate force.

Sanna led the first attack and punched with a swift right straight punch.

Kao ducked with his head turned sideways and raised his left leg, whipping it out like a steel whip, the air whistling.

Sana suddenly leaned over, the straight punch was a fake move, and she quickly retracted it. She supported the ground with one hand, and Thomas turned around to kick Kao's right leg, which was standing on one leg.

Kao was a little surprised and fell to the ground.

Sana turned around, then quickly stood up and chopped down with her right leg like a battle axe.

Kao rolled over in time to avoid it, and his body was covered with dirt.


The ground shook slightly, and the fallen leaves flew. Sana raised her right foot, and a footprint several centimeters deep was imprinted on the hard soil layer.

Seeing his embarrassing movements, Sana's eyes flashed with strong excitement.

"Kao, feel my previous pain!" She shouted, and pursued Kao, who had just stood up and was unstable.


The bowl-thick tree was kicked off by Sana on the spot, wood chips flew, and half of the tree trunk fell to the ground with a click.

Kao put away his contempt, kept retreating, kept dodging, patiently and carefully observing Sana's movements.


Another thin tree was kicked in half!

The trees in this forest were sparse and thin, and Kao had a lot of space to retreat, but Sana was already impatient to beat him up, and beat him to his knees in front of everyone.

Sana jumped lightly, jumped three or four meters high, and hit Kao from above with a Taishan meteorite drop.

Kao suddenly swung the soil in his hand, and Sana was shocked. She subconsciously closed her eyes to avoid being blinded by the sand, and then she felt a pain in her body.

The Taishan meteorite drop turned into a lightning whirlwind, and the Sana crashed.

She fell to the ground hard, and the pain was unbearable for a while. Her keen senses detected someone walking towards her quickly, and she sucked in a breath of cold air, curled up her body without hesitation, and covered her head...

At this moment, the snowflakes falling from the sky were as cold as her heart, and she shivered with coldness.


In the evening, Tucker hurried back to his residence from the department store, carrying a wooden barrel.

He rushed in through the door and quickly closed it with his back, isolating the wind and snow outside.

He walked from the living room to the bedroom and immediately felt that the temperature in the room was higher than outside.

The wind and snow outside were howling, but the solid brick wall did not move at all. The vent of the coal stove left a gap, and the honeycomb coal slowly and persistently released heat.

The whole room was warm and quiet.

Tucker came to the bed with a wooden barrel and whispered, "Look, Laura, what did I bring back?"

The pregnant woman sat on the bed, with the warm woolen blanket covering most of her body. The baby born last year was sleeping beside her. This was her second child, and now it was almost time for delivery.

"Why are you buying things again? The soap I bought last time hasn't been used up yet."

"This time it's milk." Tucker said, "Look, this bucket is 20 kilograms, and it only cost one copper coin, enough for you and little Richard to eat for several days."

"There is also a subsidy for pregnant women, how can I eat it..." Laura said in surprise.

"And little Richard..." Tucker explained in a low voice, so as not to wake the child.

"Well, well, he is growing up."

"Should I buy another copper coin worth of honeycomb coal? Are these enough?"

"These are enough."

Laura looked at him tenderly, "Free ones are enough, these are all the grace of His Highness." She had never thought that a pregnant woman could get such careful care before.

Giving birth is not a scary thing anymore.

"Yes, this is all the grace of His Highness for you. When little Richard grows up, I must tell him these things."


No more updates today, let me take my time, two more updates tomorrow

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