He died.

Everyone saw it with their own eyes.

This change caught the people of Coldwind Town off guard.

They came to kill people!

After a short silence, the people of Coldwind Town finally responded.

Some guards trembled, some guards screamed, some cowardly knights turned around and ran, and some knights attacked in anger.

Those rebels were slaughtered as soon as they rushed up, like loyal dogs falling in the muddy land with their masters.

The vanguard brigade and auxiliary troops took over the land without any obstacles.

Nathan went straight to the castle of Coldwind Town. He had been imprisoned here and still remembered the narrow and short castle. It looked inconspicuous on the outside, but there were dungeons and cellars inside, in which a large amount of food was stored.

They spent five days turning the place upside down, and after ensuring that nothing was left, they transported the looted food and wealth to the car.

This was a forced collective migration. Young and strong laborers, children and old women were all taken away. During this period, they encountered huge resistance.

Some old farmers would rather die than leave this land, no matter how the vanguard brigade threatened them.

Nathan gathered all the residents who refused to leave and drove them into a forest.

No one knew what happened in the forest. When the army came out of the forest, the legs of the others were weak.

Because the stewards appointed by Lord Winder also followed into the forest, and all died. Their bodies were dragged by horses, rubbed into a bloody mess, and the bloodstains were shocking.

And the fate of those who did not come out of the forest is self-evident.

Those lower-class people who did not resist so fiercely obeyed at that time.

About 10,000 people were taken as spoils of war and slowly returned with the cavalry brigade.

At this time, the role of the auxiliary army was highlighted-the vanguard brigade alone was unable to guard all people and cars.

"The rain is still falling." Luca looked at the foggy world.

This tall plateau man walked at the front of the team, leading the warhorse carrying food. All the warhorses of the cavalry brigade were like this, increasing the carrying capacity.

Even so, all the supplies in Hanfeng Town were not transported away. They sent special people to guard them and prepared to transport them again in a few days.

"This is a rain disaster." Nathan's expression was dull.

He was born a farmer and hated all disasters.

Nathan liked farming and could pull the plow alone.

But some things often went against one's wishes. He was named the captain of the vanguard brigade.

Cavalry is the best vanguard unit. Not to mention the heavy knights, the mounted infantry alone is far more mobile than ordinary infantry.

Roman believes that the vanguard should take on the functions of being the first to climb and kill the generals, breaking through the battle and seizing the flag. This task cannot be done by those who are not gifted. A leader who looks strong and brave enough will bring great morale to the army.

So Nathan is the vanguard captain, in charge of most cavalry forces, but Luca is still the captain of the cavalry brigade and the deputy captain in the vanguard organization.

"I just don't know how long it will take for this rain to stop." A young cavalryman said.

"Soon." Nathan replied.

He was nearly 30 years old and had experienced similar disasters when he was young. He only remembered that when the clouds and mist floated in the sky and there was a golden light, it was the time when the rain and clouds disappeared.

Sure enough, on the third day of their return, the chaotic sky began to become clear.

A ray of golden light burst out from the depths of the heavy clouds, shining on the muddy road like a golden sword, forming a sharp contrast with the still dim areas around.

And below the clouds was a long team dragging forward, and from a distance, it seemed that there was no end in sight.

They stepped on the mud and pushed the wheels, exhausted, but it seemed like they were walking on a road split by a golden sword.


After more than a day.

The vanguard arrived at the City of Plenty.

Roman personally met the triumphant army.

Dividing troops is a taboo in military strategists, and dividing troops according to arms is even more incredible, but Roman still did it.

The reason was to hone their organizational skills.

They did not disappoint him. They attacked from all sides and gained something. Batches of people and supplies were transported here in an orderly manner.

Nathan was the second army to return.

The special brigade led by Green was the first to return. Shane County was suitable for animal husbandry. There was a large pasture, but the population was not large. He tied up more than 3,000 people and drove the cattle and sheep that had just passed the winter back. The task was much easier and simpler than that of the vanguard brigade.

There was an episode - the lord of Shane County discovered the army led by Green through the sentry. He made a prompt decision to close the castle.

Green led a group of special units to sneak up that night and opened the can of the castle.


The sniper brigade also encountered resistance in Blackbird Forest.

The former only took a few rounds of long-range shooting to defeat them.

The talents of the apostles after the job change will also change. The vision and hit rate of the sniper apostles have been improved, and they can all be called elite shooters.

Hundreds of people died in the hail of arrows, but the noble castle of Black Bird Forest is located on the mountain, overlooking the mountains, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is difficult to attack with long-range forces alone.

The sniper brigade sighed in despair and could only kidnap a few thousand people and some supplies.

Roman attaches great importance to supplies. This time, he not only wants people, but also their reserve food.

Otherwise, he can't support so many people.

Although the food collected in this way is not much, it is only millions of pounds.

But it can also make up for the temporary consumption.

After Nathan came back, Roman received another battle report from Aaron.

The heavy-armed brigade successfully landed in Apple Town. The conscripted soldiers were no match for them at all. Aaron directly looted the more prosperous market town.

But the disadvantage was that their actions were exposed to the eyes of the nobles from the outside world - of course, this matter could not be concealed.

Roman divided his troops into five groups and attacked at the same time. This was the first large-scale conquest war of Origin City. In the past, it was either a small-scale battle or a self-defense war.

Now it has finally exposed its ferocious fangs and claws to many nobles from the outside world.

The Black Iron Land is the richest and most powerful kingdom among the land countries. The Black Iron King naturally has many nobles canonized.

When the conqueror Ionos founded the Black Iron Kingdom, he not only canonized three Black Iron Grand Dukes, but also canonized hundreds of nobles such as earls and barons. The large-scale land enfeoffment consolidated the ruling position of the Black Iron King.

Although the Origin City is located in a remote area, there are more than a dozen nobles of the ruling class around it. For example, Kant Territory has more than one earl and five hereditary barons.

Apple Town is close to the hinterland of Black Iron, with convenient transportation and abundant fruits and vegetables. It is a prosperous trade market.

Many nobles rely on the town market to make profits, and they can't just sit back and watch.

It's outrageous to be robbed around the hinterland of Black Iron.

What's more outrageous is that what is robbed is not wealth, but craftsmen and artisans of various professions.

It's okay to rob people, but why do they take the whole family of craftsmen away?

Is this what people do?

It's said that well water doesn't interfere with river water, so why is your well water overflowing?

Many nobles thought about it.

I can't stand it anymore.

Go to hell!

Can we beat them?

No one knows.

However, the fire is burning and imminent.

They urgently need to drive away this gang of bandits, so they ask other nobles for help.

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