"How many blacksmiths are there?" Aaron quickly got the answer.

"57 people, but most of them are apprentices who only know how to break iron."

"Where are the family members?"

"There are about three to a hundred people." The squadron leader replied.

Aaron said, "Take them all away. Don't leave anyone behind. Tell the blacksmiths that they are now the slaves of the King of the Valley. They'd better be wise and don't make things difficult for us. If anyone resists, tie them up." ”

Roman needs these skilled craftsmen, as well as those literate bachelors.

Market towns are settlements developed due to the prosperity of craftsmen and commerce. They are more complex than ordinary villages, have more classes, and are more difficult to manage.

Aaron immediately implemented military control.

The training time of heavy-armed soldiers is extremely long, and the war attrition is minimal. The earliest batch of heavy-armed soldiers served for three or four years, and they can hold the position of squad leader in an ordinary brigade.

The long military training career has made their discipline and cooperation reach an extremely high level.

What's more important is that all of them are literate, and all the soldiers have probably mastered a number of words ranging from one hundred to one thousand. In the current era, they cannot be called illiterate in any case.

Aaron released them and took control of the situation here in just over ten days.

Not to mention the total urban population of more than 6,000 people, more importantly, the age distribution, occupational structure, and food reserves have been basically figured out.

According to the plan, Aaron should have left after robbing someone. However, the aristocratic forces gathered around Apple Town reacted extremely quickly. When they saw the town falling, they cut off their retreat on the spot.

The heavy equipment brigade had to stay here temporarily.

Aaron also happened to take advantage of this time to collect information about Apple Town.

After the squadron leader who reported the work left, another group leader came to report.

"Commander, they are ready to make a move."

More than half a month has passed. Seeing that the occupied town remained unmoving in the closed state, the aristocratic forces began to feel restless again.

They went over to try to retake the city, launching raids.

Come during the day and come at night, but all the strange soldiers who rush into the market town will be hung up in the blink of an eye, like a mud cow into the sea.

The nobles gave up the foolish behavior of dividing their troops to attack the city.

Led by the Felin family, the surrounding barons, counts, and nobles prepared their troops and began to prepare for a large-scale war.

There are two reasons.

One is that the heavy armored brigade and the auxiliary army were eating from the town's food reserves during this period, and those food reserves would allow Aaron to eat for another two or three months, so there could be no further delay.

Secondly, this army went deep alone, and no reinforcements were seen after being trapped in a tight siege. It was as if the King of the River Valley had given up on this army, which gave Count Felin great confidence.

"They want to eat us?"

"It should be." The captain was a little uneasy.

In the past, the King of the River Valley always watched their training and growth, but now they are isolated and helpless, separated from the King's gaze, leaving their warmest home and coming to a strange and cold land. Even the most experienced veterans are inevitably a little shaken. .

"They can't do it, Jon, don't panic, the Lord of the Vale says they are vulnerable."

The King of the River Valley said that they were vulnerable, but except for Aaron, everyone thought that the focus of this sentence was always the King of the River Valley.

They all believed that their power to defeat their enemies came from the Great King.

He brought victory to his army, but now without him, how will they fight?

Can His Highness direct his gaze here? Jon thought.

They could not see His Highness' tall figure or hear His Majesty's gentle voice. Their courage was like that of travelers stepping into the swamp.

Except for Aaron…

Jon never saw any wavering expression on Aaron's square face. His eyes were always firm, resolute and silent, like an immortal rock.

Life in the military camp is very difficult, with training during the day and endorsements at night. But sometimes I would have fun and complain about my superiors. I would mention the cool and cheerful Green, the devil instructor Jet, and the vengeful Kaa. I would rarely mention Aaron. They secretly said that he was like a turtle. Carrying something heavy on his back, he is taciturn.

In the past, his presence was very low, but now he has become the supreme commander. Everyone was shocked by how calm and reliable this man was. He was one of the first knights to follow His Highness Roman.

Jon asked again: "Commander, let's defend."

The market town has walls, but they are a little low, but the heavy armor is very good at defending.

They believed that even if the dragon attacked their defense array, they would be dead on the spot.

Facing the current situation, a conservative strategy is in line with the situation.

"No, let's attack!" Aaron, the most conservative, rejected Jon's suggestion, "If we don't kill them all, we will never be able to leave here."

The defense of the city is passive, and the rhythm of the war is controlled by the other side. If they say they want to attack the city, they will attack it. If they say they don't, they will not. However, they urgently need to open a passage, and the most important thing to do is to kill all the enemies in the way.

"Then how do we send troops?"

Aaron said, "Let the new soldiers stay in the town to defend and maintain order, and the entire heavy armored brigade will attack."

After receiving the clear order, Jon quickly informed and went out. When the mobilization horn sounded through the town, the captives all over the city looked at the sky in horror. The horn sounded, and then they saw one after another carrying heavy shields walking in front of the door and on the street. figure.

Aaron held the flag high, with a shield suspended above the iron ring of thorns. He puffed up his chest and shouted: "Unparalleled warriors from the river valley! Smash all obstacles ahead!"

"Are you sure you want this?"

The King of Black Iron asked his noble vassal.

"No doubt, Your Majesty!" The Sir of the Flin family spoke strongly and sincerely, "I ask you to sign this deprivation! Punish that disrespectful minister and deprive him of all rights to the valley and fiefdom taxes."

Io III was broad-skinned, strong-limbed, and had the demeanor of a true king.

He sat on the cold black iron throne, with a woman in white standing next to him.

The people of the Angry Tide family deserved to die! Io III thought angrily. The people of the Split Armor family also deserved to die!

The most damning one was the arrogant guy Roman!

Now in this imperial meeting, more than half of the participants stood up to oppose the King of the Valley and asked him to revoke the latter's title.

This was the second impeachment.

And the first one was far less large-scale than the second one, because the actions of the impeached person now touched too many sensitive nerves of the nobles.

They all thought he would be honest, but he broke the bottom line that the nobles could accept one after another.

Now the neutral nobles were unwilling to stand by and watch, and they all came down, and the balance immediately tilted.

They collectively asked him to issue a warrant of deprivation.

The King of Black Iron had this right, but the latter could not be willing to be deprived of his title.

Just as he hoped to marry Roman, let him call him father respectfully like facing Ulster, but the latter did not appreciate it.

Now he was accused of a series of crimes such as treason, raising witches, murdering nobles, maliciously lowering prices, slaughtering innocent people, and forming private parties.

Cruel, tyrannical, despicable, evil, and outrageous, many atrocities completely violated the order of the conquerors...

Even so, he still did not intend to sign this warrant of deprivation.

The decision was in his hands, and if he said no, it was no.

Io III looked coldly, and the nobles who stood up seemed to form a storm, covering the meeting in front of the emperor, and the center of the storm was not only him, but also another person.

The man had messy blue hair like seaweed, a face like a corroded stone statue, and rough and deep features. He was the modern-day Grand Duke of Fury.

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