"How do you feel?" Roman saw Aaron and quickly stepped forward to give him a bear hug!

"No different from usual." Aaron said, with a slight arc on the corner of his mouth. His subordinates said he was a turtle, and the expression on his face was as depressed and eternal as a turtle shell, but he was just not good at expressing himself, not so boring, and only when he encountered something that could touch his heart would he show all kinds of emotions.

"I brought back many people."

He handed the list to Roman, which was full of his hard work.

Roman glanced at it and said happily. "You did a good job! These are all the talents I need!"

This list is enough to fill some vacancies. Now the scale of the territory is growing, and the production pressure is also quite large.

He changed the production model and came up with a more efficient manufacturing process.

But those manufacturing processes also need to be learned by professionals.

Hundreds of craftsmen are all skilled masters. A master can take two or three apprentices.

Cattle and horses are highly adaptable creatures. As long as they are given carrots, there is no mill that cannot be pulled.

His expansion strategy this time eliminated five noble nodes at once, and Apple Town was the node with the greatest benefits.

Residents living in the market town are often smarter and more qualified than rural people.

There are also a lot of literate lawyers and judges. They are trained by the city university, dedicated to serving power, and can be employed, unlike family members who are hereditary judicial officers in some noble territory.

But Roman's reputation is too bad, and no one is willing to come to him for work, for fear that he will fall one day and be implicated.

Now they have to come.

"You did a great job this time."

"It's my job." Aaron said.

"I have to reward you well."

The rewards are cloth, salt, ironware and other living supplies. Every time he wins a battle, Roman will issue a batch of extra supplies as rewards to prevent these guys from violating regulations and disciplines due to shortages of supplies.

This kind of incentive behavior will always bring more benefits than the cost.

The residents and prisoners of war in this market town are all excellent labor.

He was not hit by the rain, the sky was unusually clear, and he recruited too many soldiers. There was so much land waiting to be reclaimed, and God knew how much labor was needed in Origin City.

Of course, labor alone was not enough. If it could not be effectively organized, it would be a waste of food.

"Come, tell me in detail what you did over there." Roman pulled Aaron to sit down in the castle hall.

He was very concerned about this operation. This was the only experience of sending troops to station outside.

He had sent troops twice, once to rescue Morey, but that could only be considered an expedition. The other time was to the Sea Castle, but it could not be used as a reference standard. When the people in the Sea Castle saw Nellie coming back, they knelt on the spot.

What if Roman's army went to other places?

For example, in Apple Town, there would definitely be a lot of resistance.

Even if those residents obeyed openly, they would not cooperate secretly, and would trip you up out of the blue. If you dared to relax your vigilance, they would dare to create unrest and claim to be defending their homeland.

Aaron was fighting on the front line, and the two thousand auxiliary soldiers had to guard the rear to avoid being poked in the ass.

Who is an outsider in the feudal system?

Roman is an outsider. His words are only valid in Origin City and Abundant City. People outside call him a blasphemer.

People in this era have two mountains in their hearts.

One is the Church, and the other is the nobles.

Don't think that they will hate the nobles because the nobles oppress them.

In fact, their bones have long been domesticated into the shape of noble masters.

But Roman wants to correct their cheap bones into what he wants.

If he had 100,000 heavy armors, he would dare to conquer the whole land directly. Just by inserting nails everywhere, he can quickly turn the land into a steel plate.

However, he has only cultivated 1,200 heavy armors at present. This army is also the most culturally literate brigade in Roman's hands, because the training time is long enough and it is not easy to lose personnel.

If it is another professional brigade, it may not be able to achieve this level.

It is too difficult to rule a place.

Roman heard from Aaron that he asked everyone to stay at home and not go out. Most production work was forced to stop, such as closing the tavern, turning off the blacksmith, and stopping the carpenter. Aaron ordered the heavy-armored soldiers to knock on doors and record information from house to house.

This brigade is responsible for this area, and that brigade is responsible for that area.

It took more than ten days for 1,200 literate veterans to collect all the information in place in the face of more than 6,000 residents.

The efficiency was very slow, but there was no way, because they could not act alone.

When the work was just started in the early stage, many lone heavy-armored soldiers were attacked by local residents in narrow alleys. Fortunately, the heavy-armored soldiers were experienced and had no non-combat casualties.

If they did not die on the battlefield, but died on the way to visit, it would be a shame.

After hearing these things, Roman couldn't help but fall into deep thought: How should we rule those unruly people?

Military control is effective, but Roman's current military literacy is not up to standard-even the most qualified heavy-armored brigade is the same. It can assist production, but it cannot command production.

Not to mention that he wanted to take all the land for himself and redistribute it, and then improve the living environment, agricultural reform, popularize iron tools, and improve manufacturing technology.

These things are too complicated, and the implementation is more difficult than one. Unless Roman himself is there, it is easy to go wrong. Iolion's situation is still vivid in his mind.

He thought about it but still had no idea. He only decided on one thing - he still had to rely on the army.

The army is the most organized group in social development.

But it's good enough for them to fight. It's unrealistic to expect them all to be all-rounders.

Just like ordinary farmers, their learning and understanding abilities are limited.

You tell farmers that we are the people's army, but those ordinary farmers don't understand the truth behind it at all.

That group of stubborn people are stubborn, greedy, suspicious, and blind... Damn it, Roman wanted to kill them all and purify the world. When the next generation of children influenced by him grows up, it will be easy.

But that would take ten years, and no one would work for him!

Just when Roman was at a loss, Aaron finished telling the story, took off the heavy cloth bag from his waist, and handed it over.

Roman opened it and was surprised to find that there were hundreds of colorful gem crystals in the bag.

"You captured this?"

Aaron smiled faintly: "We searched the whole town."

Prisoners of war and slaves are part of it, gems are part of it, and gold, silver and copper coins are also part of it.

How much wealth does a prosperous trade town have?

It is difficult to count, but Aaron can tell the approximate number, all of which add up to no less than five-digit gold coins.

Roman smiled at the gems. Other professional teams also made many gains, bringing several to dozens of gems. They all knew that Roman lacked various resources, but it had to be Aaron.

He looked at these gems and seemed to have found a way to the future.

List a group of soldiers with the best learning progress separately, set up a special production department, and upgrade their brains!

Book recommendation! ——"Fairy, I'm a Good Person", 400,000 words, not a seedling, interested brothers can click to collect

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