Roman thought that there should have been a forest on this land in the past, but it was cut down during the reclamation process. Because of the lack of suitable tools, the tree stumps buried in the ground have not been cleared out.

There is no need to clear them out. There is plenty of land, so there is no need to fight with those deep-rooted big tree stumps.

There may still be dozens or hundreds of these tree stumps.

Roman will not tolerate any debris appearing in the soil and affecting his harvest.

Theoretically, the total labor force of Sige Town is about 1,100 to 200 people.

The actual situation is that Roman has only more than 700 people available at most, because other laborers have to maintain the basic operation of Sige Town.

Composting is a very important thing. Now most of the laborers are collecting manure.

According to Roman's estimation, this work will basically be completed in three days.

By then, the new heavy plow will be cast, and the laborers who have been freed from the work of collecting manure will turn the two thousand acres of land upside down.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." The farmers responded in unison, and many of them stared at the heavy plow, obviously very curious about this new plow.

Roman waved his hand and let them go to work.

Compared with the light plow, the heavy plow is heavier, moves slower, and requires two oxen to pull.

But the heavy plow can plow half a meter of land width at a time, and it only needs to plow once. Two oxen can plow 6 acres of land every day-the premise is that they can't turn around frequently, otherwise it will take a lot of time, so Roman also chose such a flat and wide land for collective labor.

After all the heavy plows are cast, it will take ten days to harrow the two thousand acres of land.

But the blacksmith shop has low production efficiency. Roman asked Lux, and he will have to wait seven days at the earliest to manufacture the 40th heavy plow.

Therefore, after casting a heavy plow, it must be put into use in time.

Roman wants to sort out this piece of land as much as possible in the next thirteen days.

By then, the manure has basically fermented.

Deep plowing is just the foundation. The following sowing and fertilizing are also very important.

This is also a race against time with God to avoid missing the most suitable time for farming in spring.

The principle of intensive farming is not to fool the land, otherwise the land will fool you.

But after planting, it can save a lot of labor - in the following spring and summer, at least four-fifths of the labor can be freed from heavy field work.

This is Roman's purpose.

These people have been bound to this vast land for generations.

They carry an invisible mountain on their backs, which makes them unable to look up all day long, and do heavy work every day that can never be completed.

Day after day, year after year, after hundreds of generations of withering and flourishing, the seeds sown on this land sprout again and again, but they have never broken through the invisible shackles.

It's like a terrible curse shrouding this barbaric and dark era.


Until now, Roman had not told them that this year's spring plowing, Sige Town only planted these two thousand acres of land.

When the farmers learned about this, they might start a riot.

Because from their point of view, Roman wanted to starve them to death, and the harvest of two thousand acres of land was not enough for them to eat.

In this era where food is more important than anything else, farmers generally treat farming with a very conservative and cautious attitude - this is purely an instinct for survival. After all, if there is a slight mistake in agricultural production, there will be big problems.

This matter cannot be concealed, and the farmers will soon notice this.

But it doesn't matter, he will suppress the unrest.

Even if a hundred farmers die, in exchange for Sige Town's continued development step by step, in Roman's view, this is a very cost-effective thing.

He is determined to implement his will!

Roman has high requirements for this group of laborers.

Because there will be more things for them to do in the future.

The interface of [Story of Life] is a large grid-shaped map, and Roman's Origin Manor is located in a corner of Sige Town.

Only the maps he had explored were lit up, and the maps he had not explored were dim. Roman was still not clear about all the resource points in his territory.

When Roman was in the mountains, he surveyed resource areas such as iron ore and stone ore.

However, it was impossible to mine in the deep mountains.

Roman wanted to find more, more suitable, and richer resource points.

And this required a lot of manpower and material resources. He would not let these people be bound to this land. This was an intolerable waste for him.

It was just that surveying resources was a long process. Roman would need at least half a year or a year to walk through every corner of this basin.

Now he had no time to click on the map, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

Eat one bite at a time. Roman planned to upgrade his life skills first.

For example, the skill [Collection].

The way to upgrade this skill is very simple, just keep cutting trees, quarrying, and mining!

There is a large area of ​​mixed woods to the north of the Origin Manor, which can extend to the foot of the mountain.

Roman was annoyed by the forest when he was cultivating land and planting vegetables in Origin Manor.

Cut it down!

Do it as soon as you say it!

Roman immediately handed over the task of cultivating the land to Moore. Anyway, the area that needed deep cultivation had been marked out, so there was no need to stay there any longer.

Roman first looked at the group of children. Hans and Geman were temporarily serving as teachers in the manor. Because there were so many students, the classroom was open-air.

Then, he started teaching from letters and numbers.

These children had a very poor foundation.

Fortunately, Roman did not have much hope for them. They only needed to receive literacy education.

He took out a sharp axe from the grocery room, held it in his hand, and then walked alone to the forest north of the manor.

After having lunch in Seg Town at noon, Gweiler was taken back to the Origin Manor by Aaron and Green. After seeing Roman, she followed him.

"What are you doing with me?" Roman turned his head and asked.

Gweiler stood there and said in a panic, "Didn't you say I was a close attendant?"

Roman was originally going to send Gweiler to receive education with the group of children, but then he thought that Gweiler was special and Hans and Geman might not be able to accept it. If something unexpected happened, it would be troublesome.

So he said, "Then come here."

Gavel smiled and ran towards Roman on tiptoe.

She was a disaster star, but she was not afraid of bringing bad luck to Roman.

The lower-class residents of this era developed a sense of obedience to the aristocracy under the natural influence of the environment.

If the identity of a witch is full of unknowns and terror.

Then the identity of an aristocrat represents power and strength.

This made Gavel, who was dependent on power, feel a strong sense of security.

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