The Duke of Oak has the blood of elves, and it is so legendary to the world.

Although no one has ever seen a living elf.

It was as if no one had ever seen a living dragon before Kassara.

It is said that humans and elves in the Lost Age had interactions. That era was also called the Dark Ages. There is no trace of the elves. The only way is to cross the ocean - the ocean is vast and boundless, and it is not possible without a correct channel.

When people see elves and dragons again, most of them will think that they are races from the dark ages, traveling across the ages on the wings of songs.

Because the last time people in this land came into contact with the Dragon Clan was more than a hundred years ago——

A terrifying red dragon fell from the sky and angrily destroyed the human world. It appeared briefly, but then disappeared very quickly, as if it was an accident.

The dragons brought by Kashanla this time are obviously different. The dragons in the sky are no accident. The ancient power has awakened, and the shadows are ready to move. The age of wonders and horrors has come, it is also the age of gods and heroes.

After all, the dragons have shown up, can other alien races be far behind?

Roman listened to Sanna talk about what happened on the battlefield.

Her face still looked a little excited, having witnessed the legendary creature with her own eyes.

Sanna described the appearance of the nine-headed dragon. The color is red or black, and the texture of the hard scales is like mountain crystal. Some dragons are as big as mammoths, some are seven or eight meters long, and some have a wingspan of nearly ten meters.

They are the masters of the sky. Their wings roll the air currents, like they are riding a storm, spitting out flames and displaying great power.

Unfortunately, they were still forced back by the Shattered Archers and Storm Knights, and had to raise a hundred meters to protect themselves.

Sanna recalled the situation at that time and said, "The people and horses on the battlefield were all manic and restless, but those knights were still able to charge forward. Master Dick said that those war horses were fed secret medicine since they were young. Those special medicines can reduce their stress response. Even if there is a cliff in front of me, I dare to jump over it... Princess Baigang's war horse is the best. It is said to be a descendant of the divine horse Pegasus. It can pull tens of thousands of kilograms of things. I thought who would be willing to let such a war horse be used as a transport? , Roman, I didn’t tell you..."

"Neither do I..." Roman knocked her on the head, "At most, I do that occasionally."

The price of a war horse is ten times that of a draft horse. Both sides have their own uses. Using them as transport capacity can easily deplete their potential. Once time passes, the entire horse will be useless. But if the situation is urgent, it is not impossible to use war horses as transportation.

Roman asked again, "What do you think of the combat power of those dragons?"

He had discussed this issue with Jet and others, and now he wanted to hear Sanna's opinion.

But dragons are a hot topic in the military, and some views have long been accepted by default.

For example, if the River Valley Army fights a life-and-death battle with those dragons, regardless of casualties, a professional brigade should not be able to exchange for one dragon, but may require two or three professional brigade.

This number is terrifying.

How many casualties did Roman have in the War of Kings? Including the auxiliary army, there were only more than 5,000 people, of which the professional brigade suffered less than 2,000 casualties.

It's outrageous that one dragon can destroy Roman's two or three professional brigades in an organized manner.

Of course, if you switch to Shield Guards or Storm Knights, you can replace a dragon with up to thirty or fifty units.

An army with higher overall quality and better equipment will have fewer casualties.

But therein lies the problem.

There is no need for a dragon to fight a life and death battle with you.

Not to mention dragons, even a high-level knight will naturally switch tactics when he sees that he is outmatched.

Roman's ninth-level knight theory is limited to life-and-death battles between both sides and the equipment is the same. If the ninth-level knight can fight guerrillas, it will not be true.

Equipment is the main factor.

The shields of the Shield Guards are made of superalloy grade and are extremely resistant to energy spells.

Orichalcum armor is extraordinary equipment. Once you concentrate on it and integrate your own will and energy, it can improve the armor's protective power, and it can even withstand shock damage and the shock wave of explosives.

Facing the burning dragon flames, the Shield Guards could hold on for about ten seconds even without austen shields and only relying on orichalcum plate armor.

Of course, after these ten seconds pass, because the temperature is accumulating, their skin will slowly melt, their muscles will smell burnt, and they will eventually be suffocated to death inside.

It's completely different if you switch to mithril.

The magic resistance and physical resistance of mithril armor are extremely high. After smelting one hundred kilograms of silver and the corresponding magic stone into armor, the volume remains unchanged, but the weight can be greatly reduced.

It is said that the highest grade mithril armor is as soft as linen, as light as feathers, as hard as steel, as cold and warm as snow, and is both stretchable and extremely elastic. Its energy conductivity is excellent, far better than orichalcum plate armor, and it can maximize the wearer's ability to mobilize his own energy.

Not to mention adamantine armor, its energy isolation is unmatched by other extraordinary metals.

No matter how hot you are, if you can make me feel hot within one minute, you win.

The prices for those extraordinary metals are also astronomical.

The manufacturing process of Osteel was lost, and the Shield Guards used old products from hundreds of years ago.

A pair of five hundred kilograms of orichalcum plate armor requires a thousand kilograms of copper - more importantly, once the orichalcum armor is formed, it cannot be forged a second time because it incorporates the spiritual will of the creature and undergoes extraordinary changes. The result is that the melting point and hardness are too high.

Once the Shield Guard welcomes a new member, the King of Sinnoh must have a specially customized orichalcum plate armor for him. The will of the creature is secondary, and the main reason is the lack of fit - unless the remaining orichalcum plate armor is extremely consistent with the newcomer's body shape, it will have to be customized.

The number of shield guards in the Sinnoh palace is unknown, but more than a hundred people were sent to the War of Kings, and the shield guards also have their tenure.

This means that every thirty to fifty years, the Sinnoh court must order at least one hundred sets of orichalcum plate armor, requiring a total of one hundred thousand kilograms of copper—not counting the losses during the forging period.

And this is only needed by the Sinnoh court. The Sinnoh noble class also needs the extraordinary metal of orichalcum.

Sinnoh needs these coppers, but what about the other countries on earth?

More importantly, the development of commercial circulation also requires metal currency as a foundation.

In this medieval era when productivity was limited and iron tools were not yet popular, metal currency itself was very expensive.

It is not difficult to understand that farmers at the bottom cannot afford copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins.

It can only be said that this land is like this. As long as there is the ability to cast metal, whoever has more money will be stronger. Sometimes countries have to legislate to prohibit the outflow of copper coins. But that's another story.

After listening to Roman's question, Sanna thought for a while and said: "We can't defeat the dragon, but Monica and Gwen said that if there were witches, the cost of slaying the dragon would not be unacceptably high. ”

Roman gently played with Sanna's tight face skin, "You mean Margaret?"

Shasta, who had been silent as a backdrop, now spoke up and said: "Margaret's spell is effective on the weak. The weaker the target, the stronger the effect, but it has no effect on a life as powerful as a dragon. It's difficult for her." Pull the dragon’s soul.”

Margaret, who was also on the background board, remained silent and just nodded slightly.

Shasta's cold face showed a little sadness, and she said: "If my teacher Leona is here, if the Frost Witch Varya is here... Your Highness, even without those auxiliary troops, they still have the ability to slay dragons alone. ”

Roman sighed, he had expressed regret for this more than once.

Although he had never met, he also learned many stories about the two of them from Shasta's mouth.

One is the most powerful witch in the Witch Forest. He died early in the Holy City.

One is a foreign witch - Varya of Frost, who comes from the Frost tribe and has the blood of giants flowing in her body. She is now in the northern land. Due to the side effects of activating the frost giant's bloodline and using the artifact, he has been in a coma for more than three years.

Sanna felt a little sorry when she saw that this sentence touched on Shasta's sad past. She whispered, "There are other witches in the Witch Forest."

Time-lost Mona, Gemini’s Felicia, and Prophet’s Isabella.

The prophet has a special role and his combat power is not high. Let’s not mention it for now. Anyway, if you want to slay the dragon, both Mona and Felicia sisters can play a decisive role.

"They won't come to help me."

Roman held Sanna in his arms, even though the Witch Forest moved a group of witches to the City of Origin as investments to avoid being dumped in one fell swoop - Shasta and others were not counted. They were exiled witches and were used as bait. The Witch Forest doesn't care about their life or death, and their turning to seek asylum from the City of Origin is not considered a betrayal of the Witch Forest. After all, he not only saved his life, but also completed the task of attracting firepower. It was a two-way journey.

But it would be an exaggeration for Witch Lin to say that her whole family would vote.

Among these seat witches, the one Roman hopes to get the most is the prophet witch. The spell to stimulate potential is too powerful.

But he hopes and hopes, no matter what, he can't hope for it. Sometimes he secretly wants Cang Yue to collapse. When the time comes, those witches have nowhere to go, so they can only come to his land and work as cattle for him. Horse, and he will also give a lot of grass, ah no, it is a reward.

Roman thought this, his heart gradually became agitated, his desire began to burn, and he felt a heat welling up in his abdomen.

The difficulty of cultivating high-end combat power is too high, too high, it is better to pick up ready-made ones.

If the first and second level is a low-level knight, the third level is barely out of the category of low-level knight, the fourth and fifth level is a veritable intermediate knight, then the sixth and seventh level is a high-level knight.

In fact, most high-level knights are at the sixth level.

According to Shasta, three of the five paladins in the Holy City are seventh-level knights and two are eighth-level knights. They are all at the ceiling level of the Holy See.

When Roman improves the apostle attributes, he gives priority to apostles with great potential - the lower the starting point, the greater the potential, because the fewer resources are required.

Upgrading an ordinary person with all attributes of 5E to a third-level knight with all attributes of 5D consumes the least resources.

To improve's not about whether you want to, but whether you can.

Upgrading a third-level knight to the fourth level is equivalent to raising ten ordinary people to the level of a first-level knight, which is extremely cost-effective.

The higher you go, the more terrifying the resource consumption becomes.

Roman calculated that if an apostle's five-dimensional attributes were all raised to A level, he would definitely be a ninth-level knight.

But the resources consumed are really equivalent to tens of thousands of low-level knights.

I can't afford it, I really can't afford it.

Moreover, not all apostles can be promoted to A level. Even if he really spends those resources, if the apostle's quality is not up to standard, it is normal to stop at B level, and it is normal to drop C level later.

Origin City's foundation is too shallow and it still can't withstand the hardships.

It would be nice to have ready-made combat power.

Roman saw a small hand reaching out from below and gently smoothing his frown, "Roman, if they don't come, I'll help you."

Roman pinched Sanna's cheek, and it felt really good.

"You are not qualified now." He said, "You should defeat Kaa first."

The little witch’s fighting power is at most equal to that of a third-level knight—a third-level knight can walk around in armor weighing hundreds of kilograms, but she can’t. Her endurance and tolerance are limited.

Sana’s expression became visibly bitter, “Don’t mention him, okay?”

This name is so annoying.

Every time she wanted to beat him, she was beaten in return.

Damn it, she is a witch, why can’t she beat a Muggle?

Kao has been on the battlefield, but she has also experienced the War of Kings.

“I can’t do it now, but I will become stronger in the future and become the new seat witch. They all say I have the potential...” She said, “In that case, Roman, you won’t be troubled, you can save many lives, you can slay dragons, fight the Church, and do many things, because you have me, I will be with you...”

Roman was moved and relieved to hear her sincere words.

This is his first five-star apostle, better than any unreliable coquettish bitch. High potential and full loyalty.

Sana then climbed up the pole and whispered in Roman's ear: "So, Roman, give me your blessing, and I will help you sweep away all enemies."

In an instant, all of Roman's feelings were gone.

He smiled and said: "You are the second person to ask me for a blessing."

Sanna blinked, looking like a little wife. Some questions would have an answer when asked, and some answers were terrifying and horrifying. She was very brave to say them. "Who was the first one?"

Roman kneaded her face fiercely. "Green. He is the same as you. He thinks I can make you endlessly stronger, but if I really have this ability, I would have led you to kill."

Sanna said vaguely. "Then how did you answer him?"

"I said I would give you two punches, do you want it?"


"He wanted it, but before I threw a punch, he ran away. He was not honest at all."

Sanna wanted to quit. She was beaten by Kao since she was a child, and she really didn't want to be beaten.

"I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do..."

"Don't worry, you are not Green, I won't hit you." He said.

You have already hit you. Sana grimaced a little, it hurt a little, but the pain was not so severe, instead there was a tingling feeling, she smelled the increasingly strong smell in her nose, and she almost suffocated for a while.

"Let me check if you are developing well."

Margaret listened and watched quietly, but Shasta was a little fidgety.

Sana is already a girl, according to the standards of this era, she has long been an adult, but this is the hall. "Your Highness, I will go outside to guard." After she said that, she hurriedly pulled Margaret away.

Recommended book - "Don't hypnotize me anymore, villain princess!" Traveling through another world, Lin En was kidnapped at the beginning.

The other party is the villain princess in the original book. In order to control him, she wants to use him for hypnosis experiments.

At the critical moment, Lin En was quick-witted and pretended that the experiment was successful, and deceived the other party with acting skills.

But this is just a stopgap measure.

Because in the original book, her ending is very tragic, and no one around her has a good ending.

So in the following days, Lin En created the illusion of being hypnotized on the surface, and secretly prepared to run away at any time.

But gradually, things began to go wrong.

"Diary of the Princess"

[The experiment was successful! ]

[As the only sample, I decided to keep him by my side. ]

[Because of the curse on my face, I look hateful in the eyes of the world, but he said I am beautiful. ]

[I am very happy because people speak the truth when they are hypnotized. ]

[When I was alone, I kissed him on a whim. ]

[This feeling is very strange, which makes me a little out of control. Fortunately, after the hypnosis is lifted, he will not retain the memory of the past. ]

[So, it doesn't matter if you are bolder, right? ]

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