Sanna is an extremely healthy child. She is as flexible as a cat, as explosive as a leopard, extremely sensitive, and more physically fit than ordinary people. But for a serious knight, she seems to lack endurance.

Sanna's body is completely different from Shasta and Margaret. After all, the latter two are not real girls. They are very mature and do not have the kind of vigorous feeling of passionate vitality bursting out of their bodies.

Innocent, smart, shy, Roman also finds it difficult to accurately describe.

But there is no doubt that he likes her very much, so checking her health has become a very important thing.

In less than an hour, Sanna's skin was red and sweaty.

She lasted a short time, which may be related to her first physical examination.

She squinted her eyes and lay on the table, looking satisfied like a cat that had eaten fish.

This was a small episode. Roman inserted her and sent her to the bedroom to rest, and then tossed her in the bedroom for half an hour.

He was a little reluctant to leave, and he could play a few more times. Anyway, it wouldn't break. The girl's skin was very elastic and resilient.

But he had other things to do now.


The impact of the War of the Kings was extremely far-reaching.

The most direct thing was that Roman lost his stable wool supply base.

Iceland is an island with millions of people.

The previous King of Iceland, Alman, was a loyal ally of Io III - although they had only met twice in decades, the covenant was confirmed more than a hundred years ago.

Alman was nearly fifty years old and in good health. His subjects believed that he could be king for at least twenty years.

Because of the order of the conquerors, His Majesty Alman also recognized Roman's trade privileges - exemption from commercial taxes, tariffs, tolls and other fees.

The King of Iceland overcame all objections and squeezed out Iceland's share of wool exports and allocated it to the City of Origin.

In the past year or so, Roman's fleet purchased more than one million kilograms of cheap wool from Iceland, which became the main source of raw materials for textile factories.

This kind of national commercial trade cannot be done without the king's nod.

After all, such a large-scale trade would not be possible without the cooperation of the local government and local nobles.

Even if the Origin City has the money and can buy, it has to negotiate one by one.

This process requires constant wrangling and bargaining, and there is no guarantee - the other party can go back on their word and raise the price if they want to after all the effort to negotiate a good deal.

Because the Icelandic nobles are not afraid of the King of the Valley.

A powerful and prestigious Icelandic king is needed to supervise this matter.

But the new King of Iceland has just ascended the throne, and the Axe Guards suffered heavy casualties in the War of Kings - the Axe Guards are the power of the Icelandic royal family, and its members are all from the royal party and nobles, all good families. More than 2,000 people went out, but less than 1,000 returned.

The power of the royal family has been greatly weakened, which means that the voice of other nobles has increased.

Roman couldn't even think about how chaotic the situation would be when Alman's bones were sent back to Iceland.

He just hoped that the situation in Iceland would calm down quickly.

Price is not a problem. He will make a profit no matter how much he exchanges for steel and wool.

He is very worried that the new king of Iceland will not give Roman the opportunity to trade.

However, this year's wool trade ended in the autumn, leaving him enough buffer time, which is definitely more than enough to last for one or two years.

After all, the two cities have a total of more than 200,000 people, and the finished textile products have been distributed very early.

Citizen farmers can get two sets of clothes for free every year, suitable for winter and summer - summer clothes use much less material than winter clothes.

Self-employed farmers have to buy on credit to get thick clothes.

One copper coin can buy one kilogram of clothes, and four copper coins can keep people through the winter.

The way to buy on credit is very simple. Take out the household registration book of the place of residence and make a mark on it - if a family takes ten kilograms of clothes, mark ten copper coins, and cross out the mark when paying off the debt. At the same time, there are also farm tools, kitchen utensils, furniture, etc. that they got on credit.

An ordinary self-cultivating peasant family, with three or five people, owed Roman 20 copper coins at least, and 50 copper coins at most - this was the starting capital of the family, so the initial amount was relatively large.

Since Roman redefined self-cultivating peasants, in addition to civil peasants, technical workers, livestock workers, textile workers, etc. There are about 120,000 to 130,000 self-cultivating peasants in the two cities, of which Fengrao City accounts for 90,000 self-cultivating peasants.

These hundreds of thousands of self-cultivating peasants owed Roman 30,000 to 40,000 gold coins in total.

Because of the interest, if you owe 20 copper coins this year, it will become 24 next year, and 28 the year after.

The self-cultivating peasants can know through calculation that if they work harder, they can wipe out the debt by paying Roman 400 kilograms of wheat next year.

But it is difficult to pay it off at one time.

A self-cultivating family has plowed 20 mu of land this year, of which the harvest of 10 mu is Roman's tax, and the other 10 mu is theirs. If the yield per mu is 200 kilograms, then the annual income is 2,000 kilograms - this is the ideal situation.

Good land is easy to say, it can produce 200 to 300 kilograms of wheat per mu, but the wasteland soil needs to be improved, and a harvest of 150 kilograms in the first year is considered good.

Moreover, they can't work in the fields every day.

Farming during the busy farming season, and serving in the slack farming season.

The self-cultivating farmers in Origin City are doing their best to reclaim wasteland and fight against the cruel nature. They can't serve in the military, let's not talk about it for now.

The self-cultivating farmers in Fengrao City have to draw at least 20,000 laborers to invest in infrastructure during the slack farming season.

The disadvantage is that there are loopholes in management, but Roman thinks it is normal to have loopholes. Which political system does not have loopholes?

He only needs to regularly kill a few managers or settlement agents who exploit loopholes to effectively curb bad phenomena.

This is also one of the effects of his long-term presence in Fengrao City.

As long as Roman is still running around this land, he can greatly deter the evil spirits in people's hearts.


Roman took another turn in Fengrao City and planned the progress of infrastructure construction in winter.

Winter is a long slack season for farming. Fengrao City can mobilize up to 50,000 to 60,000 laborers to carry out infrastructure work, and the rest of the staff are responsible for providing logistics.

Because the foundation of self-cultivating farmers is too shallow and there is no food storage.

During the busy farming season, the collective eats a big pot meal, but if you want to have enough food during the slack farming season, you can only serve and eat work meals.

The service personnel can taste oil and water every day, which is better than the food during the busy farming season.

After two years of crazy infrastructure construction, the city of Plenty is now in good shape. At least every settlement can be connected smoothly.

Everyone has a brick house to live in, everyone has winter clothes to wear, honeycomb coal and iron stoves are not lacking, and there is no shortage of food.

But Roman is still not satisfied.

He said to himself: "It's not enough to rely on this city alone."

Shasta and Margaret followed Roman. They thought that the city of Plenty is doing well now.

Don't look at all the self-employed farmers who are burdened with heavy debts.

But having debts means having a stable ability to repay debts.

And borrowing is also a kind of relationship to win people's hearts. The more the farmers borrow, the deeper the relationship between the two, because the lord cannot abandon them casually - even if they sell them as slaves, they can't repay.

Resident stability +5.

So in the eyes of the two, in this land, the happiness of the city of Plenty is second only to the city of origin.

They didn't know what Roman was thinking. Shasta rarely responded. She and Roman didn't have much in common except when they made similar noises in bed.

Shasta: I'm just an emotional assassin witch. Isn't it a bit difficult for me to participate in administrative management and planning?JPG

She looked at Margaret, who looked like she was wandering.

She thought of what happened today, the very quiet words Sanna said in Roman's ear. Ordinary people definitely couldn't hear it, but it couldn't be hidden from her ears. The little witch was expressing her ambitions and hoped to get more love, and then the two of them became entangled...

She suddenly felt uncomfortable. Sanna was very proactive, but she was not so proactive. If she hadn't accidentally walked in that day...To this day, she still regards that matter as a task or job.

Margaret could also be replaced by Margaret to do this job. The latter has a dull personality and also serves as a close attendant. She has no reason to compete with Margaret for the job, so they should take turns every day.

But it was the first time she had seen such an active girl. She was shocked for a moment and felt a sense of crisis.

She wondered if she should take the initiative to say something else instead of standing there like a sculpture. Shasta said, "That's enough for the City of Plenty."

Roman looked back at her and said, "The Holy See will soon send troops to attack here."

"Then we can just send troops to fight, just like before." Shasta said, but she found that Roman looked at her with a fool's eyes, which hurt her deeply.

She pursed her lips, her expression was cold, and she thought about destroying it quickly.

Roman said, "This was not our place before, and we could fight however we wanted, but now it's not possible. I need a stable production base."

"Wouldn't it be better to let the army stop the enemy?" Shasta continued with a stiff face. She has been learning magic for the past 30 years and is a qualified witch. She has a deep understanding of fighting alone, but she is a blank sheet of paper in other fields.

"No." Roman shook his head. The City of Plenty is a wilderness with no defenses.

It is neither a strategic choke point nor a solid wall.

This is the legendary place that military strategists do not fight for, otherwise it would not be the turn of Count Kant to occupy it.

To resist foreign enemies, you have to build a wall fortress... The cost of protecting the entire Fengrao City is too high.

It is called a city, but in fact it is similar to a modern city. The only real wall is Fengrao Castle, but Fengrao Castle is too much for 200 people.

Once the enemy army presses in from all directions, Roman will have to divide his troops to resist, otherwise the enemy will be able to drive straight into Fengrao City.

All settlements and all cultivated land will face the threat of war.

Even if the troops are divided, they cannot be stopped. Because the fan-shaped defense line is tens or hundreds of kilometers long.

Once a full-scale war breaks out, Fengrao City will directly become the front line, not the rear, and all construction will be exposed to the enemy's blade.

Roman explained these concepts to Shasta, who could understand but could not think of this level.

A tangled expression appeared on the face of the royal sister, which was also the reason why she didn't want to answer the question. She knew nothing about war, production, and management.

If he talked to her, Roman would only have to explain, and she would have a lot to consider.

"So what are you going to do?" Margaret said at this time.

Roman thought she was a little silly, but she never talked nonsense and was often able to hit the nail on the head.

He replied: "Build castles in Cold Wind Town, Leicester Castle, Blackbird Forest, Shane Territory, and Apple Town. I only need to station 500 elite soldiers in each of those places, and the enemy will be afraid to go deep."

Margaret didn't know about these things either, but seeing that he was sure of victory and his face was full of confidence, she stopped talking. If Roman was defeated, she would protect him and evacuate. If she couldn't protect him, then they would be buried together and go to the world of death together, which was also wonderful.

Roman didn't care about Margaret's whims. Defeat was impossible, not in this life.

He didn't lose the War of Kings either. The Valley Army withdrew because the King of Black Iron was dead, and the collapse of the Conqueror Order was a foregone conclusion. It was unnecessary to fight again, so it was better to prepare for a second battle.

The military fortress he mentioned was one of them.

In fact, there were noble castles in the places Roman mentioned. The castles were generally located on high places with steep terrain. Even if there were thousands of troops, they couldn't attack them.

The shortest distance from Fengrao City was 40 to 50 miles, and it could be reached in half a day. The longest was 100 kilometers-this meant that they would stretch the supply line very long.

Except for the Apple Town, the area of ​​the rest of the territory was too small and needed to be expanded and improved.

In other words, the forces in this area are all catfish and carp-level, and none of them can fight.

Any force in the War of Kings is a great white shark, which can easily sweep them.

And Roman, whose base camp is here, is at the level of a killer whale, and it is very easy for him to swallow up small fish and shrimp.

As long as these nails are in place, the Vatican army can attack.

If you dare to come, the military fortress in the rear will quickly send troops to punch them from behind.

Cut off the supply line, kill and set fire, and attack the enemy at night.

These operations can easily cause the army to collapse.


But it is very difficult to start building a fortress.

Especially a fortress that can accommodate 500 elite soldiers.

Roman has always been dismissive of castles because castles are defensive fortifications with great defects.

Count Kant was defeated in the valley and hid in the castle safely, but Roman didn't care how difficult it was to break the castle.

You have a castle, but those low-level farmers don't.

If you want to protect them, protect them all, or don't protect them.

Building the Great Wall is not an option.

Roman's expansion speed is very fast. The Great Wall built this year will expand the territory next year. The construction speed is not as fast as the expansion speed.

Moreover, the cost of a Great Wall of this level in the Middle Ages is equal to the cost of building a Maginot Line during World War II.

The labor of a military fortress is much smaller.

Two or three thousand laborers can build a fortress in two months, and five fortresses can be built with a maximum of more than 10,000 people.

Roman plans to build a military fortress this year and store a large amount of weapons and food in it to prepare for the war next year.

He is an action-oriented person. He directly sent people to pull a convoy and dispatch labor to various places.

Among them, 300 think tanks followed the whole process. The think tanks not only supervised the progress of the project, but also surveyed local resources, such as which industries are suitable for the development of this territory, which places are suitable for deep cultivation and reclamation, and which places are suitable for building brick kilns, etc. These are related to future construction plans.

In the mid-winter month, Roman received a letter from Oak Territory.

Princess Iotashina of White Steel is about to come to this land.

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