If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 354 The superiority of the system! (Six chapters of the blocked chapter have been released)

Tahina’s face lost its kindness, and she gritted her teeth slightly.

Roman was insulting her.

What a shame!

What was even more shameful was that she could hear the sincerity in that sentence.

She wanted to find a reliable husband, but this guy wanted to find a loyal dog?

Tahina wanted to ask: Are you crazy? !

It is true that a phoenix in decline is worse than a chicken, but she is not in decline yet. She is still the King of Black Iron and the Princess of White Steel.

She looked at him for a moment and said, "I really misjudged you! I thought you were a good candidate, but now I think you are a lunatic who does not know the difference between respect and inferiority."

Roman knew that this would not work, and said casually, "If Her Royal Highness the Princess does not agree, forget it."

Anyway, he did not lose anything.

"Just based on what you said, I can deprive you of all your titles!" Tashina was not exaggerating. Once spread out, these words would really become the fuse of war.

Others are riding on her neck. Not to mention whether she can bear it, the black and white knights under her command can't bear it either.

But neither Roman nor Tashina planned to make this conversation public.

This was originally a secret talk.

Roman said as if it was a trivial matter: "If you can do it, then I will change my words."

You say one thing to one person and another to another, right?

You are so shameless!

Iotashina was shocked to realize that this was the true face of the King of the Valley. The original docility and obedience to the Black Iron Royal Family were all illusions.

Now the true face is exposed, and the disguise is completely exposed.

Such a wolfish and ambitious person dared to make her kneel down now. She dared not think about what he would do in the future.

It must be a heavy punch!

She punched Roman in the abdomen, causing him to bend down due to nerve reflex. She took the opportunity to raise her right arm and hit him hard on the back with an elbow, causing him to lie on the ground, looking up with a painful look on his face as she walked away...

The fantasy movements were smooth, but she was not so reckless.

Iolion regarded her as the heir to the throne. In order to temper her temper, he asked her to watch more, listen more, do less and talk less.

If she couldn't do it, her husband would be the King of Black Iron.

As early as a year ago, Io III sent important officials to discuss this matter with the King of the Valley, but Roman did not agree.

Iolion was very puzzled. Someone actually disliked his precious daughter. Come on! Cut her off! What! Can't cut her off? Then forget it.

She was also very puzzled. Do you understand my conditions?

Theoretically, whoever marries her will ascend to heaven in one step. But her marriage partner can never be an ordinary person. Only the blood of a prince can match her. At least the level of the eldest son of Grand Duke Fury Tide - the latter married Grand Duke Gale's sister Hena two years ago.

At that time, there were signs that Fury Tide and Split Armor were a bit wrong.

So she and her father chose the king of the remote valley - mainly because they valued the war potential of Origin City and planned how to take it into their pockets.

Of course. This is not a conspiracy, but a strong alliance.

The Lord of the Valley took only three or four years to become a local lord from a poor noble in a remote area under limited resources.

If he was given more resources, wouldn't it be equivalent to the conqueror in the world?

As for how many resources to give? Of course, as many as there are.

Fat water should not flow to outsiders' fields, and family members should not talk about two things. Roman can be the next Black Iron King, as long as the next Black Iron King is Iotashina's child.

However, no one expected that the situation would deteriorate so quickly.

What annoyed Tashina was that Roman repeatedly rejected her.

Again and again.

Don't I, the White Steel Princess, have any dignity? !

Tashina said coldly: "Someone will kneel down! But that person will definitely not be me, because the son of Ionos will never kneel down to anyone!"

She secretly vowed to make this arrogant maniac regret his words.

It was impossible to stick to her shamelessly.

If it wasn't for the overall situation, she would have punched him long ago.

She firmly believed that Roman could not avoid her surprise attack, and it would be super easy to beat him to his knees.

But the consequences may not be resolved.

There is a long way to go, so there is no rush.

Wait until she shows him enough powerful abilities, broad minds, and amazing wisdom, so that he will feel ashamed. At that time, he will know what he missed today.

"Princess, you are happy." Roman didn't take it to heart at all.

He always pursues efficiency, rarely fights with others, and doesn't want to quarrel. Quarrels will make people discouraged. It is better to hold back and conserve energy and speak with strength.

Tashina was also a practical man, and left after making a harsh statement.

Roman arranged a room for her in the castle, and gave her enough respect on the surface.

The next day.

Tashina got up early, and the maid helped her dress.

Although she came on the march, she had a maid with her. She retreated from the Black Castle to the Oak Territory, taking away all the people she could take away, so she would not be alone.

"Your Highness, everything here is too simple." The maid complained to her.

She was born in the palace and knew many etiquette rules, which were completely useless here, so she inevitably felt contempt and disdain for this place.

Tashina admired the bright and beautiful White Steel Princess in the mirror, and she said, "Millie, just bear with it if you feel uncomfortable."

The maid combed her hair with a resentful look on her face.

Their princess sometimes speaks very harshly. The maids all said so. And as a personal maid, she has a deep understanding of it.

"Your Highness, are you really going to marry Lord Roman?" She was a maid who was married with a dowry, so she was very concerned about this issue.

When Tashina heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little itchy. She said, "It's hard to say, Millie, don't tell me this in the future."

Millie saw that Her Royal Highness was in a bad mood and secretly lamented her unfortunate fate.

They went out and happened to meet the Marshal of the White Tower.

Enya was a handsome blond man who was pleasing to the eye. He was handsome, but now he looked a little haggard.

Enya said: "Good morning, Your Highness Tashina, did you rest well last night?"

"It's okay." Tashina said.

She didn't have high requirements for the living environment, but she knew that Enya didn't rest well last night by looking at his face.

According to the social etiquette of the nobility, she should take the initiative to ask about Enya's situation. This behavior is called reading the air.

But Tashina was not interested in this matter. So Enya started talking to herself: "I noticed it when I came here, but now I have to say it. The winter here is too cold, at least ten times colder than the White Tower."

Tahina pointed out: "You are used to living in the south."

This land has always been like this. The winter is very cold and the river is frozen, but the White Tower in Oak Territory is warm and pleasant.

They came to the hall and saw that Roman and a group of witches had already started eating.

Millie frowned, and Enya said on her behalf: "Your Highness Roman, you didn't wait for us to eat."

"What is there to wait for?" Millie felt that this lord was as choking as her princess, "It's just a breakfast. Do whatever you need to do after eating."

Millie looked around the table covered with white cloth, on which were placed eight simple dishes, such as ham and bacon, which were enough to eat, but not rich.

She found the local maid who she thought was a bit barbaric and said, "Her Highness Tashina likes to eat goldenberry jam. I told her yesterday. Why didn't I see it today?"

The maid of the Rich Castle looked at her innocently: "I asked the steward, and the steward said we don't have it."

If you don't have it, you won't serve it? Millie was shocked.

Shouldn't you try to make it now? You can make a similar meal replacement.

Alas, this poor place.

Millie looked at the big shots at the table and felt that the future was getting more miserable.

After Roman finished his meal, he stood up and said, "Lord Enya, you and the Oak Soldiers can move freely in the City of Plenty, as long as you don't disturb others. The rules here are different from those in other places. I have the final say in everything. Do you understand?"

"I understand. The guest should follow the host's wishes. My father has told me so." Enya said, "But I don't quite understand what you mean by 'I have the final say in everything'."

"It means literally that I am in charge of all the power. When to eat, what to do, and when to work, it's all up to my temper."

"This is really... incredible. Your tyranny makes me feel terrible." Enya said in shock, "Does everyone listen to you? I mean no one rebels?"

"Kill those who oppose and give those who don't oppose a bite of food." Roman found that the Oak Bloodline was even more shocked.

"Of course, if you help me fight, I will naturally provide you with corresponding supplies."

It only provides food and accommodation, nothing else. This is a group of conscripts. If you pay them, they will become mercenaries. Even if he gave it, he could only give it to Grand Duke Oak to avoid causing misunderstanding.

"You can enjoy your meal slowly. I have something to do." Roman said.

Tashina stood up: "I will go too."

She came this time not only to reinforce the army, but also to investigate this land.

She wanted to see with her own eyes why Roman's territory was stronger than other nobles,

learn, use, and then defeat them - just like she learned martial arts before,

but Tashina soon discovered that Roman was not just providing food for the people as he said,

Roman did a lot of livelihood construction.

Housing, kitchens, schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, it can be said that all aspects of society are taken into account.

Which noble can make the poorest people get a proper resettlement?

At least from what Tashina saw, those numb lower-level farmers were freed from the hell of poverty.

In this medieval era of scarcity of materials, Origin City and Abundant City became a ray of light.

You can say that those lower-level untouchables are greedy, ignorant, and a complete fool.

But no matter how lowly they are, they can't help but know which kind of life is better.

As long as they can satisfy the people's food, clothing, housing and transportation, they can get the support and love of the lower class people. Rebellion is impossible, it will never happen in this life. Who is a dog? Only by being a dog of Lord Roman can they maintain their current life.


Tahina understood Roman's ruling philosophy.

Powerful totalitarianism!

In short, Roman is too controlling.

Roman controls all the means of production, but other rulers do the same.

But those nobles only care about whether the agricultural output of the peasant class is stable, who cares what you do in normal times.

But here in Roman... You have to go to a special place to poop!

Who dares to violate the hygiene regulations will be beaten.

So Roman's ability to utilize social resources is extremely powerful.

The question is the superiority of the system!

Even if you are given a hundred years, you can't catch up with my one year of development time.

The more Tashina saw, the more she appreciated this efficient and domineering approach.

Especially some of Roman's acceleration measures, which hit her G-spot hard, making her tremble and her blood boil.

The king is born to rule everything!

With her character, this place is simply heaven!

The only pity is that it is not her heaven.

She remembered that Iolion tried to implement heavy plowing and deep ploughing, and encountered many obstacles in the process. Her father overcame all objections and used political means to force the decree to be implemented.

It was just a bad timing, which directly accelerated the death of the Black Iron Kingdom.

The Church poured this basin of dirty water on Roman, but it can't be blamed on Roman, who caught up with the natural disaster.

Tashina knew this very well, and she only pointed the spearhead at those nobles who betrayed the royal family.

It was just a rain disaster, but the entire Tianma Plain fell. Without the cooperation of the grassroots managers, how could the Crusade Army regard Tianma Plain as a base to besiege Black Castle.

A group of insects! Incompetent waste!

You have no ability to accomplish things, but you have a lot of ability to do bad things!

I will kill you all when I come back!

Tashina tried to learn Roman's management methods, but found that she couldn't learn it.

Because the basis of learning is...she must first have a territory.

Her identity in Oak Territory is a distinguished guest. Grand Duke Oak recognizes her as the King of Black Iron, that's all.

There are no soldiers and no land.

To put it bluntly, she is now an exiled government.

Moreover, it takes time to develop a piece of land from scratch.

Roman robbed countless people and fought many battles to develop to this point.

Princess White Steel actually doesn't like to govern the land. She wants something ready-made. Her personality is actually very aggressive.

Seeing such a good land in the City of Plenty, she still feels a little itchy.

When facing the countries of the earth and the Church, Iolion mainly uses appeasement.

When facing those difficulties, Iotashina mainly uses fists.

So in Roman's view, this father and daughter are two fools.

One has good political vision, but is extremely weak. The other has great military power, but is extremely tough.

Accepting their rule is simply a disaster.

Princess Baigang is a fierce general, but if this stupid woman is allowed to take charge of him... just kill her.

He thought so in his heart, but never said it out loud, because he always had to take care of other people's feelings.

When he went to inspect the military camp, some soldiers often made mistakes and couldn't even march in step.

Sometimes he felt from the bottom of his heart that they were a bunch of useless people.

But he never got angry on the surface, and his smile was warm and gentle, which helped him gather a lot of people's hearts.

If you don't treat them better, what will they do for him?

He can fool a bunch of people to rush to die for him with just a smile.

But looking at the scene of their death, sometimes he felt that they were too stupid, and they were easily fooled into sacrificing their lives.

So he was very strict about the pension policy.

He will make anyone who dares to touch the pensions sacrifice their lives.

Roman went to inspect the progress of the road paving today - he should have gone yesterday, but he was delayed for a day because he had to entertain guests.

The progress of these projects must be monitored all the time. If you slack off a bit, these untouchables will do you a lot of harm.

There is also the last chapter, which will be released tomorrow

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