Wherever his gaze swept, everyone lowered their heads in unison.

But no one backed away.

They are as stubborn as stones.

"Lord, you took back all the land and broke all the past agreements... We don't know how to survive. You should know that farmers can't live without the land, just like you and your knights can't live without it. Open white bread.”

Roman was also very stubborn. He said: "You don't need to pay land taxes in the future. You will have no worries about food and clothing from now on, because I have plenty of ways to support you. You just need to obey me! This is the only thing you have to do!"

The old farmer shook his head and said, "I can't believe what you said. How can you feed all of us on those two thousand acres of land?"

Roman frowned: "I can promise that no resident will starve to death this year, next year, or until the last day of my rule? You won't believe it either?"

The old farmer standing at the front of the crowd thought about it repeatedly.

Finally, he nodded and said, "Yes."

Roman shouted sharply: "You are questioning me! You are destroying yourself! Get out now and I will forgive your rudeness."

"We can't leave! We know how much one acre of land can produce, and we also know how much two thousand acres of land can produce. Lord, you asked the blacksmith to build a heavy plow, but it is still unknown how effective it will be. Those Heavy plows cannot create the miracles of the gods. In comparison, we trust our own hands more and use our hands to feed you and feed us all - as long as you are willing to be merciful and give us a way to survive. ”

"Do you think I'm going to starve you to death?"

"No, Lord, you definitely don't want to starve us to death. You are willing to give us wheat porridge and bread. We only need one meal at noon every day, so we don't need to eat all day. This is enough to show your kindness. And you even do the work yourself. Your skills in plowing are better than all of us. Those slaves also said that they have never seen a lord like you... But the total amount of food is limited, and sooner or later we will end up eating trees. The skin and the soil.”

The old farmer continued: "If all the food is eaten, you can leave this land at any time. Can all of us leave like you?"

They have no choice. One less harvest means they will be hungry for half a year.

This length of time is despairing.

Even Agricultural Officer More couldn't lend grain to everyone.

Two thousand acres of land to grow food for two thousand people?

Purely whimsical!

The land alone cannot support them.

The lord, who was willing to give them wheat porridge and no clear taxes, only promised to wait until the summer harvest to distribute food to them.

This means they will most likely get nothing.

This is more terrifying than the 60% tax!

Roman said with a cold face: "So you refuse to obey?"

The old farmer said: "Lord, we only need to divide the land, you can't trap us in those two thousand acres of land."

"Even if I say that this land is enough to ensure that you will not starve to death?"

The old farmer shook his head: "This is like saying that we will never have to worry about food problems in the future. I can't imagine what that scene would be like. The reason why I oppose your decision is because your promise is too unreal."

Roman said: "Well, those who oppose me, please take a step forward."

The old farmer was silent for a second, and then took steps.

The other figures also moved, taking a step one after another.

More people did not move. Behind the lord were two knights. They were watching, praying deep in their hearts that the lord would compromise.

But Roman wouldn't compromise.

He knew there would be resistance to changing traditional production models.

And he had already been mentally prepared.

Roman took out the big sword mixed with orichalcum from Green and turned the two-handed sword, which weighed more than ten kilograms, with one hand.

The cold light of the sword blade reflected the dozens of old faces with crisscrossed ravines.

They are very old, probably around 40 or 50 years old, and their sensitivity to the land far exceeds that of everyone else.

They would not make any changes because they were afraid that Roman's actions would bring them into despair, so they mobilized the masses to plead with Roman to divide the land.

It is extremely unlikely that two thousand acres of land can feed everyone.

It is extremely likely that we will not be able to feed everyone.

The old farmer opposed this because in his opinion, this was not a matter of probability at all, but a matter of miracles.

So as long as the old farmer is alive, he will stop Roman and ask Roman to give them land - even if the price of this request is their lives.

Stubborn? Stupid?

It can only be said that this is a choice made by a few people. They consciously did the right thing and regarded their actions as asking for help from the people. Perhaps there is still a chance that as long as one person stands up, countless people will stand up to fight against the lords who impose excessive taxes. Master's fantasy.

But this simple understanding only made Roman feel ridiculous.

Ignorance blinded them, and there was no one to blame.

The sorrow of the times!

Persuasion cannot be done.

This conflict of ideas cannot be alleviated with words.

Imprisonment is useless.

The turmoil has subsided this time, but as long as these people are still there, in ten days and a half, if the other idiots are incited by them again, they will only waste more working time.

Roman looked at him coldly.

The old farmer's body was trembling. He had been watching people's movements all his life and knew what was coming next.

But he still straightened his waist, which had been stooped all his life, in front of Roman.


Roman raised the sword and pierced his chest with almost no effort. The scarlet blood flowed along the blade.

Then, with one sword stroke, Roman killed everyone who dared to disobey him and take a step forward.

Those people didn't make any resistance. They were as docile as an old cow. At most, they screamed in pain before they died.

Thirteen corpses splattered the land with blood.

A dark-skinned young farmer squeezed out of the crowd. He hugged the old farmer who died first, his face full of grief and weeping.

"What's your name?" Roman narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him.

He choked, "Barlow, this is my father Matthew."

He held the body that was gradually losing body temperature. He tried to persuade his father, but the latter was very firm. He claimed that someone would always stand up. Even if there was only blood in front of them, they had to make a sound for the lord to hear.

Now he succeeded, at the cost of his life.

"Okay, Barlow, my one-star apostle, I will now promote you to become the agricultural steward. From now on, you must cooperate with the agricultural officer Moore to cultivate the land. You must go to the future for your father to see him in the past life. A sight I dare not imagine.”

"As long as you obey me, support me, love me, and dedicate your humble life to me, then I will always protect you. If this year, next year, or any year after that, until the last day of my rule, I starve any one of you to death, and you can draw this sword and thrust it into my chest!"

Roman casually let go of his hand, and the blood-stained sword fell freely, extremely heavy, and the sword's edge sank into the grass like a broken bamboo.

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