If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 47: I thought it was normal at the time

Today is the 30th day since Roman came to Sige Town.

There was a heavy rain in Sige Town.

In the past month, there have been three or four rains on this land, but those rains were very light and could only soak the land. They had little impact on farming and labor, and they were still within Roman's acceptance range.

Farmers are used to working in the rain.

But today the rain was very heavy, as if the whole world was enveloped in a layer of mist.

The spring rain is continuous, as thin as flower needles and ox hair, dense and continuous.

It rained for a long time and showed no sign of abating.

Roman took a rare nap.

He had not rested for a day in the past, and his schedule was full every day. He was either plowing the ground, felling trees, or chopping vegetables. The workload was huge and fulfilling, and his whole body seemed to have endless energy.

However, it is just an illusion. This flesh and blood body will eventually rest.

When Roman woke up, he rinsed his mouth briefly and went straight to the hall.

Today’s lunch is grilled cod, roast suckling pig, stewed hare, butter bread, onion soup, cheese and dried fruits, etc.

Aaron and Green were sitting on their chairs bored, and they didn't seem to have very high appetites.

The two of them were also affected by the continuous drizzle, and rarely exercised or honed their martial arts.

But Gweir was not affected by the environment. She stood on tiptoes, stretched out her little hands, and tried her best to stretch out her arms to tear off the crispy skin of the suckling pig. Aaron calmly pushed the roasted suckling pig on the big plate on the table, and Gweir finally caught it.

She tore off a large piece of crispy skin and ate it happily with her eyes narrowed.

Seeing Roman coming, the girl immediately ran over and handed over the crispy pig skin in her hand like a treasure.

Roman just patted the girl's head, sat on the main seat, picked up a piece of butter bread and stuffed it into his mouth.

He handed the glass of milk next to him to Gweil: "Drink more milk."

Gweir nodded, picked up the glass of milk, and took a sip.

Roman was originally planning to improve the [breeding] skill.

Breeding is the main way to increase the production of meat, eggs and milk.

Moore's family had two cows. After Roman came over, Moore quickly sent a large amount of wheat and other non-staple food to the Origin Manor, along with a cow, pigs, sheep and other livestock. This was also the reason why the Origin Manor was not short of milk.

But in Roman's opinion, anything that can only meet the needs of a few people is not short of milk.

It is not difficult to improve the [breeding] skill. You only need to feed the cattle and sheep with grass and take care of their daily lives.

However, [breeding] and [planting] are long-term industries that will not bear fruit in the short term and will take a long time to develop.

Roman is now short of funds.

He needs to make a lot of money as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, he would not be able to continue to fool those stupid people.

According to his estimate of the speed of infrastructure construction, it will take at least half a month before the road can be leveled and the work of mining rock salt and refining salt can begin.

The road reinforcement work will not be completed until two months later.

The calcined lime now is far from enough to pave this road.

Roman had to find other ways to bridge the shortage of funds during this period and find something to do for himself.

After finishing lunch, Roman distributed all the uneaten food to the male slaves, maids and others.

Then he said to Aaron and Green: "If you are okay now, come over and do me a favor."

Green complained: "You really don't stop at all."

He thought that this spring rain would dampen some of Roman's inner excitement.

"Very simple."

Roman and the two of them found all the containers they could find, and then took out hundreds of kilograms of wheat from the granary.

And put that wheat in tubs and barrels to wash and soak.

"Master Roman, what are you doing?" Gweir bent over, put her hands on her knees, and looked at Roman's movements curiously.

Roman smiled and said, "Make something to eat."

"Can I eat it?"

Roman said with a smile: "Let's see how you perform."

"Then I'll come too..." After Gweir said that, her foot suddenly slipped and hit Aaron's back, who was squatting to wash the wheat.

Aaron squatted on tiptoes, and his back was hit. His knees instantly fell to his knees, and he fell into the barrel. Water splashed all over Roman's body.

Green was about to stay away from them, but a wooden basin appeared behind him. He stepped down, and the wooden basin tilted up and hit the hollow of his knees. Green was caught off guard and fell backwards.



The wooden basin rolled around in a circle, and then slammed to the ground with a bang.

The atmosphere here suddenly solidified.

Gweir looked at the series of tragedies caused by herself. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to move. Her eyes showed tension and fear.

She looked at Roman with an expression that said she had done something wrong.

Roman said with a tight face: "...You performed well. You easily killed three knights. I will reward you with candy in a few days!"

He didn't want to laugh.

But when he saw Aaron pulling his head out of the barrel, his hair was full of water drops and wheat grains, and Green's toad-like shape, Roman still couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Green sat up from the mud. Seeing their respective embarrassed looks, he couldn't help laughing at first, and then he also laughed. Aaron pursed his lips tightly, trying to maintain a serious and calm expression and control his trembling shoulders, but he still failed and had to laugh. They seemed to have become three sand sculptures at this moment, but they were only happy and comfortable in their hearts.

The drizzle outside was drizzling across the sky, but the hearty laughter came from this granary, which spread far, far away and dissipated in the swaying wind and rain...

No matter how many years have passed, Gweiler will remember that spring rain and those laughters.

All the panic and fear disappeared silently, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, and she also smiled.


This spring rain lasted surprisingly long.

It rained for three days before the rain stopped and the sky cleared up. The air was fresh and refreshing.

This spring rain also brought strong vitality to the land, irrigating the land, and the plants grew vigorously. The crops in the fields changed every day, fully nourished by the fertilizer.

Seven days later.

Roman poured the filtered, slightly muddy sugar juice into the big iron pot.

Gweil kept picking up firewood and throwing it into the bottom of the pot, while Roman kept stirring in the pot. The sugar juice boiled for nearly two hours.

Finally, a viscous paste gradually took shape.

Roman used a wooden spoon to put the paste into the wooden barrel prepared in advance and sealed it.

Then the second pot... the third pot... the fourth pot...

That day, the air of most of the Origin Manor was filled with a rich and fresh fragrance.

Roman used two or three hundred kilograms of malt and several hundred kilograms of barley starch, and finally boiled more than six hundred kilograms of maltose in the big pot, which was sealed in twenty 30-kilogram wooden barrels.

The remaining maltose weighed dozens of kilograms, which he kept separately for the Origin Manor's own use.

After cooling naturally, the maltose, which was originally somewhat thin, suddenly became viscous.

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