Roman had originally planned to boil some water for the slaves to wash themselves and change clothes.

However, the town of Sger was so poor that it could not afford clothes for two hundred people.

The farmers here also planted flax, but the output was only enough to mend their own torn clothes.

A piece of linen clothing was worth about 1 copper coin, clothes and pants were 2 copper coins, and all the slaves together were 4 gold coins.

Of course, if you only buy linen and process it into clothes yourself, it will be much cheaper, but it will not be done in a short time.

Roman had to postpone this matter.

Anyway, he didn't like them no matter how he looked at them, and he would give them a beating sooner or later.

Now the important thing is to cover these thatch.

Roman and Aaron Green went into battle, compacted the bundles of thatch and put them away, and finally completed the last step.

Looking at this completely formed building, Roman couldn't help but feel a strong sense of accomplishment in his heart.

These livestock will have an immeasurable and huge role in the future of Sger Town.

Now, more than a month has passed since the sowing, and the green wheat seedlings have already emerged from the soil, and there is a vast expanse of green that stretches as far as the eye can see.

This dense planting method makes Barro feel extremely excited and terrified.

He thinks that this land must be crazy, or he is crazy, because clusters of lush green seedlings can grow in the soil.

Or it is the curse of the devil, or it is a miracle of the gods.

The rows, columns, furrows, and ridges are all thriving wheat seedlings, just like weeds and grass. The number makes people panic, and the density is several times higher than in the past.

He calculated a cluster of wheat seedlings and was shocked to find that almost every grain of wheat planted by Roman had sprouted!

This discovery made him almost faint, and his common sense was shattered. He was afraid that this land was cursed, so he came to Roman several times for this.

And Roman also went to take a look and found that the wheat seedlings were growing vigorously and in good condition, and were growing vigorously, so he applied top dressing.

Sixty to seventy kilograms of fertilizer were added to each acre of land. The tillering rate of spring wheat is very low, but there is still a probability of tillering - one grain of wheat can grow two ears of wheat.

So the more nutrients, the better.

In order to ensure the utilization rate, the method of topdressing is also furrow application.

Use wooden farm tools to dig a deep furrow between the rows of wheat seedlings, sprinkle the humus fertilizer in, and then cover it with soil.

This ensures that most nutrients will be absorbed by the wheat roots.

This step is actually quite simple.

There are 100 laborers responsible for the work on the farmland, each with an average of 20 acres of land. Even so, it took nearly ten days.

Intensive farming is not to use people to death, but to use a more scientific and reasonable planting method.

Therefore, compared with road construction and mining, the workload on the farmland is not heavy. They even have spare energy to continue composting. Although the efficiency of composting is not high, they have also piled more than ten tons of fertilizer intermittently in recent days.

It is just because of the topdressing that all the fermented fertilizers have been consumed.

Before the summer harvest, they have to pile up more fertilizer, and the additional animal power will plow a lot of land.

The biggest problem now is the lack of iron. Whether it is mining or plowing, a lot of iron tools are needed.

Roman found an iron ore, but the difficulty of mining an open-air salt mine is so high, so there is no need to think about iron ore for the time being. Mining and iron smelting cannot be done without hundreds of people.

At present, they still have to rely on purchasing finished iron ingots from the outside world.

He told Morey about this, and the latter promised to bring him a considerable number of iron ingots when he came to Sige Town next time.

Iron does not take up cabin space. The reason why he didn't bring it last time was that it was difficult to purchase iron ingots. It was not always available. He needed to communicate with some iron-producing lords in advance.

As long as there is steel and livestock.

These additional laborers will also play a corresponding role.

The slaves today know nothing about this.

When Roman covered the roof with thatch, they were eating voraciously.

Roman was not going to assign jobs to the slaves right away. He would let them rest for three days and assign them different jobs after they recovered.

These slaves were homeless and hungry after many twists and turns.

The slave traders and Daken could not give them good food. They only had low-quality bread, chaff and vegetable leaves.

Even so, these people had to spend at least four or five copper coins a day just to maintain their basic survival.

If a slave is raised for one or two years, there is basically no room for sale. The food to feed him is worth this.

This is why the slave traders are eager to get rid of them.

Every extra day of raising means an increase in sunk costs. In the end, not only will they not make money, but they will even lose money.

Therefore, this meal is rare and luxurious for these slaves now.


All the slaves ate in a very miserable way.

They had been hungry for too long and had not eaten a decent meal during this period.

The same was true for Agatha.

She followed the slave traders into the Black Iron Kingdom and had been away from the homeland of Wandong for half a month.

In this strange land, her white hair and that of her fellow countrymen seemed somewhat out of place.

Most of the Wandong people have white hair.

As a pure-blooded Wandong person, Agatha's hair is not much different, and is as pure as the ice and snow in the northern land.

But ice and snow cannot feed people.

The Wandong people have been struggling to survive on that vast land for thousands of years.

Their bodies and souls were crucified in that bitter cold land when they were conceived.

‘People who want to win winter cannot escape from the northern land’, this saying has been around since ancient times.

Only the patron saint can withstand the blizzards coming from the extreme northern ice fields and can resist the curse of the god of wind and snow.

The first generation of the Winter King was once a member of the patron saint race and regarded himself as the guardian of the northern land, but later lost his divine power.

The contemporary king of winter has also become helpless when facing the vast land of the entire kingdom.

His decrees could not spread beyond his immediate territory.

The powerful Duke Wan Dong turned a blind eye to the King Wan Dong, and most of the country was in a chaotic scene of warlords and numerous nobles.

They conquered and fought against each other, as if there was never an end to the war.

The god in charge of the blizzard must have cared so much for that ancient land and loved it so much that he imposed some kind of terrible curse!

Only the Frostmen can withstand this divine favor.

That tribe claims to be the descendants of ancient giants, and they are born tall and brave.

And in that era that is too ancient to be described in words, the real giants have disappeared.

The descendants of the giants once fought against some inhuman things on the ice fields in the far north, and then they migrated south. It has been a hundred years now.

The ancient people were conservative and stubborn. They lived a very closed and barbaric life during the migration, and their living traditions were very different from humans.

They believe that the northern land has a soul and a will. They believe in some ancient giants and regard them as the guardians of their tribe.

In the eyes of the church that believes in gods, it is a pagan religion and a heresy.

The war broke out months ago.

Agata still remembers the situation.

A team of fifty black-armored knights, riding tall armored horses, passed through her village like a whirlwind.

The priest in the village said that it was a demon-hunting knight from the Holy See who came to the northern land specifically to conquer evil spirits.

The Church has been preaching in the northern land for more than two hundred years, but the Holy See Knights have never gone deep into this bitter and cold land.

But now it has changed.

Fifty demon hunting knights, led by a knight wearing silver armor and a golden sword, rushed towards the Frost tribe.

The demon hunting operation that was supposed to be devastating was met with a head-on blow.

The Frostmen are not without resistance.

This ancient and mysterious race was tougher than anyone else. They relied on their flesh and blood to engage in a small-scale war with the church knights.

A witch named Shasta fell from the sky and almost killed the dazzling Knight of the Dawn on the chaotic battlefield.

The Demon Hunter Knight's crusade, the Frostmen's counterattack, and the witches join the battle.

That war directly destroyed the entire camp. It is said that the land is still frozen to this day and will never freeze.

She just heard that she couldn't understand the situation, but her village was affected.

In order to meet the supply needs of the demon hunting knights, the priests in the village announced that they would levy an additional demon hunting tax.

As a result, the already dying family completely collapsed.

All the grain they grew and stored was taken away by the church people.

The husband begged desperately, but was knocked to the ground. Before he died, he opened his bleeding eyes and held her hand tightly.

Agata, Agata, with our children...

Run away and find the patron saint of winter...

Escape from this land...

The King of Winter has lost the power of his patron saint.

Only by escaping and finding a new patron saint can Wan Dong have a way to survive.

But they were penniless, and it was impossible for them to cross that cold and vast land alone.

She and the other villagers had to sell themselves to slave traders for free and followed their caravan to the Black Iron Kingdom.

She had only heard that the Black Iron Land was a kingdom created by the conqueror one hundred and fifty years ago.

Now it is also the richest and most powerful kingdom in the entire land.

In such a land, they might not starve to death and might be able to survive.

But she was at a loss as to how to survive.

The furthest thing she had ever done from home was to work on the lord's estate.

Now he has to survive in a faraway foreign country with his newborn child.

During this time, she prayed to the gods of the northern land day and night.

She prayed strongly that the noble lord who purchased them would be kind and generous enough to tolerate her and her children.

Will this kind of prayer come true?

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