Chapter 62 Forging Experience +1

Roman went to the blacksmith shop today.

Lux thought Roman was here to inspect the work and was ready to report on his work.

But he didn't expect that the lord took the hammer from a blacksmith apprentice and used it himself. The apprentice stood beside him at a loss, watching Roman swing the hammer.

There was a "clang" sound!

The red-hot iron ingot was slightly deformed under the hammer.

"Ah, this..."

Lux was completely stunned.

It felt like the hammer was not hitting the ingot, but his head.

I know you want me to train qualified blacksmiths, because you have a lot of work, so let them come to compete with me for business, but there is no need to do it yourself, right?

Lux was confused and watched Roman swing the hammer several times.

Every time it was powerful, sparks flew everywhere.

Roman said, "Lax, what do you think of my work?"

Lax said truthfully, "I don't think it's suitable."

"That's true. I'm still a novice in blacksmithing."

"I mean your status."

Anyway, it's unnecessary for nobles to compete with blacksmiths for business.

Roman raised his face and said, "Do you think I can't be a blacksmith?"

"That's not what I mean..."

What else can I do? Just be happy.

Lax informed Roman of the current progress of the blacksmith shed.

"The quality of these iron ingots is very good. So far, we have made 60 pickaxes, 30 hoes and 15 flat wedges."

Each pickaxe weighs 3 jin, the hoe weighs 2 jin, and the iron wedge weighs 2 jin.

A total of nearly 300 jin of iron was consumed.

Different from the heavy plow that Lax had cast before.

Although that thing is very large, there are not many of them, and the structure is simple.

The most difficult part is the plowshare part, because the plowshare is required to be very sharp.

But the sharpness is only enough to split the soil, not to cut vegetables.

The pickaxe and hoe are different. Each pickaxe must be repeatedly struck thousands of times and heated and forged dozens of times, otherwise it cannot bear the high-intensity mining task.

This is how the saying of "a thousand hammers and a hundred tempers" came from.

These twenty or thirty people spent several days forging these tools, which made them breathless.

Roman said: "The salt mine is enough for the time being, Lux, let everyone stop, you will forge something else next."

Needless to say, the shovel.

This thing is a sharp tool for infrastructure, and it must be forged. It can easily increase the paving speed by 30 to 50%.

Roman needs at least hundreds of shovels, both square-headed and pointed ones, and everyone must have one.

Secondly, Roman is very concerned about the growth of the wheat field.

The spring wheat will enter the harvest period in more than a month, and it will not work without the right farm tools.

Some things cannot be prepared in advance.

Roman drew a new design for Lax.

It was a straight iron knife that was one meter long and five centimeters wide, and its shape was very similar to a guillotine.

This thing was called a scythe.

A strong man could harvest four or five acres of wheat with a scythe every day, which could greatly save labor.

Roman's task for Lax was to forge 100 scythes within a month - this was just its blade, and after it was forged, it would be fixed on a woven fabric similar to a winnowing basket, so he had to ask the carpenter Vic to come over.

Roman himself had to forge something else.

[Forging Experience +1]!

He found an anvil on his own and began his forging journey as a craftsman.

Lax was also very concerned about Roman's actions.

There was no way, as he had the highest status in the entire blacksmith shed.

Although the status of blacksmiths in this era was not low, and most blacksmiths had a very good relationship with the local lords.

The more skilled a blacksmith's craftsmanship was, the higher his status would be.

The noble lords also treated blacksmiths with great favors, and the situation of high-level professionals was naturally different from that of civilians.

But I had never seen a noble lord personally go into battle to grab business.

[Forging Experience +1]

Is Master Roman going to forge a kitchen knife?

[Forging Experience +1]

But his forging hammer technique is very awkward, and he obviously has never forged iron before. It is better to persuade him to become a noble lord, because not everyone can do iron.

[Forging Experience +1]

...Looks a bit decent.

[Forging Experience +1]


[Forging Experience +1]

Hmmmm? ? ?

Lux watched Roman spend an afternoon, from a novice to a mature blacksmith with a plan in mind.

From the initial random knocking to the perfect point of each hammer drop.

Finally, a kitchen knife with a cold and shining light was forged.

It can't be said to be a hair-breaking blow, but it can be said to be of high quality.

After earning five points of forging experience in one afternoon, Roman was quite satisfied.

He was quite proud of his innate iron-forging body.

Roman examined his first kitchen knife, found a wooden handle to install it, and then left the iron-forging shed under Lux's stunned gaze.

Back to the Origin Manor.

Roman gave the kitchen knife he made today to Chef Bob.

"You have been working diligently these days. Keep up the good work in the future. I made this thing myself, and I give it to you as a reward."

Chef Bob started learning cooking from his father at the age of six, and worked in the Grand Duke's territory for twenty years. His pot-bellied appearance makes him look like he is in his thirties or forties.

He secretly said that it is more important for you to give me a day off than anything else.

Bob had doubts about Roman's statement that he had "made it with his own hands," but this did not prevent him from feeling excited about Roman's appreciation.

Roman just let it go. He didn't expect to kill Bob with a kitchen knife.

But it was still possible to let Bob continue to work for him without any complaints.

Over dinner, Seth reported to him the details of the day.

The road construction target has been achieved.

Roman was not surprised. In the morning, he had some estimates of the road paving progress. He would definitely be able to pave 500 meters before dark. In the early stages of road construction, because the difficulty of transporting materials was not high, the speed was relatively fast. , it became more difficult in the second half, as building materials needed to be transported back and forth.

The salt mine is not convenient either.

Due to road construction, salt mine workers can only go around by car.

Fortunately, the previously flat road was very wide and basically did not affect transportation.

Roman grabbed the fried chicken legs and bit into the leg meat slowly. He said to Seth: "I asked Lux ​​to work overtime to make a batch of shovels. The paving speed will be faster and faster in the future."

"I want to completely repair this road before the summer harvest."

Roman set this goal.

Seth shook his head and said, "I'm just afraid there won't be enough labor in other areas."

Roman said calmly: "It doesn't matter, more slaves will be sent to Sige Town in the future."

"Too many slaves is not a good thing for you," Seth advised.


"They are refugees with no residence or land. They are potentially unstable factors and have their own agendas."

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