Gweil and Sana left quickly.

The forest returned to its past tranquility.

The child would not come too often. She would come only when she had enough white bread. Moreover, the journey was long and bumpy. For a girl in her teens, this was a huge challenge.

She thought she came secretly without Roman's knowledge.

But they all knew that Roman allowed her to come.

How could a witch missing for half a day not attract attention?

They silently accepted Gweil's kindness.

She was just repaying their kindness in the past.

But those two years were enough for Gweil to repay them for half of their lives without regrets, until the youngest of them, Jet, also died in the mountains, and perhaps she would stop this move.

Just like when the great thief Borg died, the witch of doom cried so tragically. Every time she went into the mountains, after visiting them, she would also stay in front of Borg's grave for a while.

Two more days passed.

All the things Gweil brought were eaten up by Dick, Garin and Jet.

They returned to their old lives.

They relied on hunting and gathering to feed themselves every day.

That day, Jet left his residence with a broken sword.

Dick met him and noticed the unusualness of this deserter.

"Are you going down the mountain?"

Jet's expression was indifferent, as if he was used to life and death.

He did not explain, but just nodded slightly.

The sentence 'Why can't what Roman wants to do be what I want to do? ' has been echoing in his mind these days.

He did not believe in miracles, but if that was true, he had heard about the changes that Gweil talked about, and he had seen Gweil's changes with his own eyes, so why not try to believe it? Anyway, it doesn't cost money.

Dick felt relieved for some reason.

"Then go and see."


Jet walked out of the forest behind him.

It was like walking out of a cool and warm familiar world and entering another hot and uneasy strange world.

The scorching sun in midsummer was particularly dazzling.

This gradually rising temperature made it difficult for him to adapt.

Looking at the road in front of him that led in all directions.

Jet didn't know where to go.

After standing for a moment, he walked straight ahead.

He walked for half an hour, and when he passed those lands, he saw many oxen and draft horses coming and going in the fields.

Two large animals pulled the heavy iron plow side by side, and the plow head split the soil, bringing out most of the weeds, tree roots, and stones, and carved a very deep and long furrow.

The plowboard piled up a lot of black soil along the way, just like scraping butter. After plowing to the end, the piled up black soil formed a mound as the boundary of the land.

Looking down from a high altitude, it was like neatly arranged wide noodles, forming a unique and different appearance.


This was Jet's first impression.

All farmers were busy with summer plowing, and the main crop was soybeans.

He couldn't understand the strange heavy plow, but he could see that all the farmers' faces were filled with joy and enthusiasm, and the numb and dull expressions were swept away.

Although they were also working under the scorching sun, their mental outlook was completely different from the past.

Many farmers also noticed the unusual Jet.

Mainly, when everyone was busy, they saw a man wearing broken armor and holding a broken sword strolling around, which looked out of place.

But their farming tasks were heavy, and they had no time to care about other things.

The lord assigned corresponding tasks to all of them.

This summer farming required an additional 4,000 acres of land to be plowed, including the previous 2,000 acres, a total of 6,000 acres.

This was a national labor, and all the people who could be mobilized basically participated in it, even the people from the salt mine were temporarily transferred out.

They were divided into six farming teams. Each team had about 200 people and was responsible for 1,000 acres of land.

They were in charge of a manager appointed by the lord himself.

If the farming task was not completed within the deadline, all the people in that team would be punished, whether they were ordinary farmers or managers, they would be whipped 50 times and then hung for a whole day.

And more importantly, their lord also brought a farming team.

This means that if the lord fails to complete the task, he will be punished accordingly - first whipped! Then hung up! For a whole day!

This time, the pressure was immediately given to the farmers under the lord.

Some of them were sweating profusely and exerted their full strength.

They were afraid that the lord would whip them for being too slow.

Of course, as long as the farmers with a little experience can calculate based on the farming tasks and time, they can complete the task within the specified time as long as they work harder.

After all, farming is a labor task with a huge difference between the upper and lower limits.

The most arduous step is to clean up the tree roots, stones, grass roots and other debris in the soil.

Striving for excellence is a kind of labor.

Doing things perfunctorily is also a kind of labor.

In the final analysis, the more meticulous a job is, the more terrifying the time and energy it takes.

According to the diminishing marginal benefits, assuming that a perfect piece of land can produce 100 kilograms of grain.

A less perfect piece of land can only produce 70 kilograms of grain.

But to increase the yield by 30 kilograms and make the land perfect, it may be necessary to invest twice the labor force. If there are not enough people, the working hours can only be extended.

Given the problem of insufficient labor, it is natural not to do so meticulously.

This is a fact that Roman has to accept.

You can't blame others for being lazy when you assign such a heavy task.

Of course, there are very few people who are really willing to be lazy.

The scene of the harvest is still vivid, and now there is no need for Roman to explain, the farmers also understand the benefits of this way of farming.

The more you invest now, the more you will harvest in the future.

Most farmers feel that they understand everything, and they don't need to be urged, and they are scrambling to work one by one.

Now working with a full stomach is completely different from working without a full stomach before.

They hope to see the yield of this round of soybeans as soon as possible and finally determine the relationship between labor and production. The urgency is no less than the eager groom's desire for the bride.

Jet has always felt a strange feeling along the way.

He can't say it specifically.

He thought it was because the farmers' mental outlook has changed.

But he soon found that it was not the case.

He saw those farmers who divided the work and cooperated.

Those who plowed the land plowed the land, those who raked the land raked the land, those who weeded the land, those who moved stones and tree roots moved stones and tree roots - they did not move them by manpower, but relied on horse-drawn carriages to clean up all the debris in the soil.

Later, he thought that the strange feeling was caused by the farm tools in the hands of the farmers.

The sound made when the steel hit the stone was very crisp.

He knew at a glance that it must be hundred-fold steel!

It requires experienced blacksmiths to spend a lot of effort and forge it hundreds of times.

But the question is, this is originally a processing technology for weapons and armor, why is it applied to farm tools?

Would other nobles spend such a high cost to forge farm tools?

Do you know how expensive steel is?

How many blacksmiths work hard to make so many farm tools?

Until the end, when Jet saw the figure at the edge of the field, he directed all the farmers to coordinate their work.

Jet finally understood where the strange feeling came from.

Just like a pile of loose sand in the past was gathered by an invisible giant hand and turned into a solid and sharp heavy plow.

It came down with a momentum as powerful as a bamboo.

It fell suddenly!

It split the earth directly!

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