Jet was frightened by Roman's strong desire.

After he became a deserter, he swore not to swear allegiance to anyone again.

He hated the bloody battlefield.

Killing the enemy did not bring him glory and pride.

Jet felt pain.

He always believed that the "Emerald War" launched by Sinnoh Kingdom against Cang Yue Kingdom was an unjust war.

Although Sinnoh was a kingdom favored by the gods, Cang Yue was just a cursed kingdom and a barbaric place where monsters were rampant.

He still believed so.

Injustice is injustice.

But the swordsman who came from a commoner family was humble and had no say.

He led his team of swordsmen to the battlefield without knowing anything.

The military knight ordered them to attack, and he realized at that time that their enemies were just unarmed miners who could not even afford iron tools, and were not enemies at all!

He had no choice but to attack and wipe out those "enemies".

Then the counterattack of Cang Yue Kingdom came, and a strange wizard drove a winged monster to the battlefield.

They fought in that mountain area for a full six months, slaughtered all the residents there, burned and destroyed all the villages.

But when he heard the order to retreat, he was stunned.

They fought for so long, and both sides suffered losses. Three of the ten swordsmen in his team died and four were captured.

But he still went against his conscience and sacrificed his life to conquer this territory for Sinnoh.

But now he has to withdraw?

He rushed into the military command post to question the military commanders composed of knights and priests.

Perhaps his heroic combat performance and dazzling achievements improved his status. Those generals treated him very well, just like treating future colleagues, and explained a lot to him.

"Jet, there is an emerald vein buried in the land under your feet. We have not been able to estimate the specific reserves, but the scale must be huge. Once those green gems are mined, how much more help will the future Cang Yue army have?

"If every Cang Yue warrior wears an emerald, they will be immune to the invasion of foreign evil diseases, which can quickly restore their combat effectiveness.

"In the future, if Cang Yue continues to fight with Sinnoh, we will be at a great disadvantage, so for the sake of our children, Cang Yue must not mine it...

"But this is the territory of the Cang Yue Kingdom after all. If we want to occupy it by force, the Queen of Cang Yue will never tolerate our behavior. The local war will evolve into a full-scale war.

"Even if the King of Sinnoh and the Pope are confident that they can defeat Cang Yue and capture the vampire queen, the three Grand Dukes of the Black Iron Kingdom will never sit idly by - the Grand Duke of Fury has now sent his eldest son Makor to find out.

"We must consider the overall situation..."

We must consider the overall situation...

He suddenly realized that the enemy of Sinnoh is not Black Iron, not Cang Yue, not the Emerald Mine, but the civilians who have lived here for generations...

They burned, killed, and looted, burning this area to a white ground, destroying all livelihood facilities, and killing all the people in this area.

In the next ten years or so, the Cang Yue Kingdom will lose The ability to mine the emerald veins.

Sinnoh retreated, but Sinnoh won...

He walked out of the command post in a daze.

He heard the generals behind him discussing his achievements.

As long as the swordsman with outstanding military achievements could return to Sinnoh alive, he would be rewarded and canonized, and from then on he would get rid of the identity of the swordsman captain and become a glorious noble or knight.

But he did not return alive.

During the retreat, the army of the Cang Yue Kingdom besieged them.

In that tragic and chaotic retreat, too many people died.

The genius swordsman who shone on the battlefield also disappeared.

Only Bu Luo He knew where he was going, but Bro He would not tell anyone.

Faced with Roman's urgent invitation, Jet did not agree.

He did not refuse again, but just said to give him some time.

He was afraid that he would become an executioner who killed innocent people again.

Roman had originally planned to go up the mountain and visit the thatched cottage three times in person - he must take down these three cobblers anyway.

But Roman had no time, so he had to delay again and again.

Now Jet came down by himself.

This made him very happy.

Roman never liked the kind of chaste and heroic women who were inflexible and rigid in thinking for someone or a certain concept.

The fool who grew up in the feudal dregs will not be persuaded!

Roman has always only liked the kind of chaste and heroic women who are always loyal to him and his ideas and unconditionally support him.

This is the new era model of discarding the dregs and taking the essence!

Roman highly praised Jet's hesitation.

Your hesitation means that your attitude is not firm!

If you are not firm, you can be poached, and you can be persuaded with a little tricks and a few words, then what will happen next is a matter of course.

I tease you a few times, I don't believe you won't get wet!

"I'll give you two days, you have to come to my manor and help me train the army, understand."

Roman didn't even take care of the farm work in the field. He put his arm around Jet's shoulders, ignoring the latter's shabby and dirty appearance.

Jet was very confused by Roman's enthusiastic attitude.

I said I would consider it, but are you too quick to appoint him?

As if he would definitely agree?

At least give him three days!

Two days is not enough for me to betray the me who swore not to be loyal to anyone in the past.

Roman blocked his mouth with an unquestionable attitude.

Jet opened his mouth, he was not good at speaking, so he could only say: "I want the right to withdraw!"

This is his bottom line.

If he finds that what Roman does is not to his liking, he will leave openly, and Roman cannot restrict his freedom.

"Okay!" Roman agreed very straightforwardly.

Can a cooked duck still fly?

After this period of construction, the facilities of Origin Manor are extremely complete.

Roman attaches great importance to Jet's arrival.

He raised Jet's status to the level of a knight in battle.

With a separate room, unlimited food, a male and female servant, unconditional equipment support, and the most important status.

So when Jet came here, he was shocked by this high-standard treatment, and by the way, shocked another person brought by Jet.

"Uncle Dick!"

Gweil ran over happily and knocked Dick, who was not prepared, off guard.

"Gweil..." Dick's eyes softened when he saw Gweil.

She said crisply: "Uncle Dick will live in the manor in the future."

Dick smiled bitterly and said: "It depends on whether your lord is willing to take in me, the master-eater."

If a dog eats his master and his teeth are stained with human blood, who would be willing to be its second master?

"Dick, I don't care about your past, I only care about your future, welcome you."

Roman said sonorously. He strode over with his head held high, in a very good mood.

These two are truly extraordinary people, both with superb martial arts, otherwise how could they survive in the mountains for so long.

Although the physical condition has declined in the dangerous environment, it can still defeat Green and Aaron together.

The peak period of the expedition knight is often between 25 and 40 years old, and the more powerful expedition knight can extend his peak period.

Jet is just 30 years old, while Dick is nearly 40 years old, and it is difficult to improve his condition.

Roman disagreed. He valued the two men's war experience more.

Two extraordinary people are not very useful.

Even if a fifth-level war knight came, he couldn't swing a 200-jin forging hammer all day.

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