On the way back, Green took off his helmet and looked at Roman strangely: "I thought you would continue to feed them oatmeal and give up exploiting them."

Green learned the word "exploitation" from Roman, and Green felt it was very appropriate and proper.

Roman did not speak.

Green continued to complain: "Fortunately you did this. If we did not exploit civilians and slaves, we would not even be able to afford white bread. How can I maintain my training in the future?"

Roman suddenly asked: "What if you really can't eat white bread?"

Green looked suspicious, as if he was judging whether he was joking. Even the silent Aaron looked over here.

The three grew up together since childhood. Green and Aaron knew that Roman wanted to do big things. Today was obviously the horn for him to start charging.

For this day, Roman waited for more than ten years.

Green said heartlessly: "If you can't eat it, then don't eat it. You are the noble lord, and we are just your knights. You can do whatever you want. Anyway, we can't object."

He has a lively personality, but he doesn't like to use his brain, especially when he is asked to think about the future. The more he knows, the more confused he is.

But no knight will betray his lord. He will unconditionally support everything the lord does.

Concentrate on doing big things! Do big things!

Isn't that why he and Aaron chose to follow this lord?

Roman knew it would be like this, but hearing Green's words did not prevent him from immediately feeling happy, with a raised corner of his mouth, looking forward.

This time it was Seth who came over. He was not interested in the topic between the two. He just said: "I don't know what you are going to do. But it is inappropriate to ask children under 15 and over 5 to come to the manor."

During this period, he had a clear handover with Moore, and had a more detailed understanding of the situation in Sger Town.

There are about 300 children of this age group, which accounts for a considerable proportion in Sger Town.

Children of this age can help their parents complete basic and simple labor.

Especially older children over ten years old will basically be regarded as a basic labor force, and the withdrawal of such a large number of laborers from all families will have a considerable impact on the overall impact of Sige Town.

What's more, these families are very likely to have young children who need to be taken care of.

In the past, they could still let their older brothers and sisters take care of them, but now they can only drag down their parents and delay the work in the fields.

Seth told Roman about his concerns, which would cause big problems.

Roman said that he was very concerned about this group of underage children. He would select suitable people with learning talents to train them, and he would also place those young children properly.

Seth was very confused about Roman's decision.

In his opinion, Roman brought two clerks, and Sige Town already had managers, so there was no need to go to great lengths to train talents by themselves, and the number of people trained was too large.

Roman did not explain what he was going to do. This was a very long process, and it was just the beginning. He wanted to make the minors in Sige Town develop the habit of going to the manor when they had nothing to do, and slowly exert influence on them.

Roman thought for a moment, his red eyes staring ahead, and said, "I want to change all this. First of all, I have to destroy their past lifestyle. The manor economy only makes me feel ridiculous. I want to coordinate all resources and then distribute them uniformly. I will not tolerate any waste..."

What he did today was to show his power and authority, so that those idiots would fear him from the bottom of their hearts, instead of treating him as their own parents and being able to act like a spoiled child in his arms.

You can't give those untouchables a good face, otherwise they will climb up the pole.

Roman must forcefully shatter all their fantasies, erase all their hopes, destroy all their psychological defenses, and make them the most suitable sacrifices in exchange for a ticket to board the new era.

He has no time for gentle reforms and step-by-step guidance. That kind of lukewarm approach of Yasasi will only make him hate it.

Only by cutting the Gordian knot and laying the foundation with an iron fist can the best way with the least sacrifice and the fastest speed.

For this reason, Roman cannot allow those ignorant people to raise any objections.

In the shocked eyes of Seth, who said "you are crazy", Roman continued, "I want to reduce the cultivated area. If you can't adapt, then die."

It is not that the more wasteland is reclaimed, the better, nor is the more cultivated area, the better.

In this era when a family needs to plant 60 acres of land to ensure that they are full, the ratio of seeds to harvest is about 1:4.

In other words, if one grain of wheat is planted in the field, only 4 grains of wheat can be harvested on average.

Because farming in these years depends entirely on the favor of God, half of the wind will be reduced, and all will be gone if it rains, and there is no ability to resist risks at all.

Although businessmen dare to commit any crime as long as there is a 300% profit, if you let businessmen farm, they will probably die here!

In theory, Roman can reduce the cultivated land area by half by planting 8 grains of wheat with one grain of wheat.

If 16 grains of wheat are planted, he can abandon three-quarters of the cultivated land area in Sige Town.

Of course, the consequence of doing so is that the original half-dead state remains. It is inevitable that the farmers will not be full every meal, and it is also very extreme and cannot withstand turbulence.

Roman grows as much food as possible based on the original harvest.

The population of Sige Town gave him a surprise, but the labor force is still scarce.

While intensive farming increases the trouble level, the demand for labor is reduced in disguise.

More importantly, it can free up a group of laborers.

As [Story of Life] said.

Roman still has a lot to do.

The most urgent task now is to grow enough food before the end of this season.

As long as the superior varieties are selected, the soil is well supplied with nutrients, and the conditions are suitable, these crops can grow to the limit of their genes - wheat is the same as humans.

Such yields will naturally not be too low.

So abandoning most of the cultivated area is beneficial to the overall situation.

Roman's expected ratio of input to return is 1:20.

In his opinion, this is already a very normal requirement.

If this goal cannot be achieved, then Roman will be ashamed of his ancestors.

Now is a good time to prepare for spring plowing, and we must seize this opportunity.

There are more than 80 oxen in Sige Town. The climate of this land makes animal husbandry simpler than farming, but animal husbandry cannot support people, so we still have to rely on farming.

Farmers can't afford to buy oxen, which used to belong to the agricultural officer More and the managers.

Now, those properties belong to Roman.

Roman didn't feel any burden about the expropriation of the resources of Sige Town.

He was originally a lord, so it was normal for him to have this privilege, and he couldn't stand the slow development of Sige Town.

This primitive accumulation was extremely slow, and only dozens of oxen had been accumulated so far.

In the outside world, when the price did not fluctuate much, a gold coin of good quality could buy two oxen.

But the business scale of Sige Town was still too weak, lacking transportation capacity, and even if you had money, you couldn't buy everything.

Roman knew with his butt that it was extremely tight for nearly two thousand people to share more than 80 oxen, and all the ploughing tasks could not be completed anyway.

He asked, in the past, the land that was not plowed in time could only rely on manpower for extensive planting-that is, just scattering some seeds, and whether it could survive was entirely up to God.

In general, there were basically scattered harvests.

There is no other way. If the yield of land cannot be effectively improved, it is inevitable to expand the area of ​​cultivated land.

This is a huge waste of resources. It is wise to abandon those wastelands that can yield two crops or four crops and concentrate efforts.

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