Morey finally made up his mind.

"Dear Lord Roman, I don't want any reward. Please allow me to make a request."

"I wish for your friendship."

This request made Roman take another look at Morey.

"Why did you choose me?"

Businessmen have a higher social status and are considered to be in the same class as lawyers, judges, senior blacksmiths, senior carpenters and other professionals.

The main characteristic of this class is that it has no power to protect itself.

Only those governors of free city states and members of commercial guilds can have equal dialogue with nobles.

The nobles could not afford to support an army, let alone the merchant class.

Mercenaries were unreliable, and war knights under nobles became the first choice of merchants.

Therefore, businessmen will choose to gain the friendship of certain nobles and seek attachment and help.

But Roman didn't have the strength to allocate to Morey. He regarded Green and Aaron as treasures, and Jeter and Dick had sensitive identities and couldn't be sent out.

With Morey's conditions, it would not be difficult to find a big lord and earl.

From any perspective, Roman is not the best dependent.

Morey said frankly: "I hope there is a way out."

Serling's children will all receive a comment from Serling when they grow up.

Selling's comment to Morey was that he was indecisive and difficult to achieve great things.

Selling believes that Morey will miss opportunities because he worries about gains and losses before doing things. And it is easy to regret after doing something, always feeling that you have done something wrong.

But this kind of walking on thin ice also made his life easier.

Sometimes it is better to earn less and reduce risks.

But his father believed that this mentality was destined to fail in achieving great things.

Every time Morey thinks of this sentence, he feels like a lump in his throat.

This comment has been with Morey for several years.

Now, he feels that he can't go on like this.

Big things don’t have to be done!

But your life must be saved!

Roman chuckled. "Do you think Sig Town can be your escape route?"

"I don't see anything wrong with that."

Roman didn't take much pleasure in the compliment.

The so-called friendship of nobles is not just lip service, but also requires actual help.

For example, if Morey gains Roman's friendship, he can do things under Roman's banner and badge in the future.

Imagine a businessman going to do business in a strange territory. He said to the lord there: I am a friend of the Grand Duke of Wrath Tide, and I have his approval.

And how would that lord treat him?

He will receive all kinds of preferential treatment, and the lord will even lower business taxes as a result.

The reputations of the three Grand Dukes are enough to allow merchants to travel unhindered throughout the Black Iron Land and even most of the surrounding countries.

Because these businessmen were killed, the nobles who had given their friendship would never sit idly by.

Otherwise it will damage their reputation.

Provoking a noble merchant was tantamount to provoking him himself.

Of course, the degree of measures taken by the nobles will also be linked to the importance they attach to merchants.

If a merchant gains the friendship of a certain baron, we can't expect the baron to attack the earldom because the merchant is being made trouble by the earl, right?

The most I can do is to denounce it and wait until I have the opportunity to settle the accounts in the future.

A qualified businessman will have many nobles as friends. If he touches these merchants, he will be at odds with those nobles. If he provokes a few more, they will form a coalition and rob you.

Roman didn't know what advantage his reputation could give Morey.

Among the three great kilometres, Grand Duke Split Armor has the most business friends.

In recent years, some businessmen do not even need to meet the Grand Duke of the Split Armor. They only need to pay a friend fee worth hundreds of gold coins to become popular with the banner of the Split Armor family.

One or two are scarce resources and deserve attention.

But if there are more than ten, it will become a disaster.

Before Roman left the Grand Duke's territory, he even heard that a businessman was forging the flag of the Grand Duke of Armor to defraud him.

Anyway, it is difficult for nobles everywhere to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

The heirs of the Grand Duke of Split Armor were filled with indignation.

RNM! Pay the money! !

Roman only found it funny.

He said to Morey: "My friendship is very expensive."

Roman thought so. Even now his reputation is unknown and hidden in the wilderness. But he still feels that he is noble, and he is the only one in heaven and on earth.

Morey looked embarrassed.

He thought that the discounted high-quality slaves would be enough to exchange for Roman's friendship, but it turned out that he failed to do so.

But now that I have spoken, I cannot retreat.

Morey was a bit stuck, so he had to say: "You can make your request."

Roman smiled lightly and said, "Send me at least 300 slaves every month."

This request directly made Morey's heart stop beating.

One slave was worth 1 silver coin, and 300 slaves were worth 30 gold coins.

And this is just ideal data.

In the northern lands, coastal areas, eastern plateaus, western forests...

You know, everywhere in this land, human life is quite low.

If a human life can be exchanged for 10 kilograms of salt, or 5 kilograms of iron, or more than a hundred kilograms of wheat.

Then they will not hesitate to use the stones in their hands to smash others to death or capture others. The more cold and miserable the place, the more so.

But can it be exchanged?

Obviously it can't be done.

Dead people are worthless, living people are precious.

And the transportation costs are too high.

Those low quality slaves didn't even deserve to be on the ship.

This agreement means that Morey will allocate half of his merchant ships to transport these slaves. If there are any setbacks, he will even have to mobilize all merchant ships.

And he doesn't like to transport slaves.

Especially since the Black Iron Land has been stable for too long, and there has not been a large-scale war for a long time, the demand for slaves is not that great.

Unless they are special slaves, slave traders can basically only make small profits in the Black Iron Land, not huge profits.

Moreover, it doesn't mean that having slaves is equivalent to qualified labor.

If you are too harsh on those slaves, they will either be rotten or riot, and die in front of you in a minute.

If Roman needs a few slaves, he can always find them by walking around.

To purchase in large quantities, he can only go to war-torn or impoverished areas, contact the slave traders there in advance, and then trade.

This requires a distance of thousands of miles.

If it is transported by land, how many carriages are needed?

Otherwise, if the slaves walk, how many days will it take to travel more than a thousand miles?

Can they walk 50 miles a day?

How much food will be consumed during the period?

Do you have the energy to walk if you don’t have enough food?

Water transport is fast, but you have to board a sailing ship and paddle against the current. When you encounter an unconnected river, you even have to lift the boat across.

It’s like what if two railroad tracks don’t connect? Just lift the train across.

A ship is much lighter than a train, but how many slaves can a ship carry?

Why not transport other goods with this time?

The freight sometimes even exceeds their own price.

The fruits in some orchards can rot in the fields, while some people can’t eat the fruits. What’s the reason?

If Morey agrees to this treaty, it means that his caravan is tied to the town of Sger.

In the future, he can only carry out the slave trade in the town of Sger, and he may not be able to complete this task.

It is difficult for Morey to accept this condition.

He is a businessman looking for friends, not a wild dog looking for a master.

But Roman’s next sentence dispelled Morey’s concerns.

“You can also help me contact other slave traders. As long as you regularly deliver slaves to me, I will also increase the purchase price.”

It’s not freeloading, it’s acquisition.

Instead of letting his caravan do this, he could act as a middleman.

Morley realized belatedly that his heart had started beating again.

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