First of all, I would like to thank the leader of the reward "fff group's torch".

This book's performance is not good, but I am satisfied with getting a thousand points. At present, I am still halfway to the final goal.

I didn't plan to post a single chapter, and I didn't want to communicate.

But the brother is so generous, so I'll take this opportunity to talk about some problems.

First of all, there is no reward here, and I am afraid that I can't pay it back, so I can only add three chapters. In the future, I will perform a daily performance of ten thousand for the torch brother.

Secondly, some negative comments will be deleted.

Some suggestions and comments will be revised and deleted after revision.

In the early stage, I wrote a plot that was not popular, and it is gone, whether it is chapters or comments.

Since the chapters are gone, there is no need to keep comments to mislead later readers.

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