Gweil was stunned at first, a panicked expression appeared on her face, and she became at a loss.

After he noticed this, he had to restrain his resentment, waved his hand, asked Gweil to come over, and stroked her wet hair with his fingers.

Roman's soft voice had a strange magnetism, saying: "Don't be afraid, if there is anything unhappy, tell me in time. You are my close servant, the person closest to me, and I don't want you to suppress those dissatisfied emotions in your heart."

He valued Gweil's potential stock very much, and he spoke softly, full of consideration and care.

Gweil's unfounded fear quickly subsided.

She shook her head gently, what else was there to be dissatisfied about. Her status in the manor was so high, second only to Roman, and those who were at the same level as her also took good care of her, so that she had no worries at such a young age.

If there was anything to say... No, it was already very good.

"I am satisfied just to see Master Roman every day." She whispered, as soft as a mosquito.

After hearing this, Roman began to smile.

Behind the false smile, a well-shaped angry mark appeared on his forehead.

So why don't you jump out of the pool!

Roman's expression management was in place, and Gweiler didn't notice it.

Now everyone in Sger Town is busy as a dog, only Gweiler is free, and at most she attends Hans and Geman's literacy class every day.

Raising a little girl is not a burden for him, but not everyone is qualified to be his close servant.

Roman has high hopes for Gweiler, but he is very upset that he hasn't fished her out yet.

I really want to see Gweiler's panel.

He is more rational. Although he is utilitarian, he doesn't blame Gweiler for the problem. Now he is somewhat suspicious whether there is a potential guarantee mechanism in the recruitment pool, which is holding back for him.

He just drew 30 cards, and now he still has 115 resources left. If he uses all of them, he wonders if he can draw Gweiler...

Forget it, don't get too carried away with drawing cards.

Otherwise, when the population of Seg Town continues to increase, he will have no resources to recruit.

"Go and have fun." Roman kept a smiling expression.

He has many faces, and his attitude towards his apostles and potential apostles has always been good, so he tries to keep a gentle attitude.

But he has no patience for those ordinary subjects.

He points at their noses and calls them idiots eight times a day.

Gweiler didn't notice the change in Roman's attitude, but just felt that Roman was getting more friendly for no reason.

She was young and had a rough and turbulent past, but she didn't know that people were treacherous, and didn't understand why Roman took care of her in every way, just thinking that it was the right thing for a valet.

But in fact, she didn't understand the responsibilities and obligations of a valet.

Gweiler ran out of the manor hall like a happy bird, almost bumping into Seth.

The deacon was not harsh on Gweil.

In his opinion, Roman's raising witches was his hobby, whether it was public or private, just treat it as private.

He should not interfere in Roman's private life - he has always been sensible on this point.

And Roman looked at Gweil's back and couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

He didn't take this issue to heart. As long as it was not a mistake in the route, Roman could forgive all their behaviors.

He had patience and time to forgive and correct the apostles' childish thoughts.

Because he would always watch their growth, tolerate their ignorance, guide them forward, and make them from weak to strong, from fragile to strong. This is what he should bear as a destiny.

Imagine what is more pleasant than raising people.

Roman said to Seth: "Among the slaves coming from the sea fort, there is a Nellie, you go and call her over."

"Yes." Seth turned around and went out before he could stand firm, and put the thick parchment on the table in front of Roman.

Roman picked up the thick parchment and found it was an account book, which recorded in detail the total expenditure of buying slaves in Sger Town, a total of 332 gold coins. If it weren't for the good trade development in Sger Town these days, he would not be able to take out the money and would have to mortgage the Split Armor Bow.

On average, one gold coin was used to buy two slaves, and the price was sky-high.

But those special craftsmen at least accounted for the majority of the price.

In fact, Morey sold this batch of slaves to Sger Town at cost price - at most he charged for food expenses, he did not make any profit, did not count transportation costs and labor costs, and even did not count taxes, otherwise the price would at least soar to more than 500 gold coins - whether it could be sold was another matter.

Only Sger Town had such a large slave shortage.

Apart from other things, Morey would find it difficult to find a suitable buyer for the blacksmith Ruto alone.

One is that the stable territory ruled by the nobles for a long time does not lack blacksmiths, and they develop self-sufficiency, which is in line with the current situation.

Ruto went there to compete with the local blacksmiths for business.

It can only be sold to young nobles who have just been enthroned, have no territory, and are in urgent need of development. They are in a similar situation to Roman, lacking various resources, especially professionals.

However, this is the second reason.

The price of blacksmiths is too high.

Roman's belongings at the beginning of the game are only more than 20 gold coins. How can he afford to buy a blacksmith slave?

If you can afford it, why don't you trade directly with other nobles from other territories and get a non-slave blacksmith at a lower price?

Even if he is just an apprentice, he should become a qualified blacksmith after working for a few more years, and a territory is built annually.

The identity of a slave is not important. He is a highly skilled person, but he has become a slave for a while. Do you really treat him as an animal?

Sooner or later, he will be free.

This is also the idea of ​​most nobles. Everyone has connections and connections.

If there is a shortage of labor, they will migrate labor from the territory of familiar nobles.

If there is a lack of various craftsmen, they will recruit industry craftsmen from the city, give them various preferential treatments, tax exemptions and in-kind subsidies, and let them settle down in the new territory.

Which normal noble relies on buying slaves to develop their territory?

The stability of slaves is naturally worse than that of free people, and improving their treatment is a loss-making thing.


Soon, Seth brought Neri to the Origin Manor.

Roman observed the girl in front of him.

She should be an adult.

Long blue hair, blue eyes, thick and curled eyelashes, coordinated facial features, and fair skin. Her figure was curvy and her waist was as slender as a water snake. Her clothes were simple and dirty, but they couldn't hide her natural beauty. Her skin was not rough, but rather delicate.

Undoubtedly, she was a real young beauty, and her price was definitely not cheap.

Roman didn't know whether to thank Morey for sending him a three-star apostle, or whether he should be disgusted that if Nellie wasn't a three-star apostle, she would definitely not be as good as a dozen or twenty young and strong laborers.

When Seth called her over, Nellie was busy at the dining camp.

She looked quite eye-catching, but there was a shortage of manpower in Sige Town. Even if the Valkyrie from the legend of the North Ice came, she would have to move bricks and build walls.

A Valkyrie could at least replace ten young and strong men!

Nellie was obviously not a strong Valkyrie. Her outstanding appearance exempted her from the physical labor of moving bricks and mud, but she couldn't escape the suffering of smoke and fire.

She was assigned to the big kitchen to prepare meals for everyone. When Seth called her over, Nellie was chopping wood and cooking in the hot sun, sweating profusely. When she learned that Lord Roman was looking for her, she wiped her face and hurried over - obviously she didn't wipe it clean, Roman saw a gray mark on her left cheek, and the sweat on her cheek spread the gray mark everywhere.

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