If I Live Forever, Everyone Thinks I Am Invincible

Chapter 26 The Incredible Breakthrough Speed

Chen Changan's performance, in the eyes of many people, is not as impressive as Chen Yunxuan's.

After all, Chen Yunxuan relied on his cultivation of Transcendent Realm First Layer Second Layer to kill everyone in all directions. He could even fight for a moment even with the strong men of Divine Ability Realm.

This strength is really surprising.

But what about Chen Changan?

Condensing Yuan Realm First Layer?

Although the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is relatively fast, after all, it is only the First Layer of the Condensing Yuan Realm, nothing more.

The leader of the Great Zhou Kingdom and others were overjoyed at this time.

Have the opportunity!

There must be a chance!

"Don't give him time."

"Take this opportunity and come together!" the leader of the Great Zhou Kingdom said in a deep voice.

The first ones to react were Wei Tianfeng and Wu Yuan, the two peak Transcendent Realm Ninth Layer experts.

After all, after Cheng Yushu left, the two of them are the strongest here now.

"You kill Chen Yunxuan and leave the other one to me." Wei Tianfeng looked at Wu Yuan and said.

"Okay, let's work together to deal with these two people, and the crisis can be solved!" Wu Yuan said in a deep voice.

"Do it!"

After saying that, the two of them rushed towards Chen Changan and Chen Yunxuan.

Dahuang didn't even bother to look at these two people. He lay on the ground leisurely, thinking in his mind, what should I eat later?


Forget it, if you have daddy, you will never eat it again!

Chen Changan's words actually caused a lot of psychological shadow for him.

Hey, that’s not right!

People have daddies, animals also have daddies, and monsters also have daddies!

Then...you can't eat anything from now on?

Damn it, heartless!

boom! boom!

With two loud noises, Dahuang finally stopped thinking about Baba.

"This...how is this possible?"

"Why is this happening?"

Wei Tianfeng and Wu Yuan both looked confused at this time. It was obviously a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, why did it fail?

Why can't I even get in?

"What just happened?"

"I couldn't see clearly, it seemed like it was ejected."

"It was ejected, but what exactly was it ejected from?"

"This...how the hell do I know."

"Strange, really strange."

Everyone looked confused, which filled Dahuang's heart with contempt.

What the hell is this place? Isn’t the Great Zhou Kingdom too backward?

Don’t you even understand a barrier? Doesn't anyone know this?

For Dahuang, setting up a barrier is a very easy task. After all, the people it deals with are just ants in its eyes.

"I don't believe that such evil things really exist in this world."

"Archers prepare."

"Thousands of arrows fired!"

The leader of the Great Zhou Kingdom gave an order, and the archers formed a formation, aimed at the area where Chen Changan and Chen Yunxuan were, and fired with coverage!


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Arrows flew towards Chen Changan and the two of them, but without exception, they were all isolated by the barrier.

"Damn it!"



As the arrows continued to attack, Chen Changan's cultivation level also began to continuously improve.

"Damn it, you're in the Second Layer of the Condensation Realm?"

"Wait, is this...Third Layer?"

"There was no movement for a long time. Why did it suddenly improve so quickly?"

"Damn it, Fourth Layer!"

"Oh my god, how could this happen? I have never seen someone improve their cultivation like this before."

"Fifth Layer, is this Fifth Layer?"

As he spoke, Chen Changan's cultivation level rose all the way, directly to the Fifth Layer of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

After Chen Changan broke through to the Second Layer of the Condensing Yuan Realm, he climbed to the Fifth Layer of the Condensing Yuan Realm in just a dozen breaths.

And, there is no intention of stopping at all!

"Why is this kid devouring spiritual energy at an incredible speed?"

"Compared to that day in Yangui City, it was more than a hundred times faster, I'm afraid it was a thousand times faster."

Others may not have noticed yet, but Dahuang's perception is extremely strong. In such a short period of time, Chen Changan actually drained the spiritual energy of the entire Great Zhou Kingdom.

Let’s not talk about how much spiritual energy there is in the entire Great Zhou Kingdom. This speed alone is probably unprecedented and unprecedented.


"Stop him quickly!"

"What are you all doing in a daze? If you don't want to die, why don't you all take action together!"

Seeing Chen Changan's cultivation level rising, the leader of the Great Zhou Kingdom roared angrily.

Not only for the 200,000 troops, but also for Wei Tianfeng and Wu Yuan, as well as the Liu family, and everyone who stands on the united front with him.

"Yes, we can't let him continue to break through."

"Everyone come together!"


Everyone used all their means with only one goal, to kill Chen Changan and Chen Yunxuan.

However, no matter how hard they tried, it was all in vain. The barrier set up by Dahuang was simply not something they could break through!

"Hey, it's useless, why bother."

Dahuang turned over in boredom, as if watching a group of clowns jumping around in front of him.

"Ninth Layer!"

"His cultivation level has broken through to Ninth Layer!"

"Too fast, isn't this too fast?"

"True Qi realm, breakthrough to True Qi realm!"

"Damn it, is this how you practice? Is breakthrough so easy?"

"I don't want to practice anymore."

"Me too. Isn't this fucking gap too big?"

Could it be that... is this the correct way to start cultivation?

Many people began to doubt life when they saw Chen Changan's breakthrough. They had seen breakthroughs, but who had seen such a breakthrough?

"Stuck again?"

When Chen Changan's cultivation level broke through to True Qi Realm First Layer, it was no surprise that his cultivation level was stuck again.

"Is it over?" Dahuang asked curiously.

"Well, it's over."

"The spiritual energy of the Great Zhou Kingdom... is a little lacking. It would be nice to prepare some Spirit Stones in advance." Chen Changan said lightly.

Um? A little less? What does this mean?

"Isn't it enough for your breakthrough this time?" Dahuang asked curiously.

"It's an indescribable feeling. How should I put it? I've reached the realm and I'm stuck."

"But the body is a container. The realm has reached the mouth of the bottle, but the bottle should be able to hold more."

"But before I could finish absorbing the spiritual energy, the realm broke through first, and ultimately the spiritual energy in the container was not filled."

"If you are a normal person, even if you break through the realm, you can still absorb spiritual energy in the future."

"My realm is like a switch. When I reach the realm, the door to absorbing spiritual energy is directly closed."

"So helpless." Chen Changan sighed helplessly.

This is like eating something that suddenly gets stuck in your throat. You haven't eaten enough, but you can't eat anymore, and it's stuck!

"I've never heard of your situation."

"But what happened to you is not outrageous no matter how outrageous it is." Dahuang said nonchalantly.


Chen Changan nodded, and then faced the enemies outside the barrier that were constantly charging towards him.

"How persistent."

"Dahuang, please untie the barrier."

"I just want to give it a try. How is my current strength?" Chen Changan said with a smile.

"I am also very curious."

Dahuang chuckled, and then with a thought, the barrier was instantly released!

When the barrier was untied, everyone felt a powerful aura bursting out from Chen Changan's body.

Unprepared, they were all knocked back dozens of meters.

"Isn't he a True Qi Realm First Layer? How can he have such a powerful aura?"

"His breakthrough is over!"

"The opportunity has come, come on everyone!"

Chen Changan glanced at everyone and said calmly, "This farce must be over!"

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