If I Live Forever, Everyone Thinks I Am Invincible

Chapter 716 Everyone Enters Cultivation Mode

It’s over, I’m looked down upon.

At first, everyone was quite happy eating, but as soon as the leader of the Shoumai Clan said these words, everyone suddenly felt that the good food they ate did not taste good at all.

"I'm confused."

"How did you get in?"

"How did you get here?"

"Your cultivation level...is too bad."

Although the patriarch of the Shoumai Clan was happy that someone came here to look for the divine vein, he was overjoyed and somewhat worried in his heart.

That's because Chen Changan's cultivation is really bad.

The one with the strongest cultivation level is Sheng Huayun, but even Sheng Huayun is only in the Divine King Fifth Layer realm.

With such strength, the clan leader was worried that they would not be able to pass the first level.

"What are you doing standing still?"

"It's free if you don't eat."

"Eat as much as you can."

Seeing Mu Yunyao and the others stopped, Chen Changan quickly reminded them.

After hearing Chen Changan's words, everyone began to eat big mouthfuls.

The things that were brought over were quickly eaten clean.

"Continue." Chen Changan said angrily.


"Have you digested so much?"

"In order to pass the third level, you have to shed some blood."

"It's all about leaving."

Seeing what Chen Changan said, the clan leader nodded in agreement, and then asked people to prepare a lot of things.

Soon, Qi Yuanhao couldn't eat anymore and started to practice on the spot.

Next came Xia Jie and then Sheng Huayun.

After the three of Dahuang and Mu Yunyao also devoted themselves to practicing, Chen Changan was the only one left eating.

Seeing that Chen Changan hadn't stopped yet, the clan leader also had a shocked expression on his face.

"With your level of cultivation... can you eat so much?"

"Don't push yourself to the point of bursting." The clan leader said worriedly.

"This little thing is enough to fill the gap between your teeth."

"any left?"

"Get some for me."

"not enough."

not enough?

What kind of physique does this guy have? Isn't this too cruel?

But the more this happens, the more excited the clan leader becomes, which shows that Chen Changan is not able to judge strength based on his cultivation.

The stronger Chen Changan becomes, the happier the clan leader is, which means that their chances of leaving are also increasing invisibly.

"Okay, I'll take care of you enough for today."

"Just eat as hard as you can."

The clan leader is also willing to go all out, and good things from the village are constantly sent to him.

Naturally, Chen Changan would not refuse anyone who came, and would eat as many as he came.

By the end of the meal, the patriarch of the Shoumai clan was sweating.

"Haven't you eaten enough?" the clan leader asked nervously.

"about there."

"That's it. I think you don't have much left."

After saying that, Chen Changan directly threw himself into cultivation.

As time continued to pass, Xia Jie was the first to end his training one year later, and his cultivation level was directly promoted from the First Layer of the Deity Realm to the Ninth Layer of the Deity Realm.

Xia Jie was very excited by the rapid improvement in just one thought.

Following closely behind were Qi Yuanhao and Sheng Huayun.

"God Lord, I have broken through to the realm of God Lord."

"And... he is actually the Fifth Layer, the God Lord."

Qi Yuanhao never thought that one day he would break through to the realm of the Divine Lord.

As a result, Qi Yuanhao's strength will far exceed that of the strongest member of the Qi family.

"Half step Divine Sovereign!"

"It's a pity that we are only one step away from breaking through to the Divine Sovereign."

Sheng Huayun sighed in frustration. Hundreds of thousands of years of imprisonment made it impossible for his body to recover immediately.

Although I took a lot of good things this time, my cultivation level was only half a step to Divine Sovereign, and there was no way to directly hit the Divine Sovereign realm.

"They are still practicing, why don't we go and wait nearby." Sheng Huayun saw that Chen Changan and others were still practicing, so he said with a smile.


Qi Yuanhao and Xia Jie nodded, and then the three of them walked aside and entered into a long wait.

The three of them did not expect that a year would pass by this time.

"Thinking about it, the Qi family's party should have started."

"I don't know what the purpose of this party is." Qi Yuanhao said with a frown.

"Did you say that the Qi family has some information about divine veins?"

"From what I can see, the Qi family has not been able to swallow the divine veins on their own, and may not even have the ability to go to the true location of the divine veins."

"After all, the entrance to this divine vein is in the Nine Sacred Mountains."

"The Qi family should want to use this party to win over many people, so that everyone can unite and act together." Sheng Huayun analyzed from the side.


"But do they... dare to come to the Nine Sacred Mountains?" Qi Yuanhao asked with a frown.

"Whether you dare to come or not depends on who they win over."

"In the Underworld Realm, the Nine Sacred Mountains are dominating, but in the Dragon Sealing Realm, there are those who are stronger than the Nine Sacred Mountains."

Hearing Sheng Huayun's words, Qi Yuanhao nodded, and then said, "Forget it, let it be whatever you want. Even if they get to the Nine Sacred Mountains, they may not be able to enter here."

"The divine veins are destined to have no chance with them."

"I don't know how long Senior Chen and the others will continue to practice."

Two years have passed, but it seems that Chen Changan and others have no intention of ending.

Three months later, the Qi family led many forces and powerful people to appear at the Nine Sacred Mountains.

I originally thought there would be a fierce battle, but I never thought that the Nine Sacred Mountains would be empty, with only corpses all over the ground.

"What...what's going on?"

"The Nine Sacred Mountains were wiped out?"

"No, the Nine Sacred Mountains were actually wiped out? Why is there no news at all?"

"not good!"

"Is it possible that someone also has information about the divine veins and came here before us?"

"Damn it, if this is really the case, wouldn't our work be in vain?"

"Don't you Qi family know the specific location?"

"Why don't you take us there quickly?"

The situation in the Nine Sacred Mountains made everyone start to worry after being shocked.

This also made them more and more convinced that the divine vein must be in the Nine Sacred Mountains, otherwise the Nine Sacred Mountains would not have suffered this disaster.

"Wait a moment."

"Don't worry, everyone."

"I'm afraid this matter is not that simple."

"I think everyone should know the strength of the Nine Sacred Mountains."

"The strength of these people who can wipe out the Nine Sacred Mountains is probably no small matter."

"The most important thing is, haven't you noticed that except for the corpses of people from the Nine Sacred Mountains, there are no other corpses here?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Yes, why are there only the bodies of people from the Nine Sacred Mountains?

Could it be that……


Is this a massacre?

"What should we do?"

"Are we just going to give up?"

"Are you willing?"

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