If I were to live my life over again, I would choose to join the Demon Sect!

Chapter 112 Something strange happened, the female corpse turned into a zombie!

Cao Meng saw that Chi Liyu, a shady loli, had figured out his plan, so he stopped pretending.

"Chi Liyu, do you think I dare to open this coffin and let the corpse inside transform into a corpse?"

Chi Liyu is a little weird, and Cao Meng only uses this to threaten her.

"Cao Meng, I hate it when people threaten me, especially those little ants who are not as powerful as me!"

Facing Cao Meng's threat, Chi Liyu turned over the table.

No, the coffin was lifted directly.


Cao Meng watched Chi Liyu lift the lid of the middle coffin, and immediately showed a plant expression.

As the coffin in the middle was opened, the energy of ten thousand years of corpses overflowed wildly.

"Cao Meng, I hope you can run away before she wakes up from her complete transformation!"

"If you are caught up with her, you'd better crush the secret realm teleportation jade talisman as soon as possible and give up the secret realm adventure!"

After Chi Liyu gave the reminder, he ran away immediately and didn't care about Cao Meng at all.

She felt that Cao Meng would not die since he had the teleportation jade talisman in his hand.

If he died, she would be able to refine Cao Meng into a corpse puppet.


Cao Meng saw that Chi Liyu, a scheming lolita, had run away again, so he ran away as well.

Why don't you run away now and wait until this thousand-year-old female corpse succeeds in transforming into a corpse?

After Cao Meng ran out of the cave with his front legs, the female corpse in the coffin suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, which were a pair of pupils like rubies.

After Cao Meng escaped from the cave, he was surrounded by the snow girls before he could escape from the snow girl village.

"Damn it, this Ten Thousand Souls Snow Banner hasn't had time to be sacrificed yet!"

Cao Meng felt annoyed when he looked at these snow maidens. Although he had obtained the Snow Banner of Ten Thousand Souls, he had not yet been able to perform the sacrifices and could not control these snow maidens with the Snow Banner of Ten Thousand Souls.


At this time, a female voice roared from the cave, and 50% of the snow maidens were immediately shattered, turned into evil energy and the power of ice and snow, and were forcibly sucked into the cave.

When Cao Meng heard the roar, he knew that the female corpse in the coffin had successfully transformed into a corpse.

"You guys had better enter the Ten Thousand Souls Snow Flag obediently, otherwise you'll have to wait to be devoured by the female corpse in the cave!"

"Of course I can guarantee that as long as you follow me, you will enjoy the hot and spicy food!

From now on I kill people and you eat the corpses.

I will set fire to you and you will eat barbecue. I promise to feed you with blood food until you are fat and white! "

Cao Meng took out the Ten Thousand Souls Snow Flag and promised the snow girls.

Yukina is the village head of Yuki Onna Village and the leader of Yuki Onna.

She watched the pieces of snow girls being crushed into pieces, turned into resentment, and the power of ice and snow was sucked into the cave, so she said:

"Sisters, maybe this is our chance to get out of this prison."

After Xue Nai finished speaking, she took the lead and dived into the Ten Thousand Souls Snow Flag.

With Xuena taking the lead, the other snow girls also began to flee crazily into the Ten Thousand Souls Snow Banner.

In fact, the snow girls didn't really care about Cao Meng's promise. They just didn't want to become food. They turned into evil spirits and the power of ice and snow and were swallowed up by the female corpses in the cave, and their souls were driven away!

Moreover, these snow maidens themselves are snow vengeful spirits refined with the Ten Thousand Soul Snow Flags. If they leave the Ten Thousand Soul Snow Flags for more than a certain distance, they will be devoured until they die!

After the Ten Thousand Soul Snow Banner collected three to four hundred snow maidens, Cao Meng saw a peerless female fairy in white clothes and red eyes walking out of the cave.

Cao Meng felt that he was hungry for a moment, and he actually felt that a corpse was as beautiful as a fairy.

Well, in fact, the female corpse is indeed beautiful!

The appearance of this female corpse is not inferior to that of the big goblin or the female devil.


The female corpse opened her mouth and roared, and all the snow maidens who had not yet entered the Ten Thousand Souls Snow Banner were killed and turned into resentment and the power of ice and snow, which was absorbed by her.

When Cao Meng saw the female corpse being so ferocious, he had only one thought in his mind - moisten it quickly!

He directly took out the teleportation talisman and teleported thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles away from the Snow Girl Village, Cao Meng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after escaping from the Snow Girl Village. Fortunately, the great fairy Xia Yulan had prepared some teleportation talismans for him.

Without the teleportation talisman prepared by the big goblin, I would probably have to crush the secret realm teleportation talisman, give up exploring the secret realm, and teleport out of the secret realm.

Cao Meng felt that Chi Liyu, a scheming lolita, was really a trap. He knew that this female corpse could transform into a corpse, but he still let her go.

Now in the secret realm, it’s fun to have a female corpse with unfathomable strength!

Cao Meng was now a little suspicious of the purpose of this dark lolita entering the cave. Perhaps it was to transform the female corpse in the first place so as to achieve some ulterior purpose.

It's a pity that 80% to 90% of the snow girls were eaten by the female corpse. I only used the Ten Thousand Soul Snow Banner to take away three to four hundred snow girls.

Cao Meng suddenly felt as if he was being stared at. He felt that this place was still too close to the Snow Girl Village and that it was easy for the female corpse to catch up, so he used the moving talisman again.

Over at the Snow Girl Village, the female corpse stared in the direction of Cao Meng, who was thousands of miles away, and then slowly chased after her.

Cao Meng used several teleportation talismans in succession and escaped a hundred thousand miles away from the Snow Girl Village. Only then did he finally let go of his heart.

He found a hidden location in a snowy mountain and opened a cave. After making some preparations, he took out the Ten Thousand Souls Snow Flag and began to practice it.

Only by successfully refining this Ten Thousand Souls Snow Flag can you truly control this spiritual weapon, control the snow girls as you wish, and let them pose!

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and just after he successfully refined the Ten Thousand Souls Snow Banner, his eyes suddenly went dark.

When Cao Meng woke up, he felt pain in his neck and felt dizzy, which was similar to anemia.

After Cao Meng came to his senses, he touched his neck carefully and found that there was indeed a wound on his neck, like a tooth mark.



I was bitten by someone, and my blood was sucked by force, and I became anemic.

This person still spared my life, did not suck all my blood, and did not take my treasures. He was a good person!

Cao Meng was too lazy to guess who the other party was, and now he had to leave quickly.

After all, the other party could knock him unconscious and suck his blood without anyone noticing, which was definitely a tough character.

When Cao Meng left the cave, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

A stunning female cultivator in white clothes and red eyes was absorbing the power of ice and snow. No, it was not a female cultivator, but a female corpse!

The other party was the female corpse transformed from a corpse in the cave of the Snow Girl Village!

At this point, Cao Meng still didn't understand that he was knocked unconscious by the female corpse and sucked blood.

However, the female corpse didn't kill him. The corpse was quite good.

Cao Meng felt bad. He had run 100,000 miles with the teleportation talisman, but he was still caught by the other party.

Did the other party set a location on him?

Cao Meng thought carefully and it seemed that he might have been set a location by the other party, because he took the other party's things, the Broken Sword and the Ten Thousand Souls Snow Banner.

Cao Meng saw that the other party was still absorbing the power of ice and snow, so he took out the teleportation talisman and prepared to open it.

The female corpse turned back suddenly, and the next moment the teleportation talisman in Cao Meng's hand was frozen by the frost and could not be used.

At this moment, Cao Meng hated Chi Liyu, the pitfall loli.

It was obviously this black-bellied loli who opened the coffin of the female corpse and made the female corpse turn into a corpse. As a result, the female corpse did not look for the black-bellied loli, but targeted him, a good boy who cultivated immortals.

Please recommend and vote for me!

As a disciple of the magic sect, it is reasonable for the male protagonist to raise a female corpse and a snow girl!

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