If I were to live my life over again, I would choose to join the Demon Sect!

Chapter 141 Asking for the sword and seeking the way!

The battle ended on Cao Meng's side, but not on Shishi's side.

It's not that Shishi couldn't beat her own projection Wen Bing, but she was not willing to fight.

She had already discovered that the other party was the projection of her predecessor, so she didn't want to fight. She wanted to restore her memory through the projection of her predecessor.

Cao Meng watched Shishi playing cat and mouse with Wen Bing there. He knew Shishi's intention, so he didn't bother to care and went straight to the lower level!

The last fifty floors are divided into two stages. The first forty-nine floors are to ask the heart, and the last floor is to ask the sword.

Asking the heart asks whether you can stick to your heart, and asking the sword asks about the way of the sword!

On the 951st floor, as soon as Cao Meng stepped in here, a projection appeared. It was a projection version of Cao Meng.

The projection attacked Cao Meng with a sword, and Cao Meng was not afraid. The two kept attacking, and their moves were exactly the same.

When the projection and Cao Meng were fighting, he said:

"Hatred will make you lose yourself. You should let go of hatred. Only by letting go of hatred can you pursue the supreme swordsmanship!"

This is the test of the heart, which is used to hone the heart of the tester.

"Fuck you, you are a projection that has never experienced anything, and you are standing here talking without any pain!"

"Don't advise others to be kind without experiencing their suffering!"

The furious Cao Meng's combat power increased dramatically. With a fighting style of killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred of his own, he chopped his own projection with a backhand sword and then entered the next level!

"The sword is used to protect important people, not to slaughter others!"

"If the sword is not used to kill people, why should it be sharpened?"

"You are not worthy of holding a sword!"

"Why are you barking? Is it your turn to judge whether I am worthy of holding a sword?"


Facing the keyboard warrior projections one by one, Cao Meng was very angry.

This question of the heart is too disgusting. It's okay to copy your own projection, but it also adds keyboard warrior elements.

Cao Meng wanted to know if the creator of the Sword-Seeking Ladder could be more disgusting, and just add Jade Disease and T0 elements directly!

Cao Meng felt that it was fortunate that there were all kinds of elements in his hometown, otherwise he might really be disturbed by the keyboard warrior's projection.

Cao Meng, who was furious, faced the keyboard warrior version of his own projection, and he killed those disgusting projections in a way of exchanging injuries for injuries all the way!

The lower-level trialists couldn't help but sigh that Cao Meng was really a ruthless person, and he could be so ruthless to his own projection.

When Cao Meng climbed to the thousandth floor, his protective vestments had long been damaged in the battle, and his wounds were bleeding. At this moment, he was a bloody Shura.

The thousandth floor...

A rusty sword hung above and asked Cao Meng:

"Why do you hold the sword?"

The rusty sword suddenly released its pressure, and this sudden pressure killed Cao Meng by surprise, pressing him to the ground, unable to move!


Cao Meng roared like a wild beast, his innate Gengjin Qi overflowed, and the two suns behind him became more and more dazzling and hot.

Cao Meng's arms were throbbing with veins, and he used his hands to support himself and stood up little by little, bearing the terrifying pressure, and climbed up from the ground.

Rusty Sword released the pressure again, intending to suppress this man who did not respect the sword and make him crawl on the ground.

Cao Meng's half-hunched body suddenly trembled, and then he stabbed the gilded rainbow sword into the ground and shouted angrily:

"I, Cao A Meng, have a sword that can move mountains, overturn the sea, subdue demons, eliminate demons, command gods, pick stars, play with the moon, cut off rivers, destroy cities, open up the sky, and create the earth, and establish a legend for all ages!"

Cao Meng roared, and he straightened his body suddenly with the so-called pressure.

Rusty Sword could feel that Cao Meng did not respect him, and could feel that the other party was provoking his majesty.

"What is your sword path?"

When Rusty Sword asked the second question, the pressure on Cao Meng doubled instantly. She wanted this human to crawl on the ground and learn to respect herself.

Faced with Rusty Sword's increased pressure, Cao Meng did not yield. He used all his strength to resist the pressure. Even though his flesh had cracks, he still did not yield.

"Why do I need you, a broken sword, to ask about my sword path, and why do I need you to judge?

Even if my sword path is the sword path of world destruction and the sword path of world disaster, you have no right to judge!"

Cao Meng scolded Rusty Sword. How could this broken sword want to surrender to her!

Although Cao Meng's answer made Rusty Sword a little satisfied, she didn't like Cao Meng's attitude!

"Sword path and heavenly path, who is superior and who is inferior?"

When Rusty Sword asked the third question, the pressure on Cao Meng doubled again.

The wounds on Cao Meng's body began to bleed wildly, and the bones all over his body kept making cracking sounds, but he still did not yield.


After Cao Meng sneered, he suddenly drew his sword and pointed it at the Rusted Sword:

"The Way of Sword and the Way of Heaven are both inferior, only my Way is supreme!"

Does Cao Meng need to know which one is superior, the Way of Sword or the Way of Heaven? Obviously not!

He is an extraterritorial demon traverser and a cheater, so he doesn't care about the Way of Heaven or the Way of Sword in this world.

The Rusted Sword put away her pressure, and it was obvious that Cao Meng's questions and answers had passed her level.

Then three items appeared in front of Cao Meng, namely a piece of treasure bone with an inscription, a frozen heart, and a piece of black iron.

"Trialist, you can choose one reward!"

The Rusted Sword did not give all of these three treasures to Cao Meng, but asked him to choose one of the three.

"I want you!"

Cao Meng didn't want any of these three treasures, he wanted the Rusted Sword.

According to the tips of the system strategy map, the Rusted Sword is the best treasure, a high-level spiritual sword that has born spiritual intelligence and can transform!

"Are you sure?"

Rusty Sword was shocked. How could Cao Meng want her? The other party must have said something wrong!

"Yes, I want you!"

Cao Meng confirmed again that he wanted this Rusty Sword.

"That thing is indeed here. In this case, I am too lazy to play with you!"

At this time, Chi Liyu, who was on the 950th floor, sneered, and then made a seal with her hand. She began to grow again. In a blink of an eye, she grew to 1.77 meters tall, completely shedding her loli body.

The terrifying power released from Chi Liyu made the entire Sword-Seeking Ladder tremble.

Chi Liyu first captured Shishi with one hand, and then went straight to the top.

That's right, Chi Liyu took such a big step to enter the secret realm just for the treasure of the Sword-Seeking Ladder.

Now she is rising up because Cao Meng has helped her confirm one thing, that there is the treasure she needs in the Sword-Seeking Ladder.


Rusty Sword sensed that something was wrong and transformed into a cold and beautiful woman in red. She mobilized the power of the True Sword Seeking Ladder to fight Chi Liyu.


Chi Liyu used a pink fist, exerting the power of destroying the world, to defeat the red sword spirit and return it to its original form.

Under the terrifying power of Chi Liyu, the Sword Seeking Ladder also collapsed.

In fact, since the split of the Changsheng Sword Sect, no one has come to repair it, so the Sword Seeking Ladder has already begun to damage. Now Chi Liyu's move has only accelerated time!

"Chi Liyu of the Corpse Yin Sect wants to kill us!"

"Quickly crush the teleportation jade talisman!"

As the Sword Seeking Ladder began to collapse, the other trialists panicked and began to crush the teleportation jade talismans and abandon the secret realm.

Chi Liyu also came to the top floor, and Cao Meng quietly picked up the rusty sword that was beaten back to its original shape. Just as he was about to slip away, Chi Liyu cast his gaze at him with a playful look in his eyes.

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