At the same time, after learning about Shen Aoxue's identity, Cao Meng also realized where the familiarity of the other party came from. Her temperament is a bit like that of the innate widow in Ying Huai!

As expected, they are sisters. Although they look different, their innate widow temperament is exactly the same!

By the way, is it because they have the same master, even their temperament is the same? Is it possible that Wanqi Peak is rich in innate widows?

Shen Aoxue glared at Cao Meng, and then left directly. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, the others also left.

After almost everyone left, Duanmu Fei cast her eyes on Cao Meng and asked:

"Traitor, how much do you know about Chi Liyu? Especially what is her strength?"

Duanmu Fei is the leader of the Hehuan Sect. Some things others may not care about, but she must care!

At present, the strength of Chi Liyu is unclear on the Hehuan Sect side, and can only give a suspected guess that she is in the fusion period.

"Chi Liyu's strength is unknown, but this girl's strength will change with her height."

"This girl is ruthless and cruel. In her eyes, there seems to be no concept of people. Everyone is like livestock in her eyes!"

"This girl has never taken the two sects of the righteous and evil sects seriously. Maybe it is not difficult for her to destroy a top sect!"

Although Cao Meng did not know the true strength of Chi Liyu, he knew this girl's temperament.

He estimated that this girl had the strength to destroy a top sect in nine out of ten cases, and it was easy, so she looked down on other top sects!

In addition to Tie Sen's previous remarks, it was just like the top sects looked down on the first and second-rate sects.

I am afraid that the strength of the Corpse Yin Sect is far greater than that of other top sects. Perhaps the gap between other top sects and the Corpse Yin Sect is the same as the gap between the first and second-rate sects and the top sects!

When Cao Meng said this, Duanmu Fei frowned and her face was extremely ugly.

If the Corpse Yin Sect really has the strength to easily destroy a top sect, it would be a great bad news for the top sect.

If Chi Liyu wants to use force against this traitor one day, the Hehuan Sect may not be able to protect this traitor!

If it really doesn't work, then I will take this traitor away from Daozhou in the East Region to escape.

After Duanmu Fei was distressed for a while, she finally returned to normal.

After Duanmu Fei visited the Xuantian Pavilion, although Xuantian Pavilion has not started normal business, she is satisfied with the Xuantian Sect disciples' clothes on the female disciples.

"Traitor, your Xuantian Pavilion will be set up quickly.

When you set it up, I will hold a ceremony to accept disciples and invite all sects to come and have fun!"

Duanmu Fei decided that after Cao Meng's Xuantian Pavilion is set up, she will hold a ceremony to accept disciples, officially accept Master as a disciple, invite all the people who should be invited, and help promote Xuantian Pavilion!

When she thought that when people talked about Xuantian Sect in the future, they would subconsciously think of Xuantian Pavilion, a brothel, she was happy!

At the same time, Duanmu Fei had to admire the cleverness of this traitor, no~ he was so wicked!

Apart from murder, arson, robbery, and fraud, Duanmu Fei was a good person.

Why was the traitor who I taught and taught so wicked and so mean?

It must not be that Duanmu Fei did not teach well, but that this traitor was wicked!

Xuantian Sect thought they had put the blame on Cao Meng and gave an explanation to Wenjian Sect.

But Wenjian Sect did not want to accept their explanation at all, and returned the boomerang to Xuantian Sect.

Xuantian Sect's meeting hall...

"The Sword Sect has a very bad attitude towards our sect now. They still firmly believe that Liu Ruyan attacked and killed the Sword Sect disciples!"

Tian Cong, who was sitting on the main seat, was very distressed at the moment. Before, the Sword Sect still asked Xuantian Sect for an explanation, but now the Sword Sect did not want an explanation at all and just started to tear each other apart.

"What's even more hateful is Tianyuan Valley. They clearly know everything, but they are unwilling to speak up to help Liu Ruyan testify!"

The hot-tempered peak master Wu Hui spoke up, and many high-level officials echoed him.

In the current situation, as long as the disciples of Tianyuan Valley are willing to testify, Liu Ruyan can clear her suspicion, but no one of the disciples of Tianyuan Valley spoke up, so Liu Ruyan lost the opportunity to prove her innocence.

"Zhang Xiuyuan is just taking advantage of the situation. He is waiting for us to ask them to testify!"

Tian Cong knows Tianyuan Valley's intentions too well. To be honest, if he were Zhang Xiuyuan, he would make the same choice. After all, the benefits that come to the door should not be wasted!

In fact, there is a way to clear Liu Ruyan's suspicion even without the witnesses of Tianyuan Valley, that is, to search her soul publicly!

"This is not the most worrying thing. The Hehuan Sect has imprinted Xiao Shenglin's memory and sent it to many small forces and small sects. Even several affiliated first-class forces of my Xuantian Sect have received the photo stone!"

Tiancong thinks that Liu Ruyan's current affairs are all trivial matters. At most, when there is no other way, Liu Ruyan will be sacrificed in the future.

The biggest trouble is those black materials. Now those black materials have spread under the operation of the Hehuan Sect. You must know that even the affiliated forces of the Xuantian Sect have received them.

The impact on the reputation of the Xuantian Sect is too great!

"The Hehuan Sect is really vicious!"

"The Demon Sect is the Demon Sect, and it only plays dirty tricks!"

The high-level leaders of the Xuantian Sect are pointing at the behavior of the Hehuan Sect, but they have not thought about it. If the Xuantian Sect itself is clean, where would these black materials come from!

The head of the law enforcement hall, Gongye Yuanda, bowed to Tiancong and assured:

"Master, please rest assured that I have severely punished the deputy hall masters, elders, deacons, and disciples involved in the incident!"

Gongye Yuanda was dealing with the affairs of the Law Enforcement Hall, and he directly carried out a major purge.

He killed one of the three deputy hall masters of the Law Enforcement Hall, and the other two were imprisoned in the dungeon and fined.

The elders, deacons, and disciples also had a major purge, 30% of them were directly killed, and the rest were either imprisoned in the dungeon or fined!

Because of this wave of major purges, at least 60% of the people in the Law Enforcement Hall were implicated. Now the Law Enforcement Hall has been paralyzed. It can be seen that Gongye Yuanda is serious this time.

Tian Cong naturally knows the current situation of the Law Enforcement Hall. If this matter had not become a big deal, Gongye Yuanda's rectification efforts would indeed be enough.

But now under the operation of the Hehuan Sect, these things have spread to those small forces.

Tiancong felt that Gongye Yuanda's efforts to rectify the Law Enforcement Hall were not enough under the current situation, so he instructed:

"Gongye Yuanda, execute all those who committed minor crimes and those who knew about the crime but did not report it!

In addition, severely punish the family forces behind the serious criminals!"

Tiancong directly imposed a severe punishment. Anyway, there were guilty people in the Law Enforcement Hall, and no matter whether the crime was big or small, they would all be killed!

"Master, isn't this a bit too harsh?"

Gongye Yuanda felt that Tiancong's order was too harsh. If Tiancong's order was carried out, only 10% of the people in the Law Enforcement Hall would survive, and by then the Xuantian Sect Law Enforcement Hall would be completely ruined.

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