If I were to live my life over again, I would choose to join the Demon Sect!

Chapter 179 You want to take over my body, are you tired of living? (Please give me a monthly ticket

Huiyong, who was about to live for a long time, was unwilling to give up, so he made arrangements to leave the relics and prepare to seize the people in future generations. He planned to live another life and then take the exam for the position of Living Buddha!

Huiyong only knew that he failed to pass the exam, but he didn’t know why he didn’t pass the exam. He didn’t think about it, and he only kept studying Buddhist scriptures and improving his cultivation.

Under such circumstances, it’s surprising that he could be admitted to the position of Living Buddha!

"It's ridiculous. If others don't want you to take over your body, then they are demons?

It's obvious that you, old bald ass, have become possessed by the devil yourself, yet you accuse others of being possessed by the devil! "

Cao Meng was very angry about Hui Yong's remarks, because according to the other party's remarks, Cao Meng was also a demon?

Are you a demon? Obviously not!

I had just shown great compassion to help those evil monks in the Golden Buddha Temple, and accumulated great merit.

Zen Master Shi Hua, Fa Yun, and Shi Kong: Cao Cao, do you call that showing great mercy? It is absolutely crazy for you to feed us to the snow girl!

Cao Meng: I solved the problem of Xue Nu’s hunger. Isn’t this called showing mercy?

I ask you to follow the example of Tuo, who cuts meat to feed eagles and sacrifices his body to feed tigers. Isn’t this doing good deeds and accumulating virtue?

Zen Master Shi Hua, Fa Yun, and Shi Kong: Cao Cao, are we doing this voluntarily?

Your great mercy requires us to sacrifice our lives, right?

"Junior, you have become a demon. This poor monk will save you today and live another life in your body!

When the poor monk becomes a living Buddha in the future, he will definitely build a temple for you! "

"Junior, if you have any last words, please tell me immediately. Even if the old monk breaks his precepts, he will help you complete them!"

Although Huiyong can't wait to seize Cao Meng's body and live another life.

However, he prided himself on being an eminent monk, so he suppressed his eagerness and asked Cao Meng to tell his last wish!

"Old bald donkey, you want to take away my body? That's ridiculous!"


When Cao Meng heard this big joke, he couldn't help it anymore and laughed wildly.

If he was afraid of seizing the house, he would still be here chatting with the old bald donkey, how ridiculous!

Cao Meng's ridicule made Huiyong unable to hold back any longer. He rushed directly towards Cao Meng's soul, but as soon as he came into contact with Cao Meng's soul, his soul was burned and he quickly retreated.

"what happened?"

Hui Yong was also shocked at this moment. When Cao Meng's soul was awakened just now, he felt as if he had encountered Tian Ke.

There must be something wrong with the other party, and there must be a treasure on the other party that can prevent someone from seizing the body!

"My ten-day holy body is extremely strong and strong. If you still dare to take my body away from me, you are seeking death!"

"I will train you today!"

Everything in the world is divided into Yin and Yang!

Under normal circumstances, things like the soul and soul belong to yin, but Cao Meng's Ten-Day Holy Body belongs to yang and can only overcome yin!

You must know that the Holy Body of the Great Sun is generally recognized, and it is basically impossible to be captured. The probability of failure to capture such a physique is as high as 90%!

Not to mention that Cao Meng's Ten-Day Holy Body is still a mutated and enhanced version of the Great Sun Holy Body. Cao Meng is tired of living if Hui Yong comes to seize his body.

"Ten Days of Holy Communion!"

"Innate Gengjin body!"

Cao Meng mobilized his physical power with all his strength, and three great suns rose in the sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, they were filled with the innate Gengjin energy.

With the appearance of the three great suns, Cao Meng's sea of ​​consciousness completely turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the innate Gengjin energy turned into weapons to attack Huiyong non-stop.

Under the attack of the three great suns' true fire of the sun and the innate Gengjin Qi, Huiyong was a little embarrassed and cursed angrily:

"Damn it, I didn't expect that not only did you have an innate Gengjin body, but you were also a Holy Sun body!"

If Cao Meng only has an innate Gengjin body, he will definitely be very happy in the future.

But Cao Meng was still the mutated and enhanced version of the Great Sun Sacred Body - the Ten-Sun Sacred Body. The Sun's True Fire was the ultimate counterweight to the True Spirit of the Yuan Shen, so much so that the state of the True Spirit of the Yuan Shen would always be restrained and suppressed.

Ever since he learned that Cao Meng was the Ten-Day Holy Body, Huiyong gave up on seizing Cao Meng's body and wanted to escape from Cao Meng's sea of ​​consciousness.

But Cao Meng would let Huiyong come as he pleased and leave as he pleased.

Huiyong was chased and intercepted by the three great suns and the innate Gengjin Qi, and was unable to escape, so he threatened:

"Although the poor monk can't take you away, it doesn't mean that you can refine me at this young Nascent Soul stage!

Since if you don't let the old monk leave your sea of ​​consciousness, the old monk will explode his soul and fight you to the death, destroying your sea of ​​consciousness! "

Although Hui Yong still wants to live another life, it does not mean that he is willing to be refined.

Instead of having his soul refined, he would rather self-destruct his soul and die together with Cao Meng.

Just when Huiyong was threatening Cao Meng, Cao Meng's real body brought out the Buddha's light with a bracelet of rosary beads and escaped into Cao Meng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"This rosary is a living Buddha's possession!"

Huiyong looked at the sudden appearance of holding a rosary, emitting a rich Buddha's light. He immediately knew that the Buddhist spiritual weapon must be the rosary held by that living Buddha, otherwise there would be no such rich Buddha's light.

"Boy, how come you have something like a living Buddha?"

Huiyong became jealous when he thought that the rosary beads he held were belonging to the Living Buddha.

You must know that he once worshiped a living Buddha as his teacher, but that living Buddha did not give him a rosary!

The Buddha's light released by holding the rosary condenses into the projection of the living Buddha Xuanyu.

"Namo Amitabha!"

After the old living Buddha recited a Buddhist name, he looked at Hui Yong and shook his head helplessly and said:

"Since you are already dead, why should you covet the world and plot against future generations in order to live another life?"

In fact, when the old living Buddha destroyed the Golden Buddha Temple, he discovered the secret of the pagoda, so he left a spiritual thought in the rosary he held for Cao Meng, just to prevent this scene. Unexpectedly, he really expected it.

Huiyong saw the strong Buddha light on the old living Buddha and knew his identity as a living Buddha. He put his hands together and bowed:

"Huiyong has seen the living Buddha!"

Although Huiyong lived hundreds of thousands of years ago and was older than the old living Buddha, he had not become a living Buddha. In addition, he took a master who had achieved the same path as his teacher, so he needed to bow to the old living Buddha.

"Huiyong, this old monk has heard of your story. Do you know why you can't become a living Buddha?"

The old living Buddha knew Huiyong's details. To be precise, many living Buddhas in the Western Buddhist Continent had heard of Huiyong's story.

Because Huiyong is a Buddhist allusion, and a negative allusion.

Many living Buddhas have used the negative allusion of Huiyong to warn monks who are assessing living Buddhas.

Huiyong saw that the old living Buddha was willing to tell him why he didn't become a living Buddha, so he bowed and asked:

"Huiyong, please tell me, living Buddha!"

Huiyong felt that as long as he knew the reason, he would be able to become a living Buddha after taking over someone else's body and living another life!

Seeing that Huiyong was still so obsessed with the position of Living Buddha, the old Living Buddha shook his head helplessly and said:

"It's because you have no Buddha roots and don't know what a real Living Buddha is

You want to become a Living Buddha, but it's just because you think the status of a Living Buddha is extremely noble and you can enjoy the offerings of all living beings!"

"Back then, your master, Gujia Living Buddha, wanted to enlighten you, but he spent a thousand years and still couldn't enlighten you!

Gujia Living Buddha was extremely disappointed and wanted to expel you from Buddhism, but because he couldn't bear it, he signaled you to return to the East Region Daozhou to preach.

Gujia Living Buddha wanted to let you preach so that you would understand what a real Living Buddha is, but you were confused by the falsehood instead!"

It was precisely because of these that Huiyong became a negative example of Buddhism, warning future generations of trial monks who wanted to become Living Buddhas.

This chapter was blocked and modified several times for some reason, so it may be a bit incoherent to read!

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