After Cao Meng guessed the fate of the Red Academy, he quietly reached out and poked the female devil Duanmu Fei and asked:

"Master, was this Yao Chi Qiong Tai really made by our He Huan Sect's ancestor, and not bought from the Corpse Yin Sect?

Why do I feel that Yao Chi Qiong Tai is more like the Corpse Yin Sect's!"

The He Huan Sect needs eight secret methods to activate Yao Chi Qiong Tai, but Chi Liyu can activate it in a moment.

Therefore, Cao Meng is very suspicious about how this Yao Chi Qiong Tai came from. Maybe the He Huan Sect's ancestor spent a lot of money to buy it from the Corpse Yin Sect, and then pretended to be refined by himself.

"Traitor, in fact, the master is a little suspicious!"

It's not just Cao Meng who is suspicious, even the female devil Duanmu Fei began to doubt.

After all, she didn't see with her own eyes that Yao Chi Qiong Tai was made by the He Huan Sect's ancestor himself, so who knows how this Yao Chi Qiong Tai came from.

Nangong Yan was furious when she heard Duanmu Fei and Cao Meng's mutterings, and angrily said:

"You two bastards, this Yao Chi Qiong Tai was personally refined by the 19th generation ancestor of our He Huan Sect.

The one from the Corpse Yin Sect should really be in the Tribulation Period, and he forcibly controlled the Yao Chi Qiong Tai with the strength of the Tribulation Period!"

Although the Yao Chi Qiong Tai is a seventh-grade top-grade spiritual weapon, a spiritual weapon is still a spiritual weapon. As long as the strength is strong enough, it can ignore all forced control.


Duanmu Fei and Cao Meng, the master and apprentice, responded in unison.

"Fortunately, I am here to accompany my parents and not go over, otherwise I would be scolded one more!"

The wronged senior sister An Yingji was hiding in the guest area at this moment, accompanying Lanzhi and An Laodeng. She looked at Duanmu Fei and Cao Meng being scolded by Nangong Yan, and couldn't help but feel lucky!

“Enemy attack, activate the sect protection formation—the Red Dust Formation!”

After the Red Academy noticed the Yaochi Qiongtai that appeared out of thin air, they activated the sect protection formation immediately.

“It’s just a seventh-level mid-grade formation.”

Chi Liyu looked at the Red Dust Formation of the Red Academy with disdain on her face.

Just when Chi Liyu was about to make a move, Cao Meng interrupted her with the Questioning Immortal Machine:

“Chi Liyu, I’ll take a photo to promote your Corpse Yin Sect!”

Last time when the Golden Buddha Temple was destroyed, it was a great regret for Cao Meng that he didn’t take a photo.

Now that Chi Liyu is going to destroy the Red Academy, this happy day must be recorded.

And many disciples of the Hehuan Sect are not here, so taking a video and sending it to the group can also share it with them.

“Cao Meng, how many spirit stones do you want to take a photo?”

Chi Liyu mocked Cao Meng in a yin-yang tone. After all, Cao Meng is a profit-seeking guy.

"Chi Liyu, what are you saying? What kind of relationship do we have? How vulgar is it to talk about spirit stones?"

Cao Meng felt that he was really wronged. He really didn't want spirit stones. He just wanted to shoot a video and send it to people who were not at the scene.


Chi Liyu sneered and said:

"Then you'd better shoot better, otherwise I don't mind using your Hehuan Sect to demonstrate again."

Faced with Chi Liyu's threat, Cao Meng didn't take it seriously and replied with a smile:

"My Hehuan Sect is too small, so let's use Xuantian Sect to demonstrate!"

Chi Liyu rolled his eyes at Cao Meng. This guy is not awake yet, and he still wants to use himself to kill people.

Who is Chi Liyu?

Is it someone that Cao Meng can use?

Seeing Cao Meng diverting the blame, Mingfeng of Xuantian Sect was so angry that he gnashed his teeth.

This little devil Cao Zei, he really deserves to die!

Su Qingyue, who was behind Mingfeng, felt very uncomfortable at the moment:

Cao Meng, does he hate Xuantian Sect so much?

No, Cao Meng is not a bad person by nature. He must have been brainwashed by the female demons of Hehuan Sect and lost his mind!

Chi Liyu looked at the Red Dust Array, the protective array of the Red Academy. She waved her sleeves and a stone coffin appeared out of thin air outside the Red Academy.

As the coffin of the stone coffin opened, the sky around changed dramatically.


The stone coffin made a sharp corpse roar, and endless ten thousand years of corpse gas poured out.

A female corpse wearing an emperor’s skirt flew out of the coffin. It can be seen that this corpse should have been a female emperor in her lifetime.

For some reason, she fell into the hands of the Corpse Yin Sect and was refined into a corpse puppet.

The peerless face of this female emperor’s corpse, infected by the corpse gas, looked extremely charming and charming.

And under the charming and charming female emperor’s corpse, there was more bloodthirstiness that could not be concealed.

"Kill them all!"

At Chi Liyu's command, the female empress's corpse immediately attacked.

The seventh-level sect protection formation of the Red Academy was torn into pieces by her claws like toilet paper.

The strong men of the Red Academy were shocked when they saw this scene.

You should know that this seventh-level medium-grade sect protection formation was created by an old ancestor of the Red Academy many thousands of years ago, who seduced a seventh-level formation master from a top sect of the righteous path and became his lover for a thousand years.

The old ancestor of the Red Academy used the destruction of the seventh-level formation master's family and his disgrace as a bargaining chip to force the seventh-level formation master to help the Red Academy set up this sect protection formation!

Now that the sect protection formation is gone, what's going on?

Just when the top leaders of the Red Academy were shocked, the female empress's corpse attacked again, releasing corpse gas to attack the Red Academy.

After this round of corpse gas, nearly one-third of the millions of fairies in the Red Academy were invaded by corpse gas.

Among this one-third of people, there were servants, disciples, stewards, elders, senior leaders, and ancestors in the Refining Void Stage. All of them turned into bloodthirsty corpses.

This scene shocked all the ancestors in the Refining Void Stage of various sects present at the Yao Chi Qiongtai.

Today was the first time they knew that their ancestors from various sects could be crushed to death like ants.


At the command of the female empress corpse, the corpses transformed from the disciples of the Red Academy rushed to kill their former fellow disciples.

"Speaking human language!"

Cao Meng was shocked when he saw the female empress corpse speaking human language, because the corpse speaking human language already showed that it had spiritual intelligence.

Chi Liyu's female empress corpse puppet was a living corpse with spiritual intelligence.

Looking at the Red Academy, blood was flowing like a river at this moment.

I saw five ancestors of the Red Academy in the Refining Void Stage, working together to attack the female empress corpse at the same time.

When the female empress corpse raised her hand, she imprisoned the five ants and drained their blood.

Then she injected corpse poison into their bodies, creating five corpses of the Refining Void Stage.

The five corpses of the Refining Void Stage returned to the battlefield again and slaughtered their former disciples and disciples.

In less than an hour, the huge Red Academy had become dilapidated, and only one tenth of the millions of little fairies remained.

The less than one tenth of the little fairies were frightened by this scene and cried for their parents.

At this moment, a figure suddenly escaped from the forbidden area.

Several evil corpses in the Refining Void Stage immediately attacked the man, but they were all slapped back by the man in the end. Obviously, the man was the old ancestor of the Red Academy in the Fusion Stage.

"The old ancestor is mighty!"

The remaining one tenth of the little fairies saw their old ancestor appear, and their confidence increased immediately, thinking that they could turn defeat into victory.

But the next moment, something happened that made them despair.

The old ancestor of the Fusion Stage of the Red Academy didn't care about these little fairies at all, and started to break through directly, trying to escape the encirclement of the evil corpses.

"It's over!"

Many little fairies saw that their old ancestor in the Fusion Stage abandoned them, and their bodies softened immediately.

Isn't the purpose of the Red Academy to overthrow the female family, overthrow male rule, and help women enslave all men?

How can the ancestor abandon them? The ancestor should fight to the death for them and burn his life to fight for their survival.

The ancestor of the Red Academy: A bunch of little bitches, are you stupid for cultivation?

You are a bunch of ants, and you can't reach the fusion stage in your entire life. Why should this ancestor burn his life for you ants?

I am your ancestor, and you ants should help me attract firepower and help me escape.

As long as this ancestor is out of danger, I can build another Red Academy in the future.

As for you, even if you escape, you can only be a mistress and hook up with men to live. As for expecting you to build another Red Academy, there is basically no hope!

The fusion ancestor of the Red Academy wants to break out of the encirclement of the evil corpses and escape from the Red Academy.

But the corpse of the empress could agree. She raised her hand and imprisoned the void of the Red Academy, so that the fusion ancestor of the Red Academy could not break through the void and escape.

Just when the fusion ancestor of the Red Academy was surprised, the corpse of the empress flashed and came to her.

The fusion ancestor of the Red Academy had no time to fight back, and was grabbed by the neck by the corpse of the empress, and lifted up like a chicken.

"Evil creature, I will fight you today!"

The fusion ancestor of the Red Academy gritted his teeth and decided to self-destruct and blow up the corpse of the empress.

"How is it possible?"

The fusion ancestor of the Red Academy, who was about to self-destruct, looked extremely embarrassed because she could not self-destruct.

Her body and soul were imprisoned by a terrifying force, and she had lost control of her body and soul.

She could no longer self-destruct without control, and was completely a fish at the mercy of others.


The corpse of the empress roared, and the monstrous corpse gas on her body turned into thousands of black dragons that devoured the ancestors of the Red Academy in an instant.

The overlord of the fusion stage ancestors died like this.

After the corpse of the empress devoured the fusion stage ancestors of the Red Academy, she displayed her great magical power and began to refine the entire Red Academy with blood.

The disciples of the Red Academy who had not died before, all their blood and essence were devoured by the corpse of the empress.

As for those disciples of the Red Academy who had turned into corpses, they turned into corpse gas to nourish the corpse of the empress.

Who would have thought that the top force of the Red Academy in the East Region Daozhou was slaughtered in less than an hour!

The audience of Yaochi Qiongtai was shocked when they saw this scene.

In the past, everyone thought that the Corpse Yin Sect only had a few more fusion stages than other top sects, and everyone could still compete with each other.

But the destruction of the Red Academy made everyone understand that the benefit of everyone sticking together for warmth is that they can delay the Corpse Yin Sect for a few hours.

After all, the Red Academy has told them that a top sect can't last an hour in the hands of the Corpse Yin Sect.

Ancestors in the fusion stage can also be killed at will.

Su Qingyue was thinking about this time in her previous life, when the Golden Buddha Temple and the Red Academy were still there, but now they were all destroyed.

Is it because of the rebirth of herself, Cao Meng, and Qin Lin'er that the butterfly wings flapped the trajectory of fate?

After Chi Liyu destroyed the Red Academy and took back the corpse of the empress, he did not stop there. He ordered the Taoist Ku Gu:

"Ku Gu, let your disciples destroy all the affiliated forces of the Red Academy!"

The affiliated forces of the Red Academy were brainwashed by the Red Academy and became an extreme female-dominated male-inferior force.

Moreover, the leaders of the first- and second-rate forces affiliated with the Red Academy are basically the elders of the Red Academy, so Chi Liyu decided to cut the grass and root it out.

The disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect raise corpses and need blood food to feed the corpse puppets.

Now Chi Liyu has rewarded the subordinate forces of the Red Academy to his disciples, which is enough for the corpses of those disciples to eat.

Cao Meng, a bystander, has to admire Chi Liyu's ruthlessness. You know, there are many subordinate forces of the Red Academy. Now, if Chi Liyu gives an order, at least hundreds of billions of people will die.

You should know that the lives that Cao Meng has stained are only the corpse disasters of the Golden Buddha Temple and the Liuyun Dynasty, which add up to about 10 million people.

Compared with Chi Liyu, this wicked, black-bellied and cold-blooded girl, Cao Meng can deserve the name of Cao Dashanren!

Speaking of which, there are only tens of billions of people in my hometown.

And a top sect in the East Region Daozhou controls a population of tens of billions to hundreds of billions.

It is no wonder that the top sects are dominating the world with such a large population dividend and raising so many leeks!

Sure enough, the most resources in the world of immortal cultivation are not spirit stones, nor are they pills, medicines, tools, and talismans, but people.

Those who have the qualifications to cultivate immortals can enter the sect and shine.

Mortals who do not have the qualifications to cultivate immortals can be used to serve immortals, and can also be used to reproduce the population so that their descendants can continue to serve immortals.

Even mortals are used as materials for refining spiritual tools and elixirs, and for raising demons and monsters!

Back to the point, after Chi Liyu destroyed the Red Academy, he controlled the Yaotai Qiongchi and returned to the Hehuan Sect.

Now that he has returned to the Hehuan Sect, the ancestors of the refining period of each sect are slightly relieved.

Before, they were afraid that after Chi Liyu destroyed the Red Academy, he would destroy their sects on a whim.

After returning to the Hehuan Sect, Chi Liyu sat on the main seat and glanced at the ancestors of the Refining Void Stage of each sect:

"The Corpse Yin Sect does not want to care about the grievances between you, and is too lazy to intervene, and will not touch you for no reason!"

When Chi Liyu was comforting the various sects, he suddenly changed his tone and said:

"But if someone does not recognize his own status, comes to provoke the Corpse Yin Sect, and tries to challenge the status of the Corpse Yin Sect, the Red Academy will end up like this!"

"Before you all reach the Tribulation Stage, lie down obediently!"

From today on, the overlord of the Eastern Daozhou of the Corpse Yin Sect will no longer be low-key, but will announce to the world as an overlord.

"Today is the celebration of the Hehuan Sect, and I did not bring any gifts.

The Hehuan Sect can choose one from the various sects present and ask for its three spiritual veins, which will be the gift from the Corpse Yin Sect to the Hehuan Sect!"

When Chi Liyu said this, the faces of the ancestors of the Refining Void Stage of each sect were extremely embarrassed.

In fact, the ancestors of the various sects in the Refining Void Stage also knew that Chi Liyu was trying to make trouble again.

Once the Hehuan Sect had chosen a target, if the sect did not give it, it would probably have to go with the Red Academy.

At this moment, all the sects hoped that the Hehuan Sect would not choose their own sect, after all, the loss of three spiritual veins would be considerable!

The least worried one must be the Beast Soul Sect, after all, the Beast Soul Sect and the Hehuan Sect had a good relationship.

The other sects of the righteous and evil ways were also okay, after all, there were the Sword Questioning Sect and the Xuantian Sect to back them up.

Shang Huai, a Refining Void Stage member of the Sword Questioning Sect, regretted it a little at this moment.

If I had known this, I would not have fought with the Hehuan Sect before. If the Hehuan Sect had chosen the Sword Questioning Sect as its target, the Sword Questioning Sect would have suffered a great loss!

Now Shang Huai only hoped that the Hehuan Sect would treat the Sword Questioning Sect as a fart.

The Hehuan Sect should continue to fight with the Xuantian Sect, and it would be better if the three spiritual veins belonged to the Xuantian Sect!

On the Xuantian Sect side, everyone's face couldn't be darker.


Mingfeng, an old ancestor in the Refining Void Stage, sighed helplessly. He knew that the Xuantian Sect had the highest probability.

It was because the Xuantian Sect and the Hehuan Sect had been at odds for more than a thousand years. If he was from the Hehuan Sect, he would also choose the Xuantian Sect.

After all, choosing the Xuantian Sect was undoubtedly the best choice for the Hehuan Sect! (End of this chapter)

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