"Not bad, it was successfully made for the first time."

Lin Feng looked at the energy block in front of him with satisfaction. It cannot be said that the manufacturing process is very similar, but it can be said that there is little difference.

As for why the quality is different, it is probably because of the cultivation profession bonus on him.

"Shanai..." (Hmm...)

Shanaiduo looked at the energy block in front of him, a little dazed. Before Lin Feng asked it to come and learn to make energy blocks, it thought it was fake.

Unexpectedly, it really taught me without reservation.

"Okay! With you here in the future, we can expand the production of energy blocks, but before that, we have to buy more equipment for making energy blocks."

Lin Feng counted on his fingers. Since he wanted to buy equipment, he also had to buy a lawn mower and let Rotom attach it to carry out the mowing work. Otherwise, when the grass plain behind the cowshed grows in the future, he won't have so much time to mow the grass.


The sudden voice in his heart made Lin Feng look at Gardevoir subconsciously, "What's wrong?"

Gardevoir tried to ask: "Garna..." (If it's not my child, can you accept it?)

Because of their background, the Pokémon of the Sea Lion are more or less hostile to humans.

But keeping them in the forest is not a long-term solution.


Since adopting those Pokémon, Gardevoir has been feeding them.

As they feed them, they have a little more affection...

"Not your child?" Lin Feng looked a little weird when he heard this.

This statement easily makes people think about it and have some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

Do you feel like you're cuckolded?

Bah, how can you have such thoughts?

Gardevoir said calmly: "Gardevoir..." (They are all Pokémon taken in from outside, including abandoned Scorpio and Fire Pheasant, and a Sweet Bamboo whose mother was captured.)

"Hmm? So that's it." Lin Feng suddenly realized, and then smiled, "Scorpio, Fire Pheasant, and a Sweet Bamboo? That couldn't be better."

These Pokémon are all great? !

Scorpio can be raised in the reservoir to keep Milotica company, and Sweet Bamboo is even better, the kind of Pokémon he wants that can provide food!

Fire Pheasant can also make up for the lack of fire-type Pokémon in the plantation for the time being, and can also help Pidgeot take over.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng said angrily:

"These trainers are really too much. It's fine to abandon Pokémon. They even captured the mother of Tianzhuzhu, but they didn't take care of its child!"

If it were him, he would definitely take the child and the mother away together.

"What about the other two abandoned Pokémon? Aren't these two starter Pokémon both have bad talents?"

Lin Feng asked about the remaining two Pokémon.

Garvedo shook his head, "Garve..." (No, the remaining two Pokémon, the spherical sea lion is indeed because of talent problems, but the fire pheasant is not...)

"Garve..." (The fire pheasant is because it eats too much, causing its trainer to really can't afford it...)

"Ah? Too much?"

Hearing this answer, Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

No, how much can a newborn Pokémon eat? Let a trainer who can receive the starter Pokémon abandon it because it eats too much?

"Garedo." Gardevoir nodded, "Garedo..." (Nine out of ten of the energy cubes you gave it these days were eaten by it.)

"Oh my god..." Lin Feng was completely shocked.

According to the normal appetite of new Pokémon, one bottle of his energy cubes should be consumed in three to four days.

Therefore, Lin Feng also estimated the amount of Gardevoir.

He would never let his "child" go hungry.

But now Gardevoir said that ten bottles of energy cubes were made in less than five days? And nine out of ten were made by that fire pheasant?

Lin Feng couldn't help but think about a question, "Eating so much... how much does it have to poop..."

Is it a digestive problem?

"Okay, bring them here and let me take a look. Don't worry, my plantation is so big that it can't be eaten up by a fire pheasant."


Garnado couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Just now, seeing Lin Feng's expression, it thought that Lin Feng would not want to take in this fire pheasant.

If only this fire pheasant was left wandering in the wild, the situation would be even more embarrassing.

Thinking that the three Pokémon he raised now have a home, Garnado couldn't help but feel relieved and said to Lin Feng: "Garna..." (Thank you~)

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the bigHe said angrily: "Oh, what's the point of this? You are now a member of the plantation. If you have any problems, just tell me directly. I will solve it if I can!"

"... Gardevoir..." (Okay...)

Gardevoir responded, not knowing whether he was responding to Lin Feng's first sentence or the second sentence.

His figure disappeared suddenly,

When he appeared again, Lin Feng had already arrived in the plantation.

There were three more small Pokémon around him.

A fire pheasant and a ball sea lion.

There was also a blinking yellow little eye, the whole body was round, wrapped in a layer of red fruit shell, and a little bit of tender white flesh was exposed under the body. On the red fruit shell, there were green petals, which made people always look fresh and delicious.

This is the Pokémon of Alola - Sweet Bamboo.

It is a Pokémon that can squeeze its own juice for consumption.

However, suddenly appearing in a new environment, the three Pokémon were obviously a little wary, and the Sweet Bamboo was even more afraid and hid behind Gardevoir.



"Okay, okay~!"

Looking at this Sweet Bamboo, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

[Elf: Sweet Bamboo]

[Gender: Female]

[Features: Slow]

[Qualification: Green]

[Strength: Level 11~12]

[Individual Value:....]

[Skills: Leap, Live in Harmony, Sweet Fragrance, Leaf Blade. ]

[Introduction: Its personality seems a little timid? ]

[Intimacy: -5 (Doesn't like humans...)]

[Pleasure Value: 0 (Where is this?)]

Lin Feng looked at it and nodded. Although the panel is a bit poor, it is more plastic~

Besides, all he wants is a Sweet Bamboo that can produce juice.

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