Yue Ye Mi was silent for a while, followed by laughter, Em who laughed frankly and Moon Ye who laughed evilly stood at each other, the exact same face was a completely different feeling, and no one would treat these two guys as one person.

"It's really willful. The method has been given to you, and according to your death-defying personality, I feel that it will not be long before I can go back to the host.

Em shrugged his shoulders and replied casually: "I originally wanted to be meticulous, but judging from the results, it should have failed, if I could do it again, I wouldn't be on Luffy's ship, but now they are my indispensable partners." I'm not dying, I'm just paying some price for the freedom I want.

"Gee, whatever you want, anyway, I'm immortal, and when your death day comes, I will definitely burn paper for you."

"Then you can burn more, and I won't have to do my old business anymore."

"No problem, I will definitely burn you to become the richest man."

"Then I thank you in advance."


Em opened his eyes from the bed, touched the wound on his chest that had basically healed, and looked down to see that the obvious scar was left on it, and it didn't look like it would disappear unscientifically like before.

He didn't care, got up and stretched out comfortably, and walked out of the cabin.

Usopp with complicated eyes was chatting with Meili, saw Em come out, the two guys took three steps and made two steps to get in front of Em, Usopp directly ripped off Em's clothes without saying a word, looked at the scars on his chest and frowned.

“...... If you do this again, I will accuse you of sexual harassment." Em opened Usopp's hand and looked at him with disgust, and changed the subject with a word.

"Let's hide the Merry in the abandoned shipyard first, and then go find Luffy and them."

Usopp nodded, walked to a place where Em couldn't see, reached out and took out a mask from his treasure bag, put it on and returned to Em, his tone changed: "I'm not Usopp, I'm the Sniper King from Sniper Island!" "

...... Are you taking me for a fool. Em pinched his eyebrows, and slapped Usopp on the head: "Be serious, ready to dock, Meili, come and help."

Meili croaked her teeth and smiled happily, completely without the sadness that her life was about to end, and her body fluttered around and looked extremely flexible.

“...... Did my disguise actually fail? Usopp touched the large bag above his head, looking incredulous.


The two men disembarked from the Merry and waved at Meili next to the ship, and then they saw a pervert in an overcoat and blue briefs rummaging through the scrap heap.

...... Lying in the groove, the scene looks more perverted, how did this guy do it so calmly, is it a gentleman who is frank, and the villain hides JJ. The corners of Em's eyes twitched wildly, and then he let out a burst: "Franky! Pay it back!

Frankie turned his head a little puzzled, fortunately, Usopp's characteristics were obvious enough, exactly the same as the description of the younger brothers, and he could be regarded as understanding, he crossed his waist with both hands, straightened his waist, and said with a stunned face: "I have already spent the two hundred million Baileys!" If you want me to pay back, dream about it! "

...... Lie down, my eyes, you still stand tall, and when you find Robin, you must let this guy feel what despair is! Em covered his eyes with some pain, feeling that he was about to grow needles, and replied impatiently: "What 200 million, you obviously owe me 400 million." If you can't get the money, I'll hack your little brother to death, and let the French family become Franky alone.

"What did you do to my little brother!" As soon as Franky waved his hand, his fist swung out of his arm and flew towards Em with the chain.

Em dodged sideways, reached out and clenched the chain, and thought in silence for a while: "... I don't seem to have said what happened to your little brother. I'm talking about hacking them to death if you don't pay back, how can you directly ignore the option of paying back, as for 400 million or something, you shouldn't have heard it!

Franky frowned and thought for a moment, scratched his head a little embarrassed, and then became furious, like a special neurotic, confirmed that the eyes were indeed the Straw Hats.

"I don't have the money to pay you back, aren't you sure to hack my little brother to death?!"

...... You have a good point, and it goes to the heart of the matter. Em felt the power of the chain on his hand getting stronger and stronger, croaked his teeth, and with a fierce force, directly tore Franky off the ground and flew towards him.


Em raised his leg above his head, and a size 42 foot was printed on Frankie's face.

...... In other words, this guy is also a target of the world government, if I keep him, I don't have to go to Justice Island, and the demon slaughter makes that thing not fun at all. Em looked at Franky who fainted, frowned and thought, suddenly the red light in his pupils exploded, and the black knife of "Gong" came out of the sheath, blocking the kick from behind.

The pigeon man Luqi's trouser leg was cut, revealing the black shiny leg inside, and the black knife collided with it and made a jingo sound.

There was also the strange mask man who took Robin before, and a playful and disgusting voice sounded on the side: "Gee, it's really good, I didn't expect that Robin actually had a monster like you on the boat this time." I originally thought that my opponent would be the original Qibu Haik Klockdar, but it turned out to be you little pirates who don't know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth.

The black knife on Em was framed with Luki's split leg, and he frowned and shouted, "Usopp, take this guy to find Luffy and them, here I will break the back!"

Usopp was shocked by this series of changes, and although he could barely catch what he saw, his body movements were far from keeping up, and when he heard Em's shout, he ran to Frankie's side without hesitation, picked him up and began to run out.

Lu Qi stepped on the air with his other leg three steps in a row, and the whole person was out of the attack range of the black knife, and then a dash went towards Usopp.

Em rotated on one foot, then stepped out in one step, and re-blocked in front of Luqi, and the black knife swung out surged out black flame, and a large black flame slashed out the sky, as if dividing the space in half.

Usopp looked at this attack a little stunned, gritted his teeth and sped up his pace by two more points.

The strange mask man pulled down the robe that covered his figure, and a thin and sturdy body appeared in front of Em's eyes, and there was a terrifying scar on his throat, which should be the cause of that disgusting voice.

"I didn't pay attention before, but I didn't expect this knife to be in your hand, you know? It should have been mine! The

voice gradually became intense, and the last sentence became like a roar in the abyss.

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