If you are an immortal, you will live forever after you die.

Chapter 49: White silk, poisoned wine, dagger, you choose!

"Ming Taiyi, what's going on with my body?"

Li Min's face was gloomy, and his sharp eyes were staring at the old doctor in front of him...

The emperor can't play with women anymore?

Then what does this emperor mean in front of him?

"Your Majesty, you... you seem to be poisoned..." Doctor Ming said timidly.

"Poisoned? This is impossible. Before I eat, someone has tried the dishes first, and there have never been any mistakes. How could I be poisoned?" Li Min frowned.

There is no doubt about the emperor's food safety work, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as strict!

Throughout the history of the Zhou Dynasty, and even the higher dynasties, there has never been an emperor who was poisoned to death!

"Your Majesty, the pulse condition shows that this is indeed the case... Moreover, I also know that this should be Dr. Liu's unique recipe..." Dr. Ming Tai said.

"Doctor Liu? Is there anyone named Liu among the imperial doctors?" Li Min asked in surprise.

Why is he not impressed?

"Your Majesty, this involves a secret. Please forgive me for not being guilty, so I dare to say..." Ming Taiyi said tremblingly.

"I forgive you!" Li Min said without any care.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. Five years ago, there was an Imperial Physician Liu in the palace. This man was highly skilled in medicine and was trusted by His Majesty Xizong. He was awarded the title of Imperial Physician!"

"This man has a secret recipe in his hand. After the man drank it, he never used it again..."

"Throughout the dynasties, there have been many acts of filth and disorder in the palace. This is because some eunuchs entered the palace from childhood. After their penises were cut off, they developed a second time and gained the abilities of men..."

"Although the kings of the past dynasties have strictly guarded against this, and even conduct inspections once a year, within the palace, snakes have their own ways, rats have their holes, and there are always some fish that slip through the net and cause filthy chaos. A royal act!"

"But after Dr. Liu appeared, he gave all the eunuchs in the palace to drink the secret medicine he brewed. Since then, he has never behaved like this again..."

"I have checked the pulses of those eunuchs who drank the secret medicine. Their pulses... pulses..." Dr. Ming said and glanced at Li Min...

"Is your pulse the same as mine now?" Li Min said in a cold voice.

I actually drank what those dead eunuchs drank...

It’s so damn good!

At this time, all Li Min could think about was the medicine he was forced to drink that night...

Not surprisingly, that bowl of decoction is the so-called secret medicine of Dr. Liu!

"Your Majesty's atonement, it is true...it is true..." Dr. Ming knelt down and said.

"This poison? Is there a solution?" Li Min frowned.

"I don't have one... Perhaps, only Dr. Liu knows the solution. After all, this prescription was originally made by this person..." Dr. Ming said.

"What about Doctor Liu? Where did he go? Find him back for me!" Li Min said anxiously.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... I'm afraid I can't get this back..." Dr. Ming Tai said tremblingly.

"Why?" Li Min frowned.

"Five years ago...Ming Dynasty Doctor offended Emperor Xizong for some unknown reason and was beheaded by Emperor Xizong...Everyone is dead, how to get it back..." Ming Dynasty Doctor said with a bitter smile.

"Dead? Dead... Then do you know that after Dr. Liu, who else knows this recipe? Does this person have disciples or family members?" Li Min asked.

Dr. Liu died five years ago, but someone still used his secret recipe to brew a bowl of poison. This shows that there should be a descendant of Dr. Liu!

"No... I don't know. Doctor Liu has a weird personality. In order to study medicine, he often even goes to mass graves to dig up dead bodies... I have never heard of him having any disciples or family members..."

"As for the prescription, this is a secret medicine. Only he knows it. Since his death, the new eunuchs in the palace have stopped drinking this secret medicine. Instead, they have adopted the old method and checked it once a year... "Ming Taiyi said in a low voice.

"Don't you have a solution for this poison?" Li Min felt that he was a little desperate...

"No... Actually, there were several great eunuchs who organized a team to find some royal doctors and private apricot masters to study this medicine, but they did not make an antidote..." Dr. Ming shook his head.

"Damn, come on!"

Li Min suddenly said angrily.

"His Majesty!"

Suddenly, several Ouchi guards rushed out...

"Pull this old guy out and beat him to death with a stick!" said an extremely angry Li Min.

Not getting better?

No antidote?

Will it all be Li Xiaoruan from now on?

How are you going to live this day?

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, please spare my life. You said you would forgive me, Your Majesty..."

Immediately, Doctor Ming was frightened and hurriedly begged for mercy...

"What are you still doing? Pull him out!" Li Min glared at the imperial guards...

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In the end, Ming Taiyi was dragged away and then beaten to death with random sticks...

After a while...

"Your Majesty, the execution is over, and the Ming Imperial Physician has been beaten to death with sticks!" Cui Eunuch came in and saluted.

"Well, I understand, let's go..."

Li Min waved his hands in disinterest and said.

"Your Majesty, where are we going?" Cui Eunuch asked respectfully.

"Go to Kunning... no... go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. I want to sleep by myself today..." Li Min said lightly.

Eunuch Cui on the side was extremely surprised...

Generally speaking, my master rarely sleeps alone...

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In Kunning Palace, Lin Wan'er waited for several days, but the emperor did not come. She could not help but wonder, could it be that there were twists and turns in her father's appointment as the general?

Otherwise, why didn't she come before her father came back?

"Chun Tao, which palace has His Majesty been resting in these days?" Lin Wan'er asked.

She wanted to see who attracted the emperor...

"Your Majesty, His Majesty has been resting in the Hall of Supreme Harmony these days, with no one to accompany him!" Chun Tao said respectfully.

As the queen, Lin Wan'er was naturally not just Mingyue, a maid who served people...

"What? Resting in the Hall of Supreme Harmony? Didn't a concubine go to accompany him?" Lin Wan'er was surprised.

After all, they have been married for several years, and Lin Wan'er thinks she knows Li Yin very well...

Although the thing is not big and does not last long, it is the kind of one who is naive and loves to do things. It can almost be said that he can't live without women. Why did he live in the Hall of Supreme Harmony for several consecutive days?

At this time, in the Hall of Supreme Harmony...

"Your Majesty, many people are pleading for Queen Ye. It doesn't seem good for the noble Queen to be locked up in the prison..." Hyacinthus said softly.

"Queen Ye, Queen Ye... Where is Queen Ye?"

"That Ye Piaoling has been deposed now. She is not the Queen, no!"

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

"Ye Piaoling, you are so cruel. You made me, the ruler of a country, become... become... I want you to die, I want you to die!"

"Come here, issue an imperial decree, give Ye Piaoling a piece of white silk, a cup of Crane's Head Red Poison Wine, and a Hundred Refinement Dagger, let her choose one of them and commit suicide to thank the world!" Li Yin was completely enraged...

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