Golden Palace!

"Your Majesty, General Lin Yong sent someone to report that half a month ago, he sent a detachment from Xiangshan, and ten days ago, he successfully crossed the ancient plank road, and successfully entered Shu. The entire Shuzhou City has been besieged!"

"Most of the Shu army is fighting outside and cannot return to defend in time. The King of Shu is even more confused. Within three days, three generals have been replaced... If nothing unexpected happens, Shu is within reach, and the rebellion of the King of Shu will be quelled soon!"

"General Lin is a god in using troops, even better than General Ye. It is a blessing for our dynasty!"

In the court, the Minister of War stepped forward to report the recent frontline battle reports.

"Shu is pacified? The general is a real hero!"

"He actually thought of entering Shu through the ancient plank road. The ancient plank road has been in disrepair for more than a hundred years and has not been used... The King of Shu deserved to lose!"

"Three years ago, the general failed to enter Shu. Today, he made a comeback. In just over a month, he has already reached the city of Shuzhou. He is really a famous general of the time!"


Suddenly, many ministers flattered him again...

"The general has made great contributions. The Ministry of War must cooperate with the reward measures. If he has made enough contributions, he should be promoted and rewarded..."

"Also, tell the general not to slack off. After Shu is completely pacified, there is no need to return to the capital. You can go straight to Jinzhou. After pacifying the King of Qi, I will personally go out of the city twenty miles away to welcome the general back to the court!" Li Yin said.

The emperor went out of the city twenty miles to welcome him. This is the highest standard of etiquette in the Great Zhou!

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Everyone saluted together.


When Li Yan heard these two words, a trace of mockery appeared on his lips. He didn't even have time to wait for Eunuch Cui to say that he was leaving the court, and hurried to the Imperial Hospital...

He had to go, his health was more important than anything else!

Li Yan summoned all the imperial doctors in the Imperial Hospital, and even summoned a large number of doctors from the public, just to solve the physical problem.

In order to conceal his identity, all the doctors gathered in Kunning Palace, making the outside world mistakenly believe that he and the queen were in harmony...

"Slow down, Mr. Huang!"

"Oh? Minister Qian, what can I do for you?"

"In recent days, your majesty has always been absent-minded when he went to court... Every time he left the court, he left in a hurry, as if something was attracting him. I wonder if Mr. Huang knows the reason?"

"My two wise men, I also found that every time your majesty went to court, his eyes seemed to be like an iron-eating beast. This is a sign of excessive indulgence. A king who is addicted to wine and sex must be on guard..." Another minister interrupted.

If Li Yin knew that his ministers were secretly criticizing him for indulging in excessive sexual activities, he would be so angry that he would take a knife to chop people...

"Hehe, Minister Qian, you don't know this, right? As far as I know, in the past month, your majesty has been staying in Kunning Palace every day. With the watering day and night, I am afraid that good news will come soon!"

"After all, although your majesty has a few little princesses, he has no princes. General Lin is preparing for war in the front, so how can your majesty be idle?"

"Others don't know, but don't we know what happened when General Lin was defeated in Shu?"

"Your majesty's move is to calm General Lin's heart..."

"You and I should stop interfering!" Huang Gong laughed.

"It turns out that there is such a deep meaning here... Your majesty is really, hard-working..." Minister Qian sighed.

"Your majesty... I... have wronged you... You are really a wise king..."


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