"Of course!" Chen Changsheng said.

How to find relics without digging graves?

The emperor's mausoleum was of extremely high standards. It was basically a space dug into the mountain. Except for the entrance of the tomb, no one could enter anywhere else, unless it was done by divine means...

"No, no, I replaced the Zhou Dynasty with the Jin Dynasty. There are already many injustices in the world, and filial piety comes first. If I dig up my father's tomb again, then I will really be criticized by thousands of people in the future!" Li Ke heard this , shook his head directly.

Are you kidding me?

Digging his own father's grave?

"Haha, how could I let His Majesty become the sinner that thousands of people blame? Didn't Your Majesty find the body of Emperor Xizong? Today's Tomb of Xizong is just a tomb. Open the mausoleum and let His Majesty Xizong be buried in peace. This is great filial piety!”

"As for the mystery of Emperor Xizong's death... just blame it on Li Min. Anyway, a dead person won't refute it!"

"This excuse also coincides with His Majesty's slogan since he started the army, doesn't it?" Chen Changsheng said with a smile.

"Well, that's a good note...According to what the eunuchs said, when Li Min was buried in the tomb, there was a huge amount of burial objects..."

"When the Jin Dynasty was first established, there was no shortage of manpower, but there was a shortage of money... It just so happened that we couldn't stop doing anything..." Li Ke nodded slowly.

There is a custom of grand burial in the Zhou Dynasty, especially when the emperor dies!

The longer an emperor reigns, the more burial objects he will have with him. This is not only true for the emperor, but also for the people. As a result, tomb robbers are rampant in the world, and the government is strictly investigating them. Anyone who robs a tomb will not be pardoned. All are capital crimes!

When Chen Changsheng heard this, he slowly gave Li Ke a thumbs up...

Cruel man!

I just want to find Song Yingxing's relics. This guy has directly stolen Emperor Xizong's family assets. He is worthy of being his own son!

After the two finalized the plan, Dazhou officially issued an announcement.

The general idea of ​​the announcement was very simple. Emperor Xizong's body had been found, and it was confirmed that it was Li Min and Ye Wuji who had killed him. They were afraid that the matter would be exposed, so they built a tomb for Emperor Xizong.

In order to allow the old emperor to rest in peace, the imperial mausoleum must be opened...

Tongluo Mountain is located east of the capital, about two hundred miles away. Here is the Mausoleum of the Great Zhou Emperor, where twenty-one emperors from each of the Great Zhou Dynasties were buried!

On weekdays, a special tomb-protecting army is stationed here, led by eunuchs sent from the palace, to burn incense and offer sacrifices to the emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

On this day, many people poured in at the foot of Tongluo Mountain...

"Old Chen, fortunately you have transferred me back from the front line with a transfer order, and I can still serve as the deputy commander of the Xunxian Department. This is much better than fighting on the front line!"

"The governor of Guangnan County is stubborn and will not surrender to the Jin Dynasty, but he is still capable. After I left, the Jin Dynasty suffered a severe defeat. The generals, lieutenants, and princes at all levels A total of twenty-six people died, and it seems that a third-grade guerrilla also died..."

"If I hadn't come back, I would have been transferred to fight in Guangnan, and maybe even my life would have been lost..."

At the foot of the mountain, Pan Wu, whom he had not seen for several years, was thinking to Chen Changsheng...

"Why are you and I so polite? By the way, I remember your Pan family, didn't you support Li Min back then? When did you join the Jin Dynasty?" Chen Changsheng asked in surprise.

"Hehe, this is how the aristocratic family survives... As for my father, of course he is still dedicated to serving Da Zhou, but my brother is secretly hooking up with Da Jin... Not just our Pan family, but almost all aristocratic families, That’s how it’s done…”

"In this case, no matter who among their brothers can laugh at the end, our Pan family will not be exterminated..." Pan Wu chuckled.

"Multiple bets... Wouldn't it be an injustice if someone died on the battlefield?" Chen Changsheng said.

"If you die on the battlefield, your skills are inferior to others. What we want is not whether a person can survive, but whether the family can continue..."

"It's like an old man who has been loyal to the Zhou Dynasty all his life. Now the king's flag has changed on the city wall. Although he did not die for the country, he did not want to serve the Jin Dynasty. He directly submitted his resignation and went home to retire."

"You don't pay attention to the officialdom. Many people have resigned during this period. It's a big change!"

"Of course, this is also a good thing. If those old guys never abdicate, where will there be room for young people in the court?"

"They also knew the situation and gave up some positions to reward the new emperor. In fact, everything was a tacit exchange. Everyone understands it. However, after this battle, the people suffered..." Pan Wu sighed.

Over the years, going out to fight has given Pan Wu a lot of knowledge...

"In prosperity, people suffer, and in death, people suffer!" Chen Changsheng nodded and said.

When Pan Wu heard this, he stared at Chen Changsheng with a strange look on his face...

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Chen Changsheng asked speechlessly.

"Before coming, His Majesty told me to learn more from you, saying that you are both civil and military..."

"I'm not stubborn about martial arts, but I think I'm pretty good about literature, but I can't say the words 'prosperity, people suffer, death, people suffer.'"

"Old Chen, you are really good at hiding, you are really both civil and military!" Pan Wu said with emotion.

"Just saying that casually, Pan Zi, I don't ask you to be the deputy commander of the Immortal Seeking Department just for fun. You must select some truly smart and capable people for me!" Chen Changsheng said.

"Of course, I, Pan Wu, have not been fooling around in vain these years. I have met many capable people, and I will recruit them for you when the time comes. However, your treatment cannot be too low!" Pan Wu said.

"Don't worry, the treatment is definitely the best, and there are extra rewards, that is, the kind of pills I give you. As long as you work hard, I can't guarantee anything else, but your strength will definitely not be bad!" Chen Changsheng said.

Ordinary blood essence pills, internal breath pills and the like are basically useless to Chen Changsheng, so it's better to recycle them.

Promise enough rewards to let those people below go to find immortals!

"Pills? That thing is a good thing. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been promoted from the sixth rank to the third rank in just a few years. Even my brother feels incredible and says I'm a genius..." Pan Wu's eyes lit up.

"Haha, don't worry, you will definitely get your share!" Chen Changsheng said with a smile.

"Of course, we are brothers!"

"But, speaking of which, the purpose of your Immortal Seeking Department is really to find immortals?"

"Are there really immortals in this world?" Pan Wu asked curiously.

"I don't know if there are immortals, but I know there are a group of people who are different from us. They may be immortals..." Chen Changsheng said faintly...

"Immortals? Can immortals be cultivated?" Pan Wu said with wide eyes.

"Maybe... I'm not very clear, so... I need to find..."

"The purpose of the Immortal Seeking Department is to search for traces of immortals all over the world. No matter whether it is a legend or not, find out all of them and then verify them one by one!" Chen Changsheng said.

It is destined to be a difficult and long process to search for immortals as a mortal.

However, Chen Changsheng is not afraid. He can wait for his lifespan!

Over the years, the tasks that the demon monk helped him complete, as well as the tasks that he occasionally completed, have been rewarded with lifespans of almost two hundred years...

Two hundred years is enough to sit back and watch the rise and fall of a dynasty. He can wait!

"Well, I understand. I will try my best to help you, but why are we coming to Tongluo Mountain now? This is the location of the imperial tomb. Is there an immortal here?" Pan Wu asked curiously.

"Of course there are no immortals here. We came here to... dig graves..." Chen Changsheng said calmly.

Dig graves?

Dig graves in the imperial mausoleum?

Whose graves are we digging?

Suddenly, Pan Wu felt a little confused...

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