The human race on Xiangshan Mountain has liberated their productive forces and does not have to work hard, but they have not become superior human beings. Instead, they have become fertility machines based on sufficient material supplies...

Yes, a fertility machine!

Even in order to make these fertility machines healthier and able to give birth to more children, the Elephant Master vigorously promotes martial arts among the humans in his captivity. He does not even prohibit the cultivation of immortals, but he cannot delay childbirth, and even stipulates that everyone A woman must give birth to at least fifteen children, otherwise she will lose her original life and either endure hard work or be eaten by monsters...

Under his carrot and stick push, the millions of people in Xiangshan were supposed to experience an explosive population explosion, but... it didn't!

Because the elephant mainly chooses the best among the best!

All children must undergo careful inspections. Needless to say, those with spiritual roots will definitely be left behind, while those without spiritual roots need to be strong enough, otherwise they will become food for monsters...

And when these children grow up, if they cannot become immortals, they will also become food after completing certain fertility tasks...

Even the Elephant Master will go to other mountain owners to obtain high-quality humans through transactions to provide better bloodlines for the Elephant Mountain Human Race...

After generations of rigorous selection, the number of Xiangshan's originally one million tribesmen has dropped to just over one hundred thousand now, but the effect is visible to the naked eye. Among the existing one hundred thousand people, it cannot be said that everyone has spiritual roots, but the descendants The chance of birthing spiritual roots is as high as 80%, which means that among these 100,000 people, 80,000 can practice cultivation...

This is a very scary ratio!

You must know that in the world of cultivating immortals, in many cultivating families, the proportion of people born with spiritual roots can usually only be maintained at one thousandth. This is deliberately controlled by the cultivating families. Immortal cultivators have many births, but mortals are deprived of the right to have children. , but because life is difficult and unable to conceive more children, this can slowly increase the proportion. After all, descendants of monks with spiritual roots have a greater chance of being born with spiritual roots. If they are descendants of Golden Core or even Nascent Soul monks, they are basically the same. Those with spiritual roots...

Similar to the situation of Li Laoer of the Zhizhen Sect, it is relatively rare to give birth to a son, but he turns out to be a mortal. Some people even suspected that the person was not Li Laoer's biological son. Of course, this suspicion was just a rumor...

The Nascent Soul cultivator has amazing methods and can already kill people through blood connection. He can naturally sense whether the child is his or not.

This is also the reason why there are only a hundred thousand people on the Elephant Mountain, but a demon Nascent Soul and more than twenty demon golden elixirs can be born...

However, for Chen Changsheng, how to make these people obedient has become a big problem...

If he were a mortal, he could use some methods at will, but most of these 100,000 people are practitioners!

"No matter what, the big deal...kill all the restless guys..."

Chen Changsheng whispered to himself...

He has been practicing for more than two hundred years, and he has long since lost the kindness and intolerance he had when he first entered this world. It is not easy to maintain his original intention and strictly adhere to the bottom line in this filthy world.

"Baboon, male, 792 years old, died after being wiped out by sword energy."

"My last wish: to survive the thunder catastrophe of transformation and become the dominant demon king."

"Corpse evaluation: three-star extraordinary, rewarded with sixty-three third-level essence and blood pills, six third-level mana pills, four third-level spiritual knowledge pills, and sixty strands of life pills!"

"Huang Xing, male, 273 years old, died after being forced to search for his soul."

"My last wish: to become the elephant master's personal attendant!"

"Evaluation of the corpse: three-star extraordinary. Twenty-two third-level essence and blood pills, four third-level mana pills, two third-level consciousness pills, and forty strands of life pills will be rewarded."

"It is not a pity to die!"

Seeing this man's last wish, the last trace of guilt in Chen Changsheng's heart disappeared...

According to this person's memory, Chen Changsheng had a sufficient understanding of Xiangshan.

In fact, Xiangshan does not only refer to the mountain in front of you, but also includes more than ten nearby mountains and a large Hulu Valley. The Hulu Valley has a flat terrain, luxuriant water and grass, and is suitable for farming. Except for a few of the Xiangshan people, they have to serve the elephant master. , most of the rest live in the Calabash Valley.

Since it would take quite a while for Li Xu and others to arrive, Chen Changsheng did not go directly to Hulu Valley, but went straight to Xiangshan Mountain.

"Who dares to trespass into the important land of Xiangshan?"

"Huh? Human immortal cultivator?"

Naturally, there are people guarding Xiangshan. Seeing Chen Changsheng's arrival, they naturally want to stop him, but this man has a giant wolf on his head...

"The Elephant Master is dead. I am here to rescue you and return you to the human race. Are you willing?" Chen Changsheng said calmly.

"What? The elephant owner is dead? How is this possible..." The man couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.


When the giant wolf heard this, he howled directly...

In an instant, the entire Xiangshan Mountain was shaken...

"Nothing is impossible, tell me your choice!" Chen Changsheng said.

"I... of course I want to return to the human race, I..."

Before the man finished speaking, the giant wolf above his head flashed a fierce look and swung his claws down. It was about to scratch the human's head. A sword energy flashed and the giant wolf's claws fell off. Come down...

Then Chen Changsheng grabbed it in the air, and the giant wolf was pulled directly from the human race's head by a huge force, and then was thrown heavily to the ground.

The majestic third-level giant wolf was instantly thrown to death and turned into a pile of rotten flesh...

"What's your name?" Chen Changsheng asked.

It's rare to meet a normal person...

Moreover, this person also has the cultivation level of the golden elixir realm, and presumably has enough prestige among the human race.

This is very good. It will be much easier to control this person and then control other human races through him.

"Zhu Shan, pay homage to the ancestor!" the monk said hurriedly.

"Very good, you stand behind me, we fight all the way up the mountain, and then we go to rescue the humans in Calabash Valley!"

"Tell me, do the humans in Calabash Valley want to get rid of the elephant master's control?" Chen Changsheng asked.

"Ancestor, most people probably want to leave here, but they just can't. However... there are a few people who are really loyal to the Elephant Master..." Zhu Shan said.

"If I appoint you as the leader, can you control the situation and take them all away?" Chen Changsheng asked.

"If we have the support of our ancestors and kill those stubborn guys on the spot, there will be no problem!" Zhu Shan said.

"As long as you can control the situation, those guys are coming..."

The giant wolf roared, and there was a lot of movement. On the Elephant Mountain, at least a hundred monster beasts were galloping down, and each one was of the third level.

"Tianfang Ghost King, I leave it to you, no one can escape!"

"You can dispose of their souls on your own, just leave their bodies and demon pills behind!"

Chen Changsheng waved his hand, and two Shura flags appeared on the ground. More than two hundred Shura ghost generals, led by Tianfang Ghost King and Shura King, instantly drowned the hundreds of monsters...

The entire battle lasted less than five minutes, and hundreds of demonic beasts were wiped out. Zhu Shan on the side was already dumbfounded...

This was the first time he had seen this kind of fighting method...

With hundreds of third-level demonic beasts joining forces, even the fourth-level demon king would have to avoid its sharp edges, and in the end, all of them would die in just this moment?

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