If you are an immortal, you will live forever after you die.

Chapter 99: Immortal Cultivators Do Not Have a Good End

"Cao Can, male, 92 years old, was pierced through the abdomen by a magic weapon and died!"

"Last wish: my son Cao Hong can escape the pursuit of the robbers."

"Corpse evaluation: Extraordinary one star, reward one Extraordinary Essence Blood Pill, eight Mana Pills!"

He was over ninety years old and died here. The world of immortal cultivation is really more lawless than the mortal world.

It is true that immortal cultivators do not have a good end!

However, just when Chen Changsheng was sighing...

"Complete Cao Can's last wish, Cao Can will give you his inferior wood spirit root!"

What the hell?

It's done?

Chen Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry...

If I remember correctly, this may be the fastest time to complete the last wish task since I got the corpse collection technique, and I didn't do anything at all...

It's a pity that it is the inferior wood spirit root qualification, which I already have...

Hey, that's not right...

Will the two inferior wood spirit root qualifications be superimposed?

Chen Changsheng suddenly thought of a possibility...

Even with the corpse collection technique, it is very difficult to obtain high-quality spirit roots.

First of all, high-quality spirits are rare, and the possibility of being picked up by oneself after death is even smaller.

In addition, there are the last wishes of the deceased. Some of the last wishes can only be seen, and it is impossible to complete them at all. Even if the last wishes are completed, it is not necessarily possible to obtain the spiritual root qualifications of the other party as desired!

Chen Changsheng even thought about it. At worst, he would return to Da Zhou, control the country, do more last wish tasks for mortals, and extend his lifespan...

It is difficult to cultivate low-grade spiritual root qualifications, right?

Others use thirty years to cultivate to the peak of Qi training. Can I do it in three hundred years?

Others cultivate golden elixir in more than a hundred years. Can I do it in a thousand years?

As long as you live long enough, nothing is impossible!

Chen Changsheng is now cultivating immortals with this mentality.

But if he can improve his cultivation faster, who would refuse it?

It sounds simple to practice Qi for three hundred years, but the world of cultivating immortals is so dangerous that most people find it difficult to die of old age. What if they collapse in the middle of the road?

"Give it a try. Hmm, whether the spiritual root aptitude has increased or not, you will know it naturally after practicing and testing it!"

Excited, Chen Changsheng shot out a fireball and burned the corpse, then found a hidden cave, posed with his five hearts facing the sky, and began to practice Changchun Gong.

As the technique was practiced, the surrounding spiritual energy began to slowly swarm into Chen Changsheng's body, and immediately, Chen Changsheng showed a look of surprise.

"Increased, the cultivation speed has increased!"

"Although the cultivation speed has only increased by about one tenth, which probably makes up for the vacancy after the appearance of the gold spiritual root before, the spiritual root qualification has really increased!"

"But, this should not be a true middle-grade spiritual root."

"It is said that the cultivation speed of middle-grade spiritual roots is twice that of low-grade spiritual roots, and I have only increased it by one tenth..."

"In other words, as long as I get nine more low-grade wood spiritual roots' last wish rewards, I can truly upgrade to middle-grade wood spiritual roots!"

"Nine more..."

Suddenly, Chen Changsheng felt that it seemed that the cultivation method he originally thought of was more reliable...

The last wish mission of the immortal cultivators is not easy to complete, and the last wish reward after completion is uncertain. Now the spiritual root reward must be limited, and it must be a wood spiritual root...


Unless he can occupy the mountain as the king like the Song family, and then circle a large number of immortal cultivators, wait for them to die and collect their bodies, and then slowly complete those last wishes, otherwise, this spiritual root promotion is probably a long way off...

Occupy the mountain as the king?

Without the strength of the foundation-building realm, it is nothing but a joke.

This is really awkward...

The purpose of improving spiritual root qualifications is to build a foundation, and only after building a foundation can you occupy the mountain as the king, and raise immortal cultivators to improve spiritual roots...

Rubbing his head in distress, Chen Changsheng temporarily gave up the unrealistic idea of ​​occupying the mountain as the king.

Now he is just a small immortal cultivator at the fifth level of Qi training. With this strength, let alone occupying the mountain as the king, even if he wants to be a small follower, he has to see if others are willing to accept him...

"It seems that the matter of improving spiritual root qualifications can only be decided by fate for the time being!"

"Let's go out and pick up corpses. What if I'm lucky enough to meet an immortal cultivator with a medium-grade spiritual root, and then I happen to complete his last wish mission and get his medium-grade spiritual root?"

Chen Changsheng could only comfort himself in this way...

After wandering around the West Mountain Secret Realm, Chen Changsheng led more than ten people to collect corpses, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

Of course, there must be more than a dozen dead immortal cultivators around the Xishan Secret Realm. Some may have been burned to ashes, and some are in places closer to the Xishan Secret Realm...

However, those places are too dangerous, and Chen Changsheng dare not take risks...

After wandering around and returning to the market, Chen Changsheng went to Songcheng again, found Chen Hu, and got some intelligence from him.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

There is no reason not to give up the free super-quality blood essence pill and mana pill!

What's more, there is a chance to complete those wish tasks and get some unexpected rewards.

Just like that, a few months passed...

In the past few months, the Xishan Secret Realm has been basically emptied, and a large number of items from the Xishan Secret Realm have appeared in the hands of vendors in the market. Immortal cultivators from all over the country have also come to Shouyang Mountain to purchase. Chen Changsheng also likes to visit these stalls. When he sees something he likes, he will not be stingy with spirit stones.

"The best magic weapon found in the secret realm of Xishan, Wujin Dao, only costs twenty spiritual stones. It's on sale at a big sale!"

Chen Changsheng heard this and stepped forward to take a look. He saw a middle-grade magic weapon full of gaps. Only a fool would be fooled...

"Take a look, take a look, the skills found in the secret realm of Xishan Mountain originated from the Qingmu Sect thousands of years ago!" Another vendor yelled.

"The Qingmu Sect's technique? Let's take a look!" Chen Changsheng said.

"Fellow Taoist, please take a look!" the vendor said, handing over a book...

"Five Elements Kung Fu? This ink mark...is new...fellow Taoist, did you trick me?"

Seeing the name and the ink marks on the book, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but frown.

"Friend Taoist, you are joking, how could I trick you? This is really a technique found in the secret realm of Xishan Mountain, and it is the technique practiced by the low-level Qi training disciples of Qingmu Sect thousands of years ago."

"As for the ink marks... Hey, fellow Taoist, please forgive me, but they were not for sale originally!" The vendor said with a smile.

Selling exercises is a huge profit!

As long as you have one copy, you can copy unlimitedly the rest...

Of course, it is said that more advanced skills are not as simple as copying, but that is the case for low-level skills.

"The Greenwood Sect, as you can tell from its name, is a sect that mainly focuses on wood-attribute magical powers. What is the explanation for this Five Elements Kung Fu? Why has it become a skill for Qi training disciples of the Greenwood Sect?" Chen Changsheng asked.

"Fellow Taoist, this was all a thousand years ago. How could I know? However, there is no doubt that this Five Elements Technique is the Qingmu Sect's technique. This technique can be practiced directly to the early stage of foundation building with only ten spiritual stones. "Fellow Taoist, do you want it or not?" the vendor said a little impatiently.

"I'll take the five spiritual stones. If you have one more, you can keep it for yourself!"

As Chen Changsheng spoke, he had five more spiritual stones in his hand...

"Fellow Taoist is really good at bargaining, so he cut it off in half..." the merchant said helplessly.

"Not selling? Then I'm leaving!"

Chen Changsheng said, collecting the spirit stones and walking away...

"Wait a minute, fellow Taoist, sell it, sell it, five spiritual stones, take it, fellow Taoist!" the merchant said with a smile.

Five spiritual stones, that’s a big profit!

Originally, in his place, he could copy as much as he wanted. It was just a matter of pen and ink. Even if he only sold a piece of Broken Spirit, it would be all in vain!

"Is there anything missing from this technique?" Chen Changsheng said slowly.

"No, definitely not. They were copied word for word. The original version is here, fellow Taoists can compare it themselves!" the vendor laughed.

"Okay, I want to compare it!" Chen Changsheng said.

The vendor didn't take it seriously and took out a yellowed book from the storage bag. It was obvious at a glance that the book was old...

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