After introducing the three crime teams, the director cut the scene again.

A temporary case office appeared on the screen, which was equipped with computers, monitoring equipment, etc. Obviously, this was a picture of the crime-solving team.

According to the rules, the crime-solving team cannot learn about the crime team's situation by watching live broadcasts and the Internet, nor can they characterize the crime team members as criminals and track them before finding any evidence. It is only fair that they have to investigate as usual when solving crimes.

The camera moves and members of the crime-solving team come into view.

After the audience saw it clearly, there was an uproar.

The case-solving team: Huang Bo and retired detective Zeng Guodong.

The second crime-solving team: Huang Lei and young detective Zhao Qianjing.

Crime-solving team three: Reba and policewoman Zhou Shuyu

"I went, it turns out that Reba also participated"

"I had heard some rumors a long time ago and thought it was fake. When I saw that there was no Reba in the crime team, I gave up. I never thought that she was actually in the crime team."

"Huang Bo, Huang Lei, two of the three extreme elites participated."

"I knew that the program team invited the police to participate, but I didn’t expect to invite veteran detective Zeng Guodong. I heard that he specializes in counterfeit banknote cases and has cracked countless cases. I thought he would take a break after retiring a while ago, but I didn’t expect to come to participate in the program."

"Unexpectedly, policewoman Zhou Shuyu also participated. She is indeed so beautiful. Standing next to Reba, she is not inferior at all. This heroic look is something ordinary people don't have. And I heard that her ability to handle cases is also very outstanding, even better than that of ordinary male police officers."

"Zhao Qianjing was chasing a criminal in a counterfeit banknote case a while ago. The criminal ignored the dangers of passers-by in order to escape. He sacrificed his life to save others. In the end, he even managed to capture the criminal with a single injury. Therefore, he was called a people's hero by netizens. Unexpectedly, he also participated Got it"

"The lineup of the crime-solving team is quite luxurious."

"Does the crime team still have fun? It feels like they will be caught soon."

Facing the camera, Zeng Guodong spoke first. He was smiling and even seemed approachable:"I have handled countless counterfeit banknote cases in my life, and I have almost never made a mistake. No matter what kind of gang, I can find them by following the clues."

"Generally, counterfeit banknote gangs can be divided into two types, one is printing with electronic plates, and the other is printing with electronic masters. With the upgrading and popularization of printers, there are more and more people using the second type. After all, this method is relatively simple. , the conditions require less"

"Therefore, as long as we seize the source and investigate the flow of black market electronic boards and the trading trends of online electronic masters, we can find some clues."

"In addition, they also have to use special anti-counterfeiting printing paper, colored ink, scales, hot stamping powder, screen printing mesh, etc., and all of them will have purchase records. Buying one of these things may have other uses, but buying multiple of them must be problematic."

"Stupid criminals will buy from one place, smart criminals will buy from multiple places, even the place of purchase and the place of printing are far apart. But it doesn't matter, as long as you buy it, it will leave traces, and you can find out the source by following the clues."

Zeng Guodong immediately ordered his men to start taking action. In less than half an hour, some clues to the purchase were found. Of course, the specific operation was not filmed, it is confidential, otherwise the police's specific investigation would be leaked..

Huang Bo’s eyes widened:"So fast? Zeng

Guodong said with a smile:"They do know how to hide IP addresses and use public networks, but their skills are a bit poor, so their secrets were naturally exposed." It will not be difficult to lock them down next. If they produce and use counterfeit banknotes, it will speed up their arrest."

Zhao Qianjing also started action, but he was a little confused:"Clues such as printing paper, colored ink, and bronzing powder all point to one place. It should be one crime team. The other two crime teams should not have a good relationship network. Action Logically, there would be clues left behind. Could it be that they chose to stay out of the limelight and wait for a while before taking action."

Huang Lei analyzed and said:"There is only one month, they must be in a hurry, they must be excited to participate in the show, and they are not so patient to wait."

As an old fox, his analysis is still very reasonable. Although he doesn't understand the ins and outs of counterfeit banknotes, he has a good grasp of human nature.

Zhao Qian nodded:"It makes sense. There is another possibility. They They took action but did not buy these things. For example, they chose to mint coins. In this way, what they want to buy are common and relatively cheap metals, such as copper, zinc, aluminum, stainless steel, etc. If they want to make better coins, they may also need a hydraulic workshop……"

To ordinary people, making coins is a new way, and it even seems very creative, which most people would never think of. But in fact, to the police, this is just another place to guard against. Even if counterfeit coins are less harmful, they cannot let it go.

Zhao Qianjing immediately ordered his men to investigate, and it didn't take long before they found clues and locked the approximate location of the other group.

Seeing that the other two groups had gained something, Reba was a little anxious:"They have all found the general movements of one group, and we have to hurry up."

Zhou Shuyu waved his hand and said with a smile:"Don't worry, although according to normal circumstances, They must be eager to act, but maybe there is a group that doesn’t understand at all and is still learning, or maybe there are experts among them who are exceptionally calm. When they take action, there will inevitably be clues leaked on the required materials such as printing, printing, coins, etc. We just have to keep an eye on it."

The barrage in the live broadcast room has already exploded.

"Damn, you are indeed a professional, awesome"

"It only took a while to locate the general range of the two crime groups."

"Professionals are professionals, it’s simply a dimensionality reduction attack."

"However, the group of Chen Yi, Damimi, and Mai Zi were not discovered at all. No matter how the police investigated the electrical boards, electronic masters, or metal materials, they could not find them. After all, they don’t buy electric boards or mint coins, but they manually reproduce the electric boards themselves. The only materials they buy so far are projectors, BOPP films, pens, paints, and drawing boards, which seem to have nothing to do with counterfeiting banknotes."

"No wonder Zhou Shuyu, this is a very normal and reasonable idea, but I never expected that someone in a variety show would actually try to copy the banknote circuit board!"

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