With the entire internet watching, Chen Yi reluctantly tried to calm down the Syrian netizens, keeping his Facebook account online to prevent them from rushing into trouble.

After a while, the Syrian netizen suddenly stopped replying to the message. After waiting for a few minutes, he replied:"The money is really returned. It turns out you didn't lie."

Chen Yi:"Of course I didn't lie. I lied to you. What are you doing?"

Syrian netizen:"Although you didn't defraud me of my money, you still defrauded my feelings. Originally, I thought that I could really buy those arms."

Chen Yi:"Ask yourself, are you really prepared to pay the balance truthfully? Really? I realized that there are loopholes in our transaction method, so I suddenly stopped the card."

After arriving here, Chen Yi finished with a few words. This case of defrauding Syria is almost over. There is no danger. Happy ending.

However, Chen Yi's next words immediately aroused everyone's nerves:"Do you really want those weapons? In fact, it might be feasible to change the transaction method." The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly widened their eyes.

"Damn it, what are you doing?"

"After finally suppressing it, he still wants to stir up trouble?"

"This is the rhythm of never giving up until things get bigger."

"This guy Chen Yi is too desperate. Director

Xie Kui directly asked the staff to whisper into Chen Yi's ear:"Chen Yi, stop it quickly. The police asked us to stop. Don't cause trouble again."

Chen Yi said:"Actually, I know that even if it is a simulated crime, the Syrian side may not admit it. There will be problems with paying the deposit." So from the very beginning, I had planned a way out, and this matter could actually satisfy both parties. Director, please help me contact Baoli Group.

Director Xie Kui was stunned:"Baoli Group?""

He was confused. Why contact Baoli Group?

It is one of the four major groups in China. Can you contact them casually?

He suddenly thought of the military industry of Baoli Group. He was shocked. Could it be that Chen Yi's purpose is......

Xie Kui's breathing became rapid:"Are you sure, contact Baoli Group?"

"Sure."Chen Yi said

"Then I've really contacted you. I can't bear your own responsibility for what happens next."Xie Kui actually agreed.

Chen Yi nodded:"Of course, I will bear all the consequences myself."

The viewers in the live broadcast room were a little confused. Why did you contact Baoli Group?

Then they saw Chen Yi continuing to chat with the Syrian netizen.

The Syrian netizen:"Are you serious? What other transaction method?

Chen Yi:"Have you heard of our Baoli Group in China?""

Syrian netizen:"Of course I've heard of it, it's very famous. Chen

Yi:"I will transfer this order to Baoli Group. You will trade directly with Baoli Group. They have rich experience and guarantee that there will be no problems.""

Syrian netizen:"Then the negotiated discount is still like this?

Chen Yi:"There may be some changes. You have to talk to them." But I guarantee that our Chinese arms are of higher quality and cheaper than those of other countries. I will give you a few good words and try to give you the best deal."

Syrian netizen:"Can't we trade alone and follow the previous discount? Chen

Yi:"I'm afraid not. You don't trust me. I even said that the card was stopped and the money was refunded, but you still don't believe it." I don’t trust you enough, and I’m worried that you won’t pay the balance after the goods are shipped. We don’t trust each other, so how can we achieve cooperation? Now that Baoli Group has taken over, the government has come forward, and its credibility is absolutely guaranteed. Although the price is slightly higher, it is safe and reliable."

The Syrian netizen was silent for a long time:"Well, you have the list of arms we need. Help me show it to Baoli Group and try to get the best deal. I transferred your deposit and you could have kept it for yourself, but you still returned it. I trust you more now and hope you can be the middleman."

Chen Yi said:"No problem, my friend."

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this, they were all stunned.

"Damn it, Chen Yi really wants to sell it this time?"

"I wanted to deceive before, but if the other party really wants to buy it and the goods are actually shipped here, then it is not a fraud but a business negotiation."

"But isn’t Baoli Group engaged in real estate? What does it have to do with arms?"

"The Baoli we come into contact with is indeed more about real estate. However, this is an authentic state-owned enterprise. It is the earliest company in China to import and export military supplies. Its first business was to introduce the Black Hawk helicopter from the beautiful country to alleviate the supply difficulties in the western plateau. Later, it imported Su-27 fighter jets and S-300 destroyers from the Mao Xiong Country. It also exported a large amount of military supplies and created tens of billions of revenue. It is one of the few military industrial enterprises."

"Let me tell you, there are Syrian terrorists on one side and one of China's few military-industrial enterprises on the other. Can these two have casual contact?"

"It turns out that Chen Yi's plan is this. Negotiating a business with a million deposit is certainly not a scam, but selling weapons to Syrian terrorists is inappropriate, right?"

"In fact, the so-called terrorists are just what we call them. In a war, which side is not terrorist? Arms are sold to fight wars, and it doesn’t matter who they sell them to."

"If this deal is done, it will be awesome."

"This guy Chen Yi has such a bold idea."

".I think this is a bit taken for granted. This is an arms trade. How can it be such a trivial matter? The Poly Group will probably not pay attention to it at all, right?"

However, to the surprise of the audience, Baoli Group accepted the lawsuit.

Not only did they handle the matter, but the call back was also very timely.

Director Xie Kui immediately transferred it to Chen Yi, and the person in charge of Baoli Group on the opposite side said He didn't dare to say more truthfully, but Chen Yi was very indifferent:"Hello, are you the person in charge of Baoli Group?"

The person in charge of Baoli said:"Yes, I have a preliminary understanding of the situation on your side. Military supplies transactions are not private. Please give us the contact information of the Syrian netizen."

The audience was shocked. Baoli Group actually took over?

What they didn't expect was that Chen Yi didn't agree directly:"He trusts me more and wants me to be a middleman. Naturally, private individuals cannot conduct military supplies transactions. , but I am only responsible for liaison. You can discuss the specific transaction matters yourself. This is not a private transaction.

The person in charge of Baoli thought for a while and agreed:"Thank you for your cooperation.""

(Li Dehao) Chen Yi said:"You're welcome, I can't afford to go early without profit. If this deal is completed, I will get a share. I don't care about the profit. I want 1% of the sales."

Baoli Person in charge:"This is impossible."

Chen Yi:"Then we won't talk anymore, just pretend I haven't contacted you."

"etc.……"The person in charge of Baoli quickly stopped and said,"One percent is impossible, but we can give you a commission. Let's discuss it here and see how much we can give."

Chen Yi:"Then after you discuss it, contact me again.."

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard this, they were all dumbfounded.

"Damn it, he wants a share of the arms deal?"

"Strictly speaking, he was the one who promoted it, and it was reasonable to get a share of it, but with Syria on one side and the Baoli Group on the other, he really dared to ask for a share."

"And when you open your mouth, it means one percent. One percent of arms sales is an exaggeration."

"Go ahead, I'm too scared to speak"

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