After Chen Yi brokered the arms deal, Yang Mi and Zhao Jinmai also completed the second round of interviews with applicants. When they saw the fraud list, they were also stunned.

I only knew that Chen Yi was messing around on his mobile phone, but I didn't know what he was doing. I didn't expect that he would swindle millions of dollars in just a day or two.

After asking for more information, he was even more shocked. It turned out that he had defrauded Syrian terrorists, and later transferred the order to Baoli Group, facilitating a billion-dollar transaction. When the transaction was completed, Chen Yi would receive $5 million in proceeds.

Yang Mi and Zhao Jinmai originally thought that celebrities could make money quickly, but compared with Chen Yi, they were really far behind. Even with 35 million Chinese coins a day, they couldn't keep up.

And he didn't delay the game. He first obtained the fraud amount of one million US dollars, and then handed over the order. In other words, these 35 million were earned by the way.

Zhao Jinmai's eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Chen Yi:"You are so awesome. It's really hard for me to believe that you and I are the same age."

Yang Mi's eyes were also a bit direct, but Relatively calm:"Chen Yi, what should we do next? We screened out 80 people in the second round of interviews, but we only need seven people at most. Do we need to arrange another more difficult test for the third round of screening?"

Chen Yi shook his head and said:"The previous two rounds only selected people with basic abilities, so they can be tested uniformly, but in the end, people with various special skills will be used, and unified testing is not practical. Come here, I'll interview them one by one."

In the next month, the cooperation of these seven teammates will be needed. Teamwork is very important, so Chen Yi attaches great importance to the selection of these seven teammates~.

Like a big company recruiting employees, he interviewed these eighty people one by one. These eighty people were all older than Chen Yi, even thirty or forty years old. However, in front of Chen Yi, they were inexplicably nervous and cautious. , as if the person opposite is the president of a large company.

They all watched the first episode. They were convinced by Chen Yi's abilities and feats. They were even more impressed by the arms cooperation they had just concluded after defrauding Syria.

After the third round of interviews, Chen Yi finally selected seven people: two experts in computer software and hardware, a manager who is good at handling various affairs, an extremely shrewd ordinary citizen who has worked hard for many years, and a majestic A veteran with good management skills, a beautiful Chinese with good image and temperament, and a charming woman……

"I'll go, I feel like Chen Yi has chosen all the talented people"

"Or different types of talents, he really knows how to choose"

"It’s unexplainable that someone who is strong himself can pick on his teammates."

"But why did Chen Yi choose these people? It feels like he is going to make something big happen again."

"What I don’t understand is, why should you single out a beautiful Chinese? Zhao Jinmai was eager to try:"

Chen Yi, what are we going to do next?""

Chen Yi asked:"Do you know about virtual currency?

Zhao Jinmai:"I know, what about Bitcoin?""

Chen Yi nodded:"Yes, Bitcoin is the representative of virtual currency, but in addition to Bitcoin, there are actually various cryptocurrencies. A small scam can't make you much money, but if you do the virtual currency thing well, you can make a lot of money.

Yang Mi was confused:"How to do it?""

Chen Yi started to make arrangements and looked at the two computer talents:"You two, make an APP and name it PLUSTOKEN. I will repair the program later."

The two of them were very interested and went to do it immediately.

Chen Yi looked at the manager who was good at handling affairs:"Go to New York and spend money to win the advertising rights of the Nasdaq advertising screen in New York Times Square.

The manager was stunned:"New York Times Square?""

Is it so high-end and classy? Only the Fortune 500 will advertise there. And as a liar group, is this too flamboyant?

Chen Yi said:"If you want to develop and grow, you must rely on others. Knowing you and seeing you, only by standing in the most conspicuous position will others notice you, pay attention to you, trust you, and then give you money. Therefore, we want PLUSTOKEN to become a dazzling international brand. By making small fuss in secret, doesn't it make it clear to others that you are not worthy of being on the stage?"

The manager suddenly realized and agreed excitedly.

Chen Yi turned to look at the American student. He knew Chinese, so Chen Yi directly spoke in Mandarin:"And an emerging technology company must have a figure like Steve Jobs to attract investment. Man, your image and temperament are both good and very suitable. Next, you have to transform yourself into a talented founder with experience as a senior engineer at Google.……"

Then he turned to look at the charming woman:"You are the image consultant of the fashion expert. The image of the genius founder of our company is left to you. In addition, you have to stay with him. After all, a genius should be surrounded by beautiful women. , then he has to attend various occasions, and you need to help him pay attention to his image."

Then he looked at the veteran:"And a genius founder should also have bodyguards around him, and you should also be by his side to deal with some emergencies.. After all, he is just a parallel importer, not a real genius founder. If the secret is about to be exposed, you need to stop him."

Finally, he looked at the smart man with rich social experience:"You are responsible for market inspection and on-site publicity. I want to Keep track of our virtual currency circulation at all times."

Chen Yi arranged everything in an orderly manner.

When the audience saw this, their mouths opened wide.

"Let me go, Chen Yi is really going to cause trouble again"

"Virtual currency is indeed an easy way to make money"

"But they just launched the APP and spent money on advertising. Isn’t this a shell company?"

"So, Ken is not serious but a fraud."(To read exciting novels, go to FeiluTalk about the Internet! )

"Although I don’t know exactly what he wants to do, but as soon as he advertises in Times Square in New York, it can be seen that this is no small matter."

"The scammer dared to advertise in New York’s Times Square. I’m really convinced."

"I now understand why it is necessary to have a teammate who is from the Beautiful Country. After all, to build an international brand, a talented founder from the Beautiful Country has greater credibility. I have to say that there are still many people among us who subconsciously think that those from abroad are more advanced."

"It turns out that Chen Yi's defrauding Syrian terrorists was just the first step, just to defraud a sum of money so that he could complete the second step that required burning money. The million-dollar fraud money was returned. It seems that the money had to be taken out of the show crew's pants."

"This has just begun, my heart is already racing."

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