The investigation of Huang Bo, Huang Lei, and Reba immediately came to a standstill due to the lack of cooperation between the founder and the deceived. One was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer. They seemed redundant.

Huang Bo:"You know that they are liars and you can't check them out. How can such a thing happen in the world?"

Reba:"Why are these people so obsessed? They said it was a scam but they just don't believe it."

Huang Lei:"What I'm a little confused about is, Why doesn't anyone see the problem? Such high returns are obviously abnormal. I don't think all investors are fools."

Chen Pofan said:"To sum it up, just one word - greed"

"Marx once said that when profits reach 10%, they will be ready to take action; when profits reach 50%, they will take desperate risks; when profits reach 100%, they dare to trample all laws in the world; when profits reach 300% At that time, they dared to risk hanging on"July 17""

"As for this PLUSTOKEN, it starts with a monthly profit of more than 10%. If it develops offline, it is not too difficult to reach an annual profit of 300%, and it is not illegal."

"Among investors, there must be a small number of smart people. They may have seen through the core of PLUSTOKEN and know that there is fraud in it. But they still want to invest because they feel that they are the chosen ones and the top investors in the Ponzi scheme. They always believe that wealth can only be found in danger. If you want to make money, you have to draw chestnuts from the fire. Even if you can't eat meat, you can always drink it. Take a sip of soup"

"So this kind of situation is formed, where stupid people are simply fooled, and smart people know that there is a problem, but still want to make a quick profit, and no one will stand up and report it."

Chen Pofan's words can be said to reveal the essence.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see the problem of the Ponzi scheme. Too high profits do not comply with the laws of the market. The reason why it has been developing for hundreds of years and still flourishing is that it takes full advantage of human greed. Read.

Huang Bo:"Then what should we do next? Chen

Pofan:"This company has not received investment from Buffett at all, but it uses photos with Buffett to promote it. It is also the exclusive sponsor of the Blockchain Conference and participates in the World Cryptocurrency Conference. It is very obvious that they are all building momentum." Then everything they have may be created. There may be problems with the identity of the founder, company address, and operating model. Start with these three aspects."

Under the command of Chen Pofan, Zhou Shuyu, and Zhao Qianjing, Huang Bo, Reba, and Huang Lei stepped up the investigation. It must be said that Chen Pofan had a very vicious vision.

Problems soon emerged in the investigation. The so-called founder was actually just a person. It is impossible for ordinary international students to work as senior engineers at Google, and their company address is not abroad. It is in Hulan, China. On the surface, it is a foreign company. In fact, except that the founder is a foreigner, everything is different inside and outside. It is a domestic company, and there are no profitable projects in its operating model. It is probably a shell company.

However, for the first two, you can only say that it is false propaganda, which does not prove that the company's profit model must be a scam, and the operation aspect is only suspicious. , not getting the flow of internal funds doesn’t mean anything. After all, they can buy a lot of virtual currencies low and sell high, and you can’t refute it at all.

"I'll go. It turns out that the company's address is in Hulan."

"Hahaha, except for the so-called founder being a foreigner, the real boss and team, as well as the company address, are all domestic companies inside and out."

"Don’t many people think that foreign countries are more sophisticated? Then let’s create an international brand for you."

"But in this way, PLUSTOKEN has been completely targeted. Now that so many problems have been found, if they continue to investigate, they will be exposed sooner or later."

Huang Bo, Huang Lei, and Reba continued the investigation and began to track the so-called founder. At present, other management of the company have not shown up, hoping to target other management through this founder. After all, from the current investigation Judging from the situation, the so-called founder was just a puppet.

The so-called founder walked into the company, got on the elevator, and came to the office with a huge floor-to-ceiling window. From the outside, he could be seen sitting on an office chair and starting. Read the documents.

During this period, except for the secretary who brought things over, no one else came to him, and he didn’t do anything else. He just kept reading the documents. An hour, two hours passed like this...

Reba complained:"He is not a fake founder. Human, why are you so serious?

Huang Bo:"Maybe even though it's fake, it's still a full performance."

Huang Lei:"Where are the other managers? Why didn't any of them see it?""(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, Zhou Shuyu, who was staring at the founder, suddenly shrank his pupils slightly:"No, there may be something wrong with this founder. His habitual movements are a little different from before."

Zhao Qianjing and Chen Bofan thought of something, and their expressions immediately changed..........

They directed Huang Bo, Huang Lei, and Reba to rush in, and then found that except for the founder and secretary, there was no one else in the company, and the things had been emptied.

Asking the so-called founder, he discovered a problem as soon as he opened his mouth. His voice was different from before. Huang Bo walked up to the founder and wiped it on the founder's face, dropping a layer of disguise material.

After questioning, it turned out that he was just an ordinary salaryman. Someone gave him three thousand yuan to disguise himself and asked him to come and sit here as instructed. The female secretary also came to work temporarily.[]

Chen Pofan immediately ordered:"Contact all major airports immediately to stop the founder and his companions."

Chen Pofan's reaction was quick, but he was still a step slow. He quickly found out that the so-called founder and a group of people Already boarded the plane to Thailand.

Zhao Qianjing's face changed:"No, they ran away, which means they have to cut leeks."

They raced against time, edited the manuscript as quickly as possible and posted it online. There were pictures and the truth, showing that the founder of PLUSTOKEN and The management has vacated the company and has run away. You must quickly withdraw the money you can, otherwise you will soon be cut into pieces.

However, it was found that there was almost no effect. The comments on the Internet were completely one-sided. They still believed PLUSTOKEN fanatically and felt that they were smearing them.

The comment area of ​​the live broadcast room has already been discussed like crazy

"1.9 Let me go. Chen Yi and others ran away in time."

"It seems that Chen Yi has already made preparations and found a substitute for the foreign student."

"In fact, the investigation scenes of the crime team have been broadcast in the past few days, and Chen Yi, Maizi, and Damimi were not photographed. I suspect that they have run away long ago. Just keep the so-called founder to attract more people to invest. Now that the situation is not right, let the founder also run away."

"I think so too. Chen Yi has already thought of a way out."

"It seems that the time to cut leeks is finally here."

"The storm is coming, but investors are still fascinated and unwilling to believe it."

Chen Pofan, Zhou Shuyu, and Zhao Qianjing still wanted to promote it hard and persuade each one to come back.

However, Chen Yi did not give them any time at all. At 12:10 noon, someone suddenly discovered that the PLUSTOKEN wallet could no longer be withdrawn.

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